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Song Details
Duration: 3:34 
Release Date: 1980  (CapSuper) 
Lyrics By: Victor Blecman (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Victor Blecman (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By:
Released By: Eccentric/Jem (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Franmar Music (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI  #1392267 
Song Lyrics:
Well, there it is in the corner of the bar
I tried to run, but I didn't get far
Those weird little men; I blow 'em away
I'd sell my mom for a chance to play

(He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.
He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.)

They start off slow, but they don't play clean
It's tricky and low; it's a mean machine
There's lotsa them and one of you
When the walls are gone, they'll get to you

(He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.
He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.)

Space invaders (game sounds)
Space invaders
Space invaders
Space invaders

Faster and faster all the time
An hour of this will blow your mind
Gotta get them before they get you
and you'll be broke before you're through

(He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.
He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.)

As the gang looks over your shoulder in awe
They don't believe what they just saw
You slid to the left and slid to the right
You're the Space Invaders king tonight

(He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.
He's hooked, he's hooked. His brain is cooked.)

Space invaders (game sounds)
Space invaders
Space invaders
Space invaders

A feeling of power comes over your hand
Row by row, you're in command
There's one last devil movin' real fast
One single shot; got him at last

Space invaders (game sounds)
(Hey, wow, man!)
Space invaders
(I'm gonna get me one of these)
Space invaders
Space invaders
(Got it going now!)
Space invaders
(I'm on my fourth row!)
Space invaders
(Gee, they almost got me.)
Space invaders
(We're in trouble now!)
Space invaders
(Oh, wow, really cosmic, man!)
Space invaders (pace quickens)
Space invaders
Space invaders
(Too fast for me, man!)
Space invaders
(high incomprehensible squawking)
Space invaders
Space invaders
Space invaders
Space invaders....
(guy imitating 'boom' sound when losing man in game)

(Stavro Arrgolus)
Current Rating 9.5 (4 votes)
Played on 81 shows:
04-14-24, #SF_3404-15-01, #01-15
04-08-23, #AOTA-23040802-13-00, #00-07
11-04-22, #WOTR_30006-20-99, #99-25
07-10-21, #AOTA-21071002-01-98, #98-05
02-26-21, #WOTR_21408-20-95, #95-34
05-30-20, #AOTA-20053001-31-93, #93-05
01-04-20, #AOTA-20010504-07-91, #91-14
01-03-20, #WOTR_16311-12-89, #89-46
08-24-18, #WOTR_10002-12-89, #89-07
04-07-17, #WOTR_2801-17-88, #88-03
01-29-17, #OTR-3-0509-28-86, #KMET-86-39
01-04-17, #ISGD-17-0103-24-85, #85-12
04-08-16, #IGG_00601-23-83, #KMET-83-04
03-01-16, #MMCZ-16-0201-02-83, #83-01
02-12-16, #IGG_00105-09-82, #82-19
01-25-16, #MMS-19303-14-82, #82-11
04-25-15, #15-1701-24-82, #82-04
03-08-14, #ISGD-14-1612-27-81, #KMET-81-52
02-18-14, #BWR-14-02-1812-27-81, #81-52
03-23-13, #AOTA-13032311-29-81, #81-48
09-01-12, #12-3510-11-81, #81-41
01-14-12, #AOTA-12011409-06-81, #81-36
12-03-11, #MMCZ-11-4908-09-81, #81-32
09-27-11, #BWR-11-09-2707-12-81, #81-28
06-18-11, #MMCZ-11-2505-10-81, #81-19
01-22-11, #11-0403-29-81, #81-13
02-07-10, #MMCZ-10-0603-08-81, #81-10
01-24-10, #10-0402-15-81, #81-07
05-24-09, #09-2101-18-81, #81-03
01-06-09, #KMCC_05-0812-28-80, #KMET-80-52
10-04-08, #BR-08-4112-28-80, #80-52
04-01-08, #KMCC-4-1412-14-80, #80-50
02-19-08, #KMCC-4-1111-23-80, #80-47
08-26-07, #07-3411-16-80, #80-46
08-19-07, #MMS-8911-02-80, #80-44
02-11-07, #07-0610-26-80, #80-43
05-07-06, #MMS-2610-05-80, #80-40
09-26-04, #04-3909-28-80, #80-39
09-15-03, #ISGD-03-3409-21-80, #80-38
02-17-02, #02-0709-14-80, #KMET-80-29
09-09-01, #01-36
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Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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