Art Paul Schlosser
Date Born/Group Began:
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Art Paul and Simon Schlosser (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser & Kink Machine (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser & Robert W Monthey (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser & Robin Good (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser with Jim Anderson (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser with Michael Hill aka That Guy (artpaul) |
Art Paul Schlosser with The G Wildens (artpaul) |
Buddy Holly Cheesehead (artpaul) |
Who is Art Paul Schlosser:
Charles Hughes of The Badger Herald www.badgerherald.com/ said: Art Paul Schlosser is one of Madison’s most popular and recognizable cultural figures, musical or otherwise. From his regular public-access show to his consistent appearances as a State Street busker, Art Paul has made something of a reputation for himself as one of the city’s most original musical personalities.
The great LukeSki of www.dementiaradio.com said: If you haven't heard of ART PAUL SCHLOSSER before,Dr Demento described his work as "outsider music" and other DJs have compared him to such established funny music artists like Wild Man Fischer,Wesley Willis,Jandek,and even the fictitious cartoon character "Brak".In 2001,ART PAUL made a splash on "the Dr Demento show" with his song "Have A Peanut Butter Sandwich".He certainly got a big reaction from funny music fans and DJs alike,many of them wondering one thing;"Is this guy for real ?" Well I can assure you he is,having run into him as he was performing his unique brand of music next to the capitol building in our mutual hometown of Madison,Wisconsin.His energetic and positive personality shines through in his infectious acoustic guitar & kazoo driven original songs.I picked up his 7 CDs,began corresponding with him about funny music,and even made an appearance on his weekly cable access TV show on WYOU.
Tom Laskin of the Isthmus Newspaper www.thedailypage.org said: One of Madison's most enduring characters, Art Paul Schlosser has made a name for himself around the country with a steady stream of idiosyncratic songs that mix surrealistic imagery and his Christian beliefs with banal descriptions of his day-to-day life.
Jim Anderson of www.monk-music.com said: Sometimes I think Art Paul Schlosser is like my Honda Element. People either love it or hate it. There seems to be little in-between.. Some people may not understand Art Paul's style of music, but I see what many others find endearing and unique about it. It seems to come from his heart, from his inner being, from the core of his essence. Yeah, I know that's where all artist's music is supposed to come from, but Art Paul has a one-of-a-kind approach to it.
Jeffrey Halleran of the MATC Clarion www.matcmadison.edu/clarionline said: Madison's Very Own Musical Visionary
Mike Huberty of Maximum Ink www.maximumink.com said: If you're from Madison, then you know who Art Paul Schlosser is. He's the legendary street musician with the guitar, kazoo, and (sometimes) keyboard that's haunted State Street and Library Mall for over a decade. It's outsider music on the level of Wesley Willis or Jandek, but there's a sincere comic bent delivered with a goofy deadpan that makes you feel less guilty for laughing. And with Art, it's okay to laugh.
Rick Tvedt from www.localsounds.org said: Sometimes it takes a little different perspective to fully appreciate an artist’s genius. Schlosser, as many of you know, has been a fixture in Madison music for a long time now. He’s a constant presence as a street musician on State Street but also makes rare club appearances, especially for benefits and fundraisers. It wasn’t until I heard “I’ll Meet You on Mars” with guitarist/harmonica player Robert W. Monthey joining Schlosser that I realized Schlosser is Madison’s own version of Syd Barrett; he writes songs that twist reality with clever wordplay and end up making a lot more sense than reality itself does.
The Onion in 2011 from: www.avclub.com/madison/events/cd-release-party-art-paul-schlosser,255456/ said: In Art Paul Schlosser’s 25-year legacy as a busking songster, his guitar-and-kazoo-driven anthems on heavy-handed topics like pink pants and peanut butter sandwiches have earned him mention from The Dr. Demento Show and even The Colbert Report. While Schlosser may not be looking to hang up his perpetual childlike exuberance just yet, his latest album, If I Were Governor, finds the street musician taking a far more political turn in light of the protests aimed at Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill.
But who really is Art Paul Schlosser ?
Maybe you don't really need to find out but check out his Wikipedia page and add to it if you like ? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_Paul_Schlosser
Reviews: |
If you want a physical CD send Art Paul Schlosser $15
Art Paul Schlosser
2019 Sherman Ave #11
Madison,WI 53704
and he will send you one he is trying to get rid of
If you want a specific CD
E-mail Art Paul at artpaulwritessongs@gmail.com
Or facebook him and he will tell you what he has instock | - artpaul |
Facts: |
ART PAUL SCHLOSSER has put out more than 45 different CDs on his label including the one he did with various artist called We Duet Right (artpaul) |
Buddy Holly Cheesehead is a charecter Art Paul Schlosser made up which has cheese on his head and fake glasses and a suit. Buddy Holly Cheesehead was on America's Got Talent but unfortunately the Judges didn't like him. (artpaul) |
ART PAUL SCHLOSSER has just released a bunch of the videos that you can now watch at https://www.youtube.com/ by typing his name on the search engine or hit the link on the link section of the page (artpaul) |
ART PAUL SCHLOSSER is a Street Musician that plays on State street in Madison,Wisconsin but he has been known to Travel sometimes and he played up in the Twin Cities at MarsCon 2007, and 2008 and was on WGN News in Chicago before. (artpaul) |
ART PAUL SCHLOSSER also has artwork and you can see pictures of it at www.facebook.com/artpaul or at www.instagram.com/artpaulschlosser (artpaul) |
Hey if your here wondering how do I get a physical CD because I don't really like downloads or maybe you want an Art Paul Schlosser Pink Pants T-shirt ? Well you can get Art Paul's current We Duet Right CD, Cartoons or Be My Valentine and or I'm A Prince by sending $12 per CD or if you want the Pink Pants shirt in S, L, M, or XL send $20 to : Art Paul Schlosser
2019 Sherman Ave #11
Madison, WI 53704
send an extra 2$ and get an autograph picture with it. (artpaul) |
Played on 373 shows: |
 | 01-26-24, #ISGD-24-01 |  | 10-14-11, #ROTP_373 |
 | 10-01-22, #AOTA-221001 |  | 10-07-11, #ROTP_372 |
 | 09-18-21, #AOTA-210918 |  | 09-30-11, #ROTP_371 |
 | 09-17-21, #WOTR_243 |  | 09-27-11, #BWR-11-09-27 |
 | 08-14-21, #AOTA-210814 |  | 09-23-11, #ROTP_370 |
 | 11-28-20, #AOTA-201128 |  | 09-20-11, #BWR-11-09-20 |
 | 11-27-20, #WOTR_201 |  | 09-16-11, #ROTP_369 |
 | 01-25-20, #AOTA-200125 |  | 09-13-11, #BWR-11-09-13 |
 | 01-04-20, #AOTA-200105 |  | 09-10-11, #11-37 |
 | 11-02-19, #AOTA-191102 |  | 09-09-11, #ROTP_368 |
 | 09-21-19, #KMCC-14-02 |  | 07-30-11, #11-31 |
 | 06-23-19, #OTR-5-25 |  | 06-24-11, #ROTP_357 |
 | 03-24-19, #OTR-5-12 |  | 02-05-11, #11-06 |
 | 12-23-18, #OTR-4-51 |  | 11-21-10, #MMCZ-10-52 |
 | 11-04-18, #OTR-4-44 |  | 11-14-10, #MMCZ-10-50 |
 | 10-21-18, #OTR-4-42 |  | 11-07-10, #MMCZ-10-48 |
 | 08-24-18, #WOTR_100 |  | 10-31-10, #MMCZ-10-46 |
 | 08-12-18, #OTR-4-32 |  | 10-24-10, #MMCZ-10-44 |
 | 06-24-18, #OTR-4-25 |  | 10-02-10, #MMCZ-10-40 |
 | 05-27-18, #OTR-4-21 |  | 09-25-10, #MMCZ-10-39 |
 | 04-27-18, #WOTR_80 |  | 07-18-10, #MMCZ-10-30 |
 | 04-22-18, #OTR-4-16 |  | 05-22-10, #ROTP_300 |
 | 04-15-18, #OTR-4-15 |  | 03-28-10, #MMCZ-10-13 |
 | 12-31-17, #OTR-3-52 |  | 03-20-10, #ROTP_291 |
 | 11-17-17, #WOTR_60 |  | 01-02-10, #ROTP_280 |
 | 10-08-17, #OTR-3-41 |  | 12-19-09, #ROTP_278 |
 | 10-07-17, #AOTA-171007 |  | 11-18-09, #KMCC_6-03 |
 | 09-12-17, #ISGD-17-39 |  | 10-18-09, #MMCZ-09-38 |
 | 08-21-17, #OTR-3-34 |  | 10-11-09, #MMS-130 |
 | 08-06-17, #ISGD-17-33 |  | 10-09-09, #BR-09-85 |
 | 07-24-17, #OTR-3-30 |  | 10-06-09, #KMCC_6-02 |
 | 07-22-17, #AOTA-170722 |  | 08-23-09, #BAD_08-23-09 |
 | 07-19-17, #ISGD-17-30 |  | 08-09-09, #BAD_08-09-09 |
 | 07-08-17, #KMCC-T12-34 |  | 07-26-09, #BAD_07-26-09 |
 | 06-17-17, #KMCC-T12-31 |  | 07-17-09, #BR-09-73 |
 | 06-12-17, #OTR-3-24 |  | 07-12-09, #BAD_07-12-09 |
 | 05-27-17, #KMCC-11-18 |  | 06-30-09, #KMCC_5-20 |
 | 05-15-17, #OTR-3-20 |  | 06-19-09, #BR-09-70 |
 | 03-27-17, #OTR-3-13 |  | 06-02-09, #KMCC_05-18 |
 | 03-20-17, #OTR-3-12 |  | 03-10-09, #BAD_03-10-09 |
 | 02-27-17, #OTR-3-9 |  | 02-24-09, #KMCC_05-11 |
 | 02-04-17, #AOTA-170204 |  | 02-06-09, #BR-09-59 |
 | 12-24-16, #OTR-2-50 |  | 01-06-09, #BAD_01-06-09 |
 | 12-18-16, #OTR-2-49 |  | 12-31-08, #MMDT20_08-FY |
 | 12-11-16, #OTR-2-48 |  | 12-30-08, #BAD_12-30-08 |
 | 11-06-16, #OTR-2-43 |  | 12-21-08, #BAD_08-12-21 |
 | 11-05-16, #16-45 |  | 12-19-08, #MMDT20_08-50 |
 | 09-28-16, #ISGD-16-40 |  | 12-16-08, #BAD_08-12-16 |
 | 06-19-16, #WOTR_04 |  | 12-02-08, #BAD_08-12-02 |
 | 06-10-16, #ISGD-16-25 |  | 11-21-08, #MMDT20_08-46 |
 | 05-07-16, #16-19 |  | 11-18-08, #KMCC-5-06 |
 | 05-02-16, #MM-463 |  | 11-02-08, #08-44 |
 | 02-06-16, #ISGD-16-07 |  | 10-31-08, #MMDT20_08-43 |
 | 01-02-16, #ISGD-16-01 |  | 09-30-08, #BAD_08-09-30 |
 | 12-12-15, #AOTA-151212 |  | 09-19-08, #MMDT20_08-37 |
 | 11-25-15, #ISGD-15-52 |  | 09-09-08, #KMCC-5-01 |
 | 11-21-15, #15-47 |  | 09-05-08, #MMDT20_08-35 |
 | 11-21-15, #ISGD-15-51 |  | 08-30-08, #MMCZ_SP01 |
 | 11-07-15, #AOTA-151107 |  | 08-22-08, #MMDT20_08-33 |
 | 10-31-15, #15-44 |  | 08-15-08, #MMDT20_08-32 |
 | 09-11-15, #MMDT20_15-37 |  | 08-07-08, #BR-08-28 |
 | 08-30-15, #BWR-15-08-30 |  | 07-18-08, #MMDT20_08-28 |
 | 08-29-15, #15-35 |  | 07-11-08, #MMDT20_08-27 |
 | 08-01-15, #ISGD-15-32 |  | 07-04-08, #MMDT20_08-26 |
 | 07-25-15, #ISGD-15-31 |  | 07-04-08, #MMDT20_08-HY |
 | 07-24-15, #MMDT20_15-30 |  | 06-24-08, #KMCC-4-20 |
 | 06-20-15, #ISGD-15-26 |  | 06-20-08, #MMDT20_08-24 |
 | 06-13-15, #ISGD-15-25 |  | 06-15-08, #08-24 |
 | 06-06-15, #AOTA-150606 |  | 06-15-08, #MMS-114 |
 | 05-09-15, #15-19 |  | 06-14-08, #MMCZ_0050 |
 | 02-14-15, #ISGD-15-07 |  | 06-13-08, #MMDT20_08-23 |
 | 01-31-15, #15-05 |  | 06-10-08, #KMCC-4-19 |
 | 01-10-15, #ISGD-15-02 |  | 06-08-08, #08-23 |
 | 01-03-15, #ISGD-15-01 |  | 06-08-08, #BAD_08-06-08 |
 | 12-17-14, #ISGD-14-69 |  | 06-06-08, #MMDT20_08-22 |
 | 12-09-14, #BWR-14-12-09 |  | 06-01-08, #BAD_08-06-01 |
 | 12-06-14, #14-49 |  | 05-31-08, #ROTP_197 |
 | 11-29-14, #14-48 |  | 05-30-08, #MMDT20_08-21 |
 | 11-25-14, #BWR-14-11-25 |  | 05-25-08, #BAD_08-05-25 |
 | 11-22-14, #14-47 |  | 05-24-08, #ROTP_196 |
 | 11-22-14, #WOR-141122 |  | 05-18-08, #BAD_08-05-18 |
 | 11-21-14, #MMDT20_14-47 |  | 05-13-08, #KMCC-4-17 |
 | 11-15-14, #WOR-141115 |  | 05-11-08, #MMS-112 |
 | 11-01-14, #WOR-141101 |  | 05-02-08, #MMDT20_08-17 |
 | 10-11-14, #14-41 |  | 04-29-08, #KMCC-4-16 |
 | 09-05-14, #MMDT20_14-36 |  | 04-26-08, #MMCZ_08-17 |
 | 08-15-14, #MMDT20_14-33 |  | 04-25-08, #MMDT20_08-16 |
 | 07-25-14, #MMDT20_14-30 |  | 04-18-08, #MMDT20_08-15 |
 | 07-15-14, #BWR-14-07-15 |  | 04-11-08, #MMDT20_08-14 |
 | 07-12-14, #ISGD-14-38 |  | 04-05-08, #MMCZ_08-14 |
 | 07-04-14, #MMDT20_14-27 |  | 04-04-08, #MMDT20_08-13 |
 | 06-03-14, #BWR-14-06-03 |  | 03-28-08, #MMDT20_08-12 |
 | 05-31-14, #AOTA-140531 |  | 03-21-08, #MMDT20_08-11 |
 | 05-24-14, #14-21 |  | 03-15-08, #MMCZ_08-11 |
 | 02-25-14, #BWR-14-02-25 |  | 03-14-08, #MMDT20_08-10 |
 | 02-02-14, #MMS-183 |  | 03-07-08, #MMDT20_08-09 |
 | 01-05-14, #MMP-25 |  | 02-29-08, #MMDT20_08-08 |
 | 12-24-13, #BWR-13-12-24 |  | 02-29-08, #BR-08-08 |
 | 12-20-13, #MMDT20_13-51 |  | 02-22-08, #MMDT20_08-07 |
 | 12-18-13, #ISGD-13-54 |  | 02-16-08, #MMCZ_08-07 |
 | 12-13-13, #MMDT20_13-50 |  | 02-15-08, #MMDT20_08-06 |
 | 12-06-13, #MMDT20_13-49 |  | 02-08-08, #MMDT20_08-05 |
 | 11-29-13, #MMDT20_13-48 |  | 02-01-08, #MMDT20_08-04 |
 | 11-22-13, #MMDT20_13-47 |  | 01-26-08, #ROTP_179 |
 | 11-19-13, #BWR-13-11-19 |  | 01-25-08, #MMDT20_08-03 |
 | 11-15-13, #MMDT20_13-46 |  | 01-22-08, #KMCC-4-09 |
 | 11-08-13, #MMDT20_13-45 |  | 12-31-07, #MMS-106 |
 | 10-11-13, #MMDT20_13-41 |  | 12-23-07, #MMS-103 |
 | 09-24-13, #BWR-13-09-24 |  | 12-21-07, #MMDT20_07-50 |
 | 09-06-13, #MMDT20_13-36 |  | 12-14-07, #MMDT20_07-49 |
 | 08-08-13, #ISGD-13-32 |  | 12-07-07, #MMDT20_07-48 |
 | 07-30-13, #BWR-13-07-30 |  | 12-04-07, #KMCC-4-07 |
 | 06-25-13, #BWR-13-06-25 |  | 11-30-07, #MMDT20_07-47 |
 | 06-14-13, #MMDT20_13-24 |  | 11-23-07, #MMDT20_07-46 |
 | 06-13-13, #ISGD-13-24 |  | 11-16-07, #MMDT20_07-45 |
 | 05-28-13, #BWR-13-05-28 |  | 11-03-07, #ROTP_167 |
 | 05-10-13, #MMDT20_13-19 |  | 11-02-07, #MMDT20_07-43 |
 | 04-05-13, #MMDT20_13-14 |  | 10-28-07, #MMS-96 |
 | 03-22-13, #MMDT20_13-12 |  | 10-26-07, #MMDT20_07-42 |
 | 03-08-13, #MMDT20_13-10 |  | 10-19-07, #MMDT20_07-41 |
 | 02-19-13, #BWR-13-02-19 |  | 10-12-07, #MMDT20_07-40 |
 | 02-13-13, #ISGD-13-07 |  | 10-07-07, #MMS-95 |
 | 02-01-13, #MMDT20_13-05 |  | 10-05-07, #MMDT20_07-39 |
 | 01-29-13, #BWR-13-01-29 |  | 09-29-07, #ROTP_162 |
 | 01-22-13, #BWR-13-01-22 |  | 09-28-07, #MMDT20_07-38 |
 | 01-18-13, #MMDT20_13-03 |  | 09-21-07, #MMDT20_07-37 |
 | 01-17-13, #ISGD-13-03 |  | 09-15-07, #ROTP_160 |
 | 01-15-13, #BWR-13-01-15 |  | 09-14-07, #MMDT20_07-36 |
 | 01-01-13, #BWR-13-01-01 |  | 09-09-07, #07-36 |
 | 12-29-12, #12-52 |  | 09-07-07, #MMDT20_07-35 |
 | 11-30-12, #MMDT20_12-48 |  | 09-01-07, #ROTP_158 |
 | 11-10-12, #AOTA-121110 |  | 07-02-07, #MMS-84 |
 | 11-03-12, #12-44 |  | 04-21-07, #ROTP_139 |
 | 10-18-12, #ISGD-12-42 |  | 04-14-07, #ROTP_138 |
 | 10-16-12, #BWR-12-10-16 |  | 04-09-07, #MM-103 |
 | 10-13-12, #12-41 |  | 02-24-07, #ROTP_131 |
 | 10-12-12, #MMDT20_12-41 |  | 01-28-07, #ROTP_127 |
 | 10-09-12, #BWR-12-10-09 |  | 01-07-07, #MMS-61 |
 | 10-02-12, #BWR-12-10-02 |  | 12-23-06, #ROTP_122 |
 | 09-29-12, #12-39 |  | 10-21-06, #ROTP_113 |
 | 09-22-12, #AOTA-120922 |  | 10-08-06, #MMS-48 |
 | 09-21-12, #MMDT20_12-38 |  | 05-21-06, #MMS-28 |
 | 09-18-12, #BWR-12-09-18 |  | 02-07-06, #KMCC_2-14 |
 | 09-14-12, #MMDT20_12-37 |  | 01-22-06, #MMS-14 |
 | 08-14-12, #BWR-12-08-14 |  | 01-07-06, #MMS-12 |
 | 08-10-12, #MMDT20_12-32 |  | 12-24-05, #MMS-10 |
 | 08-07-12, #BWR-12-08-07 |  | 10-16-05, #05-42 |
 | 07-31-12, #BWR-12-07-31 |  | 02-20-05, #XM-91 |
 | 07-06-12, #MMDT20_12-27 |  | 01-16-05, #05-03 |
 | 06-26-12, #BWR-12-06-26 |  | 01-06-05, #MMDT20_05-01 |
 | 06-22-12, #MMDT20_12-25 |  | 12-28-04, #ISGD-04-62 |
 | 06-01-12, #MMDT20_12-22 |  | 12-27-04, #ISGD-04-61 |
 | 05-22-12, #BWR-12-05-22 |  | 12-08-04, #KMCC_2-07 |
 | 05-15-12, #BWR-12-05-15 |  | 11-21-04, #04-47 |
 | 05-11-12, #MMDT20_12-19 |  | 10-06-04, #KMCC_02-02 |
 | 04-28-12, #12-17 |  | 09-29-04, #KMCC_02-01 |
 | 04-20-12, #MMDT20_12-16 |  | 09-19-04, #XM-69 |
 | 04-17-12, #BWR-12-04-17 |  | 09-05-04, #XM-67 |
 | 04-13-12, #MMDT20_12-15 |  | 08-22-04, #04-34 |
 | 03-30-12, #MMDT20_12-13 |  | 07-04-04, #04-27 |
 | 03-10-12, #AOTA-120310 |  | 06-23-04, #KMCC_1-15 |
 | 03-09-12, #MMDT20_12-10 |  | 04-07-04, #KMCC_1-08 |
 | 02-28-12, #BWR-02-28 |  | 04-04-04, #04-14 |
 | 02-17-12, #MMDT20_12-07 |  | 01-21-04, #KMCC_01-02 |
 | 02-14-12, #BWR-12-02-14 |  | 12-30-03, #ISGD-03-58 |
 | 02-10-12, #MMDT20_12-06 |  | 11-24-03, #ISGD-03-49 |
 | 02-07-12, #BWR-12-02-07 |  | 11-18-03, #ISGD-03-48 |
 | 01-27-12, #MMDT20_12-04 |  | 11-10-03, #ISGD-03-45 |
 | 01-26-12, #ISGD-12-04 |  | 11-04-03, #ISGD-03-44 |
 | 01-20-12, #MMDT20_12-03 |  | 11-03-03, #ISGD-03-43 |
 | 01-17-12, #BWR-12-01-17 |  | 10-21-03, #ISGD-03-42 |
 | 01-14-12, #12-02 |  | 10-20-03, #ISGD-03-41 |
 | 01-13-12, #MMDT20_12-02 |  | 10-14-03, #ISGD-03-40 |
 | 01-06-12, #MMDT20_12-01 |  | 10-07-03, #ISGD-03-38 |
 | 01-05-12, #MMCZ-12-01 |  | 10-06-03, #ISGD-03-37 |
 | 12-30-11, #ROTP_384 |  | 08-31-03, #03-35 |
 | 12-30-11, #MMDT20_11-52 |  | 07-13-03, #03-28 |
 | 12-20-11, #BWR-11-12-20 |  | 04-21-02, #02-16 |
 | 12-16-11, #ROTP_382 |  | 02-03-02, #02-05 |
 | 11-25-11, #ROTP_379 |  | 12-30-01, #01-52 |
 | 11-19-11, #11-47 |  | 08-19-01, #01-33 |
 | 11-11-11, #ROTP_377 |  | 07-08-01, #01-27 |
 | 11-11-11, #MMDT20_11-45 |  | 06-10-01, #01-23 |
 | 11-01-11, #BWR-11-11-01 |  | 03-25-01, #01-12 |
 | 10-22-11, #AOTA-111022 |  | 02-11-01, #01-06 |
 | 10-21-11, #ROTP_374 |  | 01-01-00, #DT20-05-01 |
 | 10-18-11, #BWR-11-10-18 | | |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
(A Cheese That's Real) Not Fade Away
***-Jam-Jam (Live)
10 O'clock News
13 Reasons
16 Foot Fire Breathing Lobster
1st Church of Beatlemania, The
2 Seasons
2nd Coming Boogie
3 Note Song
30 Over the Edge at 29
30 Over the Edge at 29 (Live at the Hog)
4 Again
5 Kink remix
6 Headed
7 Art Pauls in This Song
7 Art Pauls In This Song (alternate version)
8 Days Until We Recall
9 Ladies That Rhyme
99-99 (Live at the Club De Wash)
A Bit of Logic
A Christmas Letter (Ambulance Version)
A Day In Life
A Dream Come True
A Dream Come True (Live at the Hog)
A Dream Come True (Reinventing version)
A Few Words about Jesus
A Flower Grew
A Government With Love
A Hole In the Bottom of My Shoe
A Hundred Thousand to Me Sounds Fair
A News Bulletin
A Poet I Am
A Short Song
A Silly Song
A Silly Song
A Snake with a Stomach Ache
A Text Message from Your Mom
A, A7, Am (Red Lemons Intro)
About Things
Access Hour Song, The
Adam on the Juice Harp
Ain't It Great
Airplane Story, The
Akeno Infomercial
All Chicken Restaurant, The
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace (from Scum Always Rises…)
Amazing Grace (Live at the Hog)
American Idol (Feat Below Average Dave)
Another Folk Song on the Radio
Another Star Trek Sequel Blues
Ants on Mercury
Ants on Mercury II
Are You a Super Hero
Are You a Tree Killer?
Are You a Werewolf?
Are You Afraid?
Are You Dumb enough (to Be Her Man)
Are You Gullible
aRE yOU mY uBER (Live)
Are You My Uber?
Are You Over Me?
Are You Ready?
Aren't You Glad
As Stars Come Out
At The 400 Bar
At The Elvis Concert
Back Street Boys(I Want To Kill Them), The
Bad Words
Ban The Klan
Banksy Graffiti My Car
Barbie Goes to Planet Alvertraz (Live)
Bass Song
Batman verses Superman
Be Kind To Your Pets
Be My Friend
Be My Friend (feat. Lyndsay Evans)
Be My Friend djsmooth4lyfe remix
Be My Valentine
Be My Valentine (A Capella Style)
(with 'Steve Chappell')
Beach Old Lady
Beach Old Lady Revisited
Beatnik Hootenanny
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project, The')
Because Of Jesus
Beggs and Acon
Big Toes
Billy Joel Started The Fire
Birdy Song, The
Blame it on the Government
Bless the Lord Always
Blow Up Your Cell Phone
Blowing in the Wind & Going Down the Road Feeling Good (Live at the Hog)
Blue Grass
Blues They Love You, The
Bo (feat. Elena Livorni, Sam Gee & Maxwell Courtright)
Bob Song, The
Bob Song: The Natives of Planet Zimrod, The
Boc Boc Boc Boc
Body Odor Blues
Boyfriend's Mean
Boyfriend's Mean (Reinventing version)
Boyfriend's Mean (They Won't Play This on the Country Western Radio CD version)
Boyfriends Mean (feat. Joe Van Hecke)
Bret Favre
Bubbles (feat. Carrie Dahlby)
Buddy Holly Cheesehead sings I\'m Eating Cheese Live at Marscon 2007
Busy Day Begins, The
Buy Her a Flower
Bye Bye Ba-Baby
Bye Bye Ba-Baby (Eye Want 2 Bee Viral)
Bye Bye Ba-Baby (Happy Birthday version)
Cabinet Making and Tying Your Shoes
Call On Jesus
Caller Request (live)
Can I Drive Your Car?
Can You ?
Car Commercial
Car Won't Start (Regular Phone)
Car Won't Start (Speaker Phone)
Cars and Trees
Cat Napping USA
Cat Taking Bath
(with 'Biff Blumfumgagnge')
Cat's Making Noises
Cat/Horse Joke
Change is Gonna Change (Feat Margie and Will Hammett)
Character Inside, The
Cheap Romance
Cheddar Cheese
Cheddar Cheese (Live at the Club De Wash)
Cheese for Christmas
Cheesie Valentine
Chilly Winds That Blow from Up North
Chocolate Candy
Choke Soda
Christian - Kristine (Reinventing version)
Christine - Kristine
Christmas Book Club, The
Church Bell Lamentation No. 1
Clarinet Practice Feat Robert Walter
College Schooler
Colors By Voice
Coming to Your Town
Compost Joe
Computer is Thinking, The
Confession Of A Pinball Addict/Non Alcoholic Dance Floor
Confidently Sincerely Forever Goodbye
Cookie (feat. Timm McCoy)
Cooking Song, The
Cool or Fool (Feat Dj Darren and Bruce)
Corn joke
CORP. Greed
Country Western Music
Cow Pie
Cow T-shirt Jingle (Live at the Hog)
Cow T-shirt Jingle, The
Cows at the Zoo, The
Daddy Song, The
Dairy Farming On Mars
Damm Broke
Darling Darlene
Darling I'm in Love But!
Darling I'm in Love, But?
Dead Chicken Blues
Dead Fish Deodorant
Dead Skunk Perfume
Disco Cleopatra (Bob's Apartment Experiment)
Do It
Do They Have a Paperman?
Do You Know What I'm Saying
Do You Want To Walk On Water?
Do You Wonder
Does This Sound Familiar?
Does Your Bed Post Lose It's Flavor
Don't Call Me Maybe
Don't Paint My Blues Blue
Don't Stand So Close To Me
Don't Try So Hard
Donald Driver
Door Bell I
Door Bell II
Dough Ray Me
Drink Milk Rap
Drink Milk Rap (A Capella style)
(with 'Nick Prueher')
Drink Milk Rap (Live at the Club De Wash)
Drink Milk Rap Featuring DJ Darren
Eat Cheese Do
Eat Nutritiously
Eating Cheese
Either the Night Before Christmas or the Day After I Got Paid Still Getting Drunk at the Bar
Elephant Song, The
Elvis Burger Joke
Elvis sings I'm Glad We're Through (Ha ha ha ha) 2007
End (For Piano Lovers), The
End is the Beginning, The
End Times Poetry
End, The
End, The-Michael Hill (aka That Guy) remix
Enjoy Your Life
European Girls
European Girls (Live at the Club De Wash)
Every Days a New Day to Praise (Live)
Everybody Get Weird!
Everybody's Doing It
Everybody's Doing It (from Scum Always Rises…)
Everytime You Go Away
Eye Want 2 Bee Viral
Farther Along
Fat Albert
Field Mice and Spice Racks (With Finger Picking)
Filler Song, The
Fish Eye
Flat Cola (Live)
Free Bird
Free Speech
Fruit Loops
Funky Funky
Garbage Rap
Generic Dedication Song
Generic Sports Team Song
Get Excited
Get The Lord Known (In Your Heart,Yeah)
Get the New Sappy Crooner CD!
Get This Hat
Girlfriend With A Car
Glad We're Through
Go ! Badgers Go !
Go Tell It On The Swingset
God is Great
God is Watching You
Going Down That Road Feeling Good
Going Down The Road Feeling Good
Good Morning ! Good Morning ! Good Morning !
Good Morning Good Morning
Governor Don't Allow
Graduation Song, The
Grocery Store Incident, The
Hairy Legs
Hand Guns Illegal
Hand Hand Shake Shake Shake
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday (Live at the Hog)
Happy Birthday 2007
Happy New Year
Happy Socialist Party of Fun, The
Harmonica Broke
Harp Player Again, The
Harp Player, The
Have A Better Day
Have A Peanut Butter Sandwich
Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich live on WORT 89.9 fm
Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich (A Capella style)
(with 'Ben Devries ')
Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich (On Guitar)
Have I Got A Real Good Deal for You
Have You Checked Lately
Have Yourself a Dairy Little Christmas
He Died On A Cross For Me
He Is Coming
He Recycles Cans
He Was A Winner Though He Was A Loser
He's In The Darth Vader Car
Health News
Heart Attach
Heart Attach live on WORT 89.9
Heartattach(Live on WSUM)
Heaven Rag
Heavy Metal Ice Cold
Heavy Metal Plaid
Heavy Metal Ukelele
Help Me Have More Compassion Lord
Help Me Help Me Jesus
Help Me Trust You Lord
Her Name Was Elephant
Hey Birthday Boy (Art Paul Elvis version)
Hey Birthday Boy (Art Paul)
Hey Cab Driver
Hey Hey I'm Not the Monkees
Hey Let's Talk
Hey Let's Talk G Wildens remix
Hey-Bob a He-Bob a Be-Bob a Bo-Bob
Hi Low
Hi, How Are You Live on WORT 89.9 fm
Hi, How Are You (Live at the Club De Wash)
Hi, How Are You (Live at the Hog)
Hi, How Are You?
Hi, How Are You? (Happy Birthday version)
High Low
Hip Hop / Tip Top / Flip Flop
His Grace is Sufficient for You
Hoch Niedrig (Feat Robert Walter)
Hokey Pokey, The
HollyWood Bell
Hope You Don't Get Divorced
How Do You Like My Pet?
How Much Is That Spider In The Window
How To Be Rich
Human Guinea Pig
Human Guinea Pig (live at MarsCon 2007)
Hundred Thousand to Me Sounds Fair
Hungry Man Blues
Hurry Up and Wait
Hurry! Stores are Closing!
Hymn 1001
Hypnotizing Song
I Am Me
I Am Not A Gnome
I Ate The Poppin Fresh Dough Boy
I Ate The Poppin Fresh Dough Boy (Reinventing version)
I Bet on the Packers
I Bet on the Packers (Live at the Club De Wash)
I Bet You've Got a Smile
I Can Tell You Shop at Hot(t) Topic (Live From MarsCon)
I Can't Breath No More
I Don't Care
I Don't Ever Never Want To Hear That Song Again
I Don't Have To Swear
I Don't Like To Argue
I Don't Really Know
I Don't Want a Gun
I Don't Want to be Cool
I Don't Want To Be Labeled (Live)
I Don't Want To Buy
I Don't Want To Find Waldo
I Don't Want to Find Waldo (Reinventing version)
I Feel a Sneeze Coming On (feat. Chris Kammer)
I Forgot Your Name
I Found a Costume I
I Found a Costume II
I Got Dumped
I Had To Go
I Hate Doing Dishes
I Hate Waiting In Line
I Hate War
I Heard You Just Had a Baby
I Hope You Don't Get Divorced(Live on WSUM)
I Just Made It Up
I Just Want To Make Love To You
I Just Want To See You Smile
I Just Want To Stay
I Know
I Left My Phone in My Car
I Like My Mother
I Like My Mother (A Capella Style)
(with 'Kirk Moore')
I Like My Mother (Reinventing version)
I Like My Mother / Cockles and Mussels
I Like my Mother Live at Marscon 2007
I Like My Mother with Karl Brown 2008
I Like Peace
I Like Peace (U're The Best)
I Like Them All
I Like Your Beard
I Like Your Dress
I Like Your Hat
I Love Jesus
I Love Jesus(If I Was Governor Version)
I Love Teachers
I Love U (Version X)
I Love U (Version Y)
I Love You Said She
I Love You?
I Love You??
I Married An Irish Lassy
I Met a Snowwoman
I Met Her At Wendy's
I Need You & You Need Me
I Praise the Lord Everyday
I Saw Daddy Cooking Santa Claus
I Saw Her
I Thought You Were Talking To Me
I Wanna Give You a Kiss (with Simon Peter)
I Want a Date With the Menards Lady
I Want Huge Pancakes
I Want to be Madonna (Live at the Club De Wash)
I Want to be Madonna ? (Reinventing version)
I Want To be Madonna ?/Purple Bananas on the Moon/& and one finale last word
I Want To Be Madonna?
I Want to Hold Your Toe
I Want To Hold Your Toes feat Vo5 members Andrew, Cat and their son Julian
I Want To See You Smile(Recorded at the Library)
I Want To See Your Smile
I Want to See Your Tattoo
I Want to Shop Forever
I Want You to Marry Me
I Want You to Marry Me & Pink Pants (Live at the Hog)
I Will Come to the Wedding
I Will Come To The Wedding (feat Bucky Pope)
I Will Come to the Wedding (Live at the Hog)
I'll Be a Gnome for Christmas
I'm a Caveman Baby
I'm a Cheese Head
I'm a Chicken
I'm A Clutz
I'm A Cowboy
I'm a Cowboy and a Pirate
I'm a Fish
I'm A Potato
I'm A Prince
I'm Blue
I'm Blue Ahoo, Ahoo, Ahoo
I'm dating Your Girlfriend
I'm Demoralizing Your Kids
I'm Demoralizing Your Kids (Live at the Hog)
I'm Doing Fine
I'm Fine For Now
I'm Glad It Was You
I'm Glad We're Through (from Songs I Forgot…)
I'm Glad We're Through (Ha Ha Ha Ha)
I'm Glad You're Not Panicking
I'm Gonna Eat Alot of Real Bad Food
I'm Gonna Eat Alot of Real Bad Food II
I'm Gonna Love You Forever and Ever
I'm Happy You're Back
I'm Having a Burrito
I'm Just Another Lost Island in the Sea
I'm Not Begging
I'm Not Here
I'm Not Here (Different longer version)
I'm Not Living for My Funeral
I'm On Your Radio
I'm Stuck In Quicksand
I'm Taking My Selfie
I'm Text Messaging
I'm The Swag
I'm the Swag (feat. Devo Spice)
I'm Underage and I've Got a Fake ID
I'm Whistling
I've Been Working on the Railroad
I've Got a Guitar
I've Got a Guitar (Materialistic version)
I've Got a Guitar I
I've Got a Guitar II
I've Got a Guitar III
I've Got a Guitar IV
I've Got A Reason To Live
I've Got a Superman T-shirt
I've Got the Blues (from Songs I Forgot…)
I've Got the Blues (Live at the Hog)
I've Got the Blues/Then You've Got the Blues/More of I've Got the Blues
Ice Cream
If I Kissed You?
If I Must Die
If I Was Governor
If it Could be You (Live at the Hog)
If You Knew Me and I Knew You
If Your Happy and You Know It
If Your Happy and You Know It (Romantic Version)
Imagination Factory, The
Imagine If I Were John Lennon
In An Echo of a Moment
In Her Name with Love
In the Cheap Rent District
In the Silence of the Room
Interesting No. 3
Interesting No.2
Intro & Oh Susanna (Live at the Hog)
Intro to a Hundred Thousand to Me Sounds Fair
Intro to Art Paul live on WSUM
Intro to I Don't Want To Buy
Intro To Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, & Something Blue Live on WORT 89.9 fm
Intro to: I'm Not Living for My Funeral
Intro to: Keep Going
Intro to: Why Should the Poor Always Play Free
Intro: Warning
Introduction 2007
Invisible Blues
IRS is Coming to Town
Is He For Real
Is That Linda?
It Eats Too Much Gas
It Takes a Whole World (from Scum Always Rises)
It Takes a Whole World feat Jim Anderson
It's a Snow Day!
It's February Album Writing Month
It's Hell!
It's Jesus in Me
It's Spring Time in Antarctica
It's Time To Have Some Fruit
It's Under the Sidewalk
It's Under The Sidewalk (Live on WORT)
Jail Bait 2 (slower)
Jailbait 1
Jamming ?
Jerk-a-lator (2)
Jesus Blues
Jesus Has Given Me You
Jesus is My Savior
Jesus is My Valentine
Jesus Is the Answer
Jesus is the Joy if you Got The Blues
Jesus Is the Joy When You've Got the Blues
Jesus Loves Cowboys Too
Jesus Loves Me This I Know
Jesus Took Away My Drugs
Jesus Took Away My Drugs (Live at the Club De Wash)
Jesus Would Make a Good President
John Chapter 8
John Chapter 9
Joy of Snow (Monster CD), The
Joy of Snow, The
Junk Mail
Just 3 Words
Just a Noise
Just a Pest
Just For You
Justice Now
Kazoo Boy
Kazoo You
Keep Going
Keep Going (Reinventing version)
Kermit the Frog Aftershave
Kill the Bill
King is Coming, The
Kingdom of God First, The
Kiss Me Darling (I've Got AIDS)
Kiss Me Darling (I've Got AIDS) (Karl Brown Remix)
Kiss Me I'm Not Irish
KLONE Radio Station
Knock Knock Joke
Knock Knock Joke 2
Knock Knock Joke I
Knocking On My Own Door
KRUD Radio Station
Kum ba ya
Kurt Cobain
Larry Lightning
Larry Lightning (Live at the Hog)
Last Track, The
Latest Elvis Imitator(Live at the Hog), The
Latest Elvis Imitator, The
Lead Zeppelin
Leftovers (Can't Eat It)
Lemonade (Live at the Hog)
Let Me Be Your Candy
Let Me Give You Cancer
Let Me Wipe Your Tears Away
Let's All Eat Cheese Mama (Live feat Dick Leo and the Trio)
Let's Be Friends
Let's Eat Cheese Mama
Let's Go Throw the Frisbee
Let's Loiter
Let's Make Taco Trucks Great Again
Let's Make up Some Words
Let's Pick Up The Pieces Again
Lets' All Drive Cars Mama
Letz Danze
Letz Danze (live from the radio)
Letz Danze(A Capella Style)
(with 'IMOK')
Lier, Lier
Life Is Grand
Life is Torture
Light My Cheese
Live 2: On The Snake (WSUM) Commercial
Liz (The Blues Song)
Liz F & G
Locked Outside Your Door
Lord Is There, The
Lord Rap, The
Love & Be Kind
Love me Do (with Kazoo) & You Are My Sunshine (Live at the Hog)
Love Songs
Love, Love, Love
Magnify The Lord with All Your Heart
Make A Joyful Noise
Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Star Trekkies and S
Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow up to be Star Trek-kies or Scifi fanboys (live at Osyssey Con VI 2006)
Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Star Trekkies or Scifi Fanboys
Mark Of The Beast, The
Martin Luther King
Martin Lutheran King (U're The Best)
Mary Had a Big Lamb
Mary Had a Little Lamb?
Maybe You Think I'm Weird
Maybe You Think I'm Weird (Reinventing version)
Maybe You Think We're Weird (Live at the Club De Wash)
Me I Work For Pie
Meine Katze Nahm Ein Bad (Feat Kirk Moore)
Merry Christmas from Simon Peter
Merry Christmas Ya Ya Ya
Michael Jackson & Farrah Faucet
Midnight at the Church
Milk Crate Challenge Song
Misery Loves Company
Misery Loves Company (They Won't Play This on the Country Western Radio CD version)
Mocking Bird?
Moldy Peaches
Monster / I'm a Chicken (Live on WORT)
Monster Live on Wort 89.9 fm
Monument To Nothing
Moo Moo Mania (Live at the Club De Wash)
More Talk 2007
More Talk With Pete (Live) [feat. Pete Hnilick]
More Than You Know
Mother Goose Boogie
Mother of the Groom
Movie is Over, The
Moving Days song
My Alligator Tie
My Baby
My Batteries Low
My Batteries Low (feat Robert Walter)
My Bicycle
My Bicycle (Live at the Club De Wash)
My Cat Was Taking a Bath
My Cat Was Taking a Bath (from Songs I Forgot…)
My Cat Was Taking a Bath (Live at the Club De Wash)
My Cat Was Taking a Bath (Reinventing version)
My Cat Was Taking a Bath (They Won't Play This on the Country Western Radio CD version)
My Cat Was Taking A Bath Featuring Robert (Elvis) Walter
My Cat Was Taking a Bath Michael Hill (aka That Guy) remix
My Daddy Wore a Racoon Hat
My Girl Friends So Old
My Grace is Sufficient For You
My Horse Only Came In Show
My Horse Only Came In Slow
My Mom is a Giraffe (Bob's Apartment Experiment)
My Mother Is Reading A Book
My Mother Is Reading a Book (A Capella Style)
(with 'Joe Pickett')
MY Name Is ART
My Neighbor's Dead Dog Rover (Live at MarsCon 2008)
My New Year's Resolution
My Pit Bull
My Prayer For You
My Rocking Chair Has No Arms Blues
My Sheep Follow Me
Needs More Money
Neither Either, Or Nor
Never Go On A Date With A Thief
Never Grow Up
Night Mare (Spookster & the Scaremenots Mix)
Night Mirror (Regular Phone)
Night Mirror (Speaker Phone)
No Beer at the Bar
No Dog No Flies
No One Recognizes Me Anymore
No Shoe Blues
No Shoe Blues (Live at the Club De Wash)
No Shoe Blues (Live at the Hog)
No Woman No Fries
Now That The War Is Over?
Now That You Graduated
O'When The Saints (Go Marching In)
Odd Austin
Ode to Taylor Swift
Oh Christmas Tree (Live) [feat. Simon Schlosser]
Oh For One More Visit with My Aunt and Uncles on the Farm
Oh Mac Donald (with a talking dog)
Oh Susanna
On the Right
One Chord Song (Reinventing version), The
One Chord Song (The Sequel!), The
One Chord Song, The
One Note
One Song Jesus
Ordinary Blues
Ouch !
Our Bicycles (feat. Steve C. Chappell)
Our Flag
Our Gardens In The Hall
Our Roof Leaks
Outside Only
Owwwwwwwwwww! My Head Hurts
Paint It Black
Paper Bag
Parade is Coming, The
Paranoid Weather Report, The
Passing The Buck
Passing the Buck (from Songs I Forgot…)
Peace feet. Robert W. Monthey
Peace, Love and Music
Pet Your Dog
Pink Pants
Pink Pants (Live at the Club De Wash)
Pink Pants (Reinventing version)
Pink Pants Bass Style (Live on WORT)
Pink Pants Feat Ivan Klipstein
Pizza Growl (Bob's Apartment Experiment)
Pizza Revolution
Plaid Christmas
Plastic Bottle Rap
Play Something Special
Playground of The King, The
Playing Keyboard With My Stomach
Please ! Don't Blow Me Up
Please Like Our Song
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project, The')
Please Mr Policeman
Police Rap
Politics Sucks Blues
Politics Sucks Blues (from Songs I Forgot…)
Pollution Blues
Polo Shirt
Popcorn Live on WORT 89.9 fm
Potato Chips
Power Washing In The Rain
Praise The Lord
Praise the Lord and be Confident (from Scum Always Rises…)
President Bush sings The Sound Check Song & Vote for Me/It\'s a Joke 2008
Prom Date
Promdate live on WORT
Promdate Live on WSUM
Pull Up Your Pants
Punk Rock Dentist
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project')
Punk Rock in the White House
Punk Rock in the White House Duet
Punk Rock in the White House Live at Marscon 2007
Purple Bananas
(with 'James Edwards Roberts ')
Purple Bananas (on the Moon) (Live at the Club De Wash)
Purple Bananas (on the Moon) (Live at the Hog)
Purple Bananas (on the Moon) (Reinventing version)
Purple Bananas (on the Moon) (They Won't Play This On The Country Western Radio CD version)
Purple Bananas On The Moon
Purple Bananas on the Moon Feat Paul Theisen
Put Some Cheese on It
Ran Out of Gas
Read a Book
Real Truth from Darf Vadar, The
Real Words (Or Are They) to Leaving on a Jet Plane (From Joe Denver's Diary), The
Reasons I No Longer Want To Have a Pet duet with myself
Rebuttal to Cool or Fool (Feat Bob at the Bar)
Recall Walker
Recall Walker(The Treasure)
Red Hat Blues
Red Red Red-Blue Rain
Red River Valley
Reinventing Myself
Rejoice Blues
Republican Song (Banjo version), The
Republican Song (Guitar version), The
Revolution Dance
Ride His Joyful Ride
Robbery, The
Robot Disco
Rock of Salvation
Ron Dayne
Rose Blood Red-My Cat Was Taking a Bath-My Love Song (Live)
Roses Blood Red
Rosy the Vampira
Rudolph the Robot
Sailing On A Chocolate Chip Cookie
Santa Claus Twist
Santa Claus Twist (They Won't Play This On The Country Western Radio version)
Santa is Elvis
Santa's Coming
Santa's In Jail
Santa's In Jail (Monster CD version)
Santa's in Jail / News Bulletin / Santa Claus Twist Liive on WORT 89.9 fm
Sara (Feat Joe Leonard )
Scary Lumber Jack
Scary Music, The
Scary Techno Song #5006
Scary Techno Song Number 5006 Michael Hill (aka That Guy) remix
Scott Walker a Pirate Live on WORT 89.9 fm
Scott Walker Blues
Scott Walker is a Pirate
Scott Walker Loves You
Scratch In the Record
Scratch in the Record (Soggy Potato Chips mix)
Scream (Live at the Club De Wash)
Scream (Live at the Hog)
Scream! (from Songs I Forgot…)
Screw My Head in a Light Bulb Socket
Scum Always Rises at the Top 2008
Scum Always Rises to the Top
Send Me a Kiss
Serenade You
Setting Off The Alarm
Shall the Circle be Unbroken
Shall the Circle be Unbroken
Sharks (feat. Frankie Pobar Lay)
Sharks live on the Wisconsin Guys
Sharks Scarier Remake
Sharks(Keyboard Version)
She Is A Butterfly of The Lord
She is Talking on the Phone
She is Talking On the Phone 2008
She Keeps Coming Back, Coming Back
She Talk She Talk She Talk
She Wore Black
She's a Gangster
She's A Slow Walker
She's Got a Gorgeous Beard
She's Got A Gorgeous Beard (Be My Valentine version)
She's Got a Gorgeous Beard (Live at the Club De Wash)
She's So Cute
She's the Only Dandelion in My Whole World
Shock Me
Short Rhyme
Shortest & Even Shorter
Shortest Song I Ever Wrote, The
Show Me Your Crazy Legs
Show Me Your Crazy Legs Live On Wort 89.9 fm
Silent Night I
Simon Peter Simon Peter
Sing a Song Art Paul Style
Sing More/Talk Less
Sing Us a Song You're the Guitar Dude
Skate Boarding
Skip to My Lou
Sky is Dead, The
Slap Jazz
Smelt ! 2008
Smile Be Happy
Smile You're on Kandid Kamera
Smokin' Blues
So What/You're Dead
Sometimes A Man he Don't get What He Wants
Sound Bite
Sound Bite II
Sound Bite III
Sound Check Song
Space Poem
Sprinkles on My Donut
Stand for Something
Stand for Something (live on the square)
Star Spangled Banner Done Differently , The
Start Over
Starting Over
State Street
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project, The')
Stick It Up
Stop Smoking Now
Street Musician Anthem live on WORT
Street Musician's Anthem , The
Street Musician's Anthem Live on WORT 89.9 fm, The
Sun's in My Eyes, The
Super Duper Loud NOIZE
Swatting A Fly
Taco Green Paste on Cardboard/The Food is Really Cool
Tail Tale
Take Him Out of the Government
Take Him Out Of the Office Live On WORT
Take Me out of the Army with Robert W Monthey
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Talk Like A Parrot Day
Talking Bad Hair Cut Blues
Talking On The Phone live on WSUM
Talking With Pete (Live) (feat Pete Hnilick)
Te Vere En Marte (Feat Tim Finnegan)
Techno Ravioli
Thank You
Thank You for Your Critism
Thanksgiving Stuffing
That's Right
That's the Time to Talk to Jesus
There's a Bear in the Barn, Mrs. Jones
There's a Hole in the Bottom of My Shoe(A Capella Style)
(with 'Dan Stafford ')
There's a Hole in the Bucket Dear Son
There's Jazz Around the Corner
There's Still Hope
There's Too Many Too Many Too Many Good Meal Blues
These Chord Changes
They Thought He Was a Wiseman
They Won't Play This Country Western Radio 2008
They Won't Play this on Country Western Radio
They're Coming to Get You
This Brain I've Got
This is the Buddy Song
This One's Even Shorter
Thorn In the Flesh
Tiger Eats Tonight, The ( Feat Spookster and the Scaremenots)
Tiger Woods
Time Goes So Fast
Time To Clean Your Refrigerator
Times They Are Changing Back, The
To Brainwash Your Mind (Feat Michael Hill aka That Guy)
Today's Dream
Tom Dooley
Tom Dooley I, Tom Dooley II
Tom Petty
Too Many Good People They Go Away Too Soon
Top 10 Reason Why Santa Gave You Coal for Christmas
Top 10 Reasons
Top 10 Reasons Why Batman is Cool
Traffic's Really Bad Here, The
Train (U're The Best)
Trash Blues
Treasure, The
Tu Tu L'amor
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project')
Tuna Casserole Rag
Turtle Rabbit Dilemma, The
Twinkle Twinkle Little Can (Parts 1 and 2)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Man
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Punk Rock Style)
U're the Only U that U've Got
Uncle Frank's Christmas Message
Up the Ladder Down
Up With Your Girlfriend
Vacuum Rap
Vegetables (Live at the Hog)
Venison Christmas
Venison Christmas (The Best of Art Paul)
Venison Christmas / Silent Night II
Video Games
Vitamin C
Vote For Me, It's A Joke (Live at MarsCon 2008)
Vote For Me, It's A Joke Again
Vote For Me/It's A Joke
Vote For Me/It\'s a Joke 2007
W.W.J.D. (Reinventing version)
Wait Patiently
Walmart Sellout Song
Waltz With Me Wanda
Waltz With Me Wanda (Live at the Hog)
Want to be a Librarian?
We Don't Drink Coffee
(with 'schlosser-kammer project, The')
We Don't Have To Have Sex
We Say I Love You
We Tooke A Pole
We Will Still Be Friends
We're All Gonna Die
We've Got Guitars (feat. Annette Kornell)
Weather Man
WEIRD Radio Station
Were You abducted by Aliens
Were You Thinking?
What Are They Up To
What Are You Doin' for The Lord?
What are You Doing for the Lord? (from Scum Always Rises)
What Are You Doing?
What Democracy Looks Like
What If ?
What If I Wrote a Parody to Your Song
What if Your Guitar Was Gone
WHAT Radio Station
What Super Hero Do You Want to Be (feat. Tim Finnegan)
What's On The Radio DJ Particle remix
When is Jesus Coming
When You're in Love
Whisper Hope
Whispering Song, The
Whistling II
White Shirt
Why Blow the Place Up (Live at the Club De Wash)
Why Should the Poor Always Play Free
Wild Kazoo Thing
Woman Blues
Won't it Feel Good
Woody Guthrie(We Sure Could Use Him Now)
Wookiee Love
(with 'Schlosser-Kammer Project, The')
Words of Cheese
World Isn't Gonna End Instantly, The
Worst Pie, The
Worst Restaurant (Live at the Hog)
Worst Restaurant, The
Writer's Block
Xmas Morgue
Yeah She'll be My Honey
Yes-You Caught Me
Yippie Yippie Yippie Yippie-O (Live at the Club De Wash)
Yippy Yippy Yippy Yippy-O
You Are A Bum
You Are a Rose
You are my Sunshine
You are my Sunshine(Altered Lyric version)
You Better Watch This
You Can Leave
You Did What ?
You Don't Always Get What Your Due
You Don't Got To Die
You Don't Gotta
You Draw Snakes Your Way, and I'll Draw Them My Way
You Gave Me The Wrong Number Lady
You Got To Be Cracked
You Make Me Laugh (from Scum Always Rises…)
You Make Me Laugh Jim Anderson remix
You Make Me Smile (feat Stephanie Rearick)
You Never Call Me Up
You're Empty Inside
You're Getting Wet
You're Gonna Die
You're Kitten Me
You're Pretty When You're Wet
You're Pretty When You're Wet (Live)
You're The Best
You're the Only Dandelion in my Whole World (live from the radio)
You've Got Hairy Legs
You've Got To Have a Koke
You've Got to Have Some Butter
Your Brain
Your Car Is A UFO
Your Creeping Me Out
Your Legs Are Cold
Your Life is a Circle
Your Love & Friendship
Your Love is the Sound Click in my Heart
Your Music's Too Loud
Your Music's Too Loud (from Songs I Forgot…)
Your Purse is Really Sexy
Your Saddle
Your Saddle 2
Z Instrumental
Zombies Are Coming
fiogf49gjkf0d Paul,
You are truly an original, and I applaud and appreciate your artistry.
Best regards,
fiogf49gjkf0d Thanks so much but please call me Art Paul
Oh btw are you working on another song ?
I just release my Christmas song called Plaid Christmas and you can hear it at www.myspace.com/artpaulschlosser
--- Haul-E-Weird Paul,
You are truly an original, and I applaud and appreciate your artistry.
Best regards,
fiogf49gjkf0d Art Paul - you have 'Various Artists' in your 'members' box instead of your name. This is unnecessary and a bit counterproductive. Your page will autolink and a 'see also' box with other artists you've collaborated with will appear (as long as they appear on this site) below the members box if your name appears with other artist names in songs. Frank Zappa's artist page is a good example of this feature in action.
Of course, all of your collaborator's artist pages must have a name in their members box for this to work. No system's perfect.
fiogf49gjkf0d Okay I figured out what you are talking about
--- Stavro Arrgolus:
Art Paul - you have 'Various Artists' in your 'members' box instead of your name. This is unnecessary and a bit counterproductive. Your page will autolink and a 'see also' box with other artists you've collaborated with will appear (as long as they appear on this site) below the members box if your name appears with other artist names in songs. Frank Zappa's artist page is a good example of this feature in action.
Of course, all of your collaborator's artist pages must have a name in their members box for this to work. No system's perfect.
I merged your "You've Got To Have A Koke" pages & they inexplicably became one of those pages that we're having problems with. I have to tell you here as there's no message option on that page now. This is getting out of control & I can't fix it on my end...
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