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Live at the Club De Wash & the 3 song experiment

By: Art Paul Schlosser


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Hi,I'm ART PAUL SCHLOSSER and this recording would not be availible except for the following people who I thank: First of all the person doing the sound on that one new band night back when this was recorded who not only did a good job with what equipment they had at the time but also suggested we record our performance. Second of all I should thank Bob(Robert W. Monthey) who did a really good job of taking the cassette tape recording and putting it on a CD and also wrote all the music for the last 2 numbers as well the lead guitar on Pizza Growl. The 3 songs at Bob's apartment were really half at Bob's apartment at half at mine which was at the time 523 West Wilson apartment 203 but I don't remember anymore where Bob was living. Then I should thank Eric Johnson(Who now performs with Knuckel Drager hey check out the music of the band he is with now at )who played bass on this CD and sings a little in the background. I met Eric when I opened up for Inspector 12 in Janesville and started practicing with him at his apartment on Williamson after meeting him during a Willy street fair and jamming in his apartment. We hit it off pretty good so we started to practice a little now and then and then I met Jeff. Jeff who I also thank for playing bongos on this CD sometimes calls himself Aninalien and Drums now and then. at the time I met him he used to draw comics for the Badger Herald (and he has a facebook at was riding on the bus and told me he played bongos a little so we started meeting together at Eric's Apartment and we even did a performance at the Memorial Union for my Cable TV show so maybe some of you who are older might have remembered that. There are many others like the person who booked the show, the bartenders, the audience shouting things back, and people and friends who encouraged me to write songs or inspired me at the time I wrote the songs and of coarse the guy who got the pizza order wrong (So I could write Pizza Growl because of Robert's Anger) who I also should thank and God and humor and I thank you for buying and listening to my music. I hope one day they rebuild Club De Wash but if not the many moments I spent there will be in my memory. The Bands I saw and the bands I opened for from my first performance there with Cattle Prod, and the many times performing at the Gomers jam and opening for Kill Dozer, Southern Culture on the Skids and Dread Zepplin to my first performance as a band on this CD.I hope if you knew me then this will bring back memories or if you never heard me before this brings an excitement to your life that only my homemade style of performing can.artpaul 


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  • This is ART PAUL's 11th CD (artpaul)
  • This CD was actaully recorded live in Madison,Wisconsin at a night club bar called The Club De Wash around 1992 0r 94 and you can hear applauds and comments by the audiance and Art Paul talks in between the songs like he would live so you might want to check this out. (artpaul)
  • The picture of the cover is how Club De Wash looked after it was burned down. (artpaul)
  • The 3 songs at Bob's apartment were record sometime after the Club De Wash Concert Robert W. Monthey and only were added to make the CD longer. (artpaul)
  • This CD really wasn't planned but someone recorded me and Jeffry Powers and Eric Johnson when we played the new band night so many years later I listened to it and thought people might want a copy. (artpaul)
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