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Art Paul Schlosser
Date Born/Group Began: 1960 (artpaul) 
Date Died/Group Ended: Active (artpaul) 
Also Known As:
Art Paul and Simon Schlosser (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser & Kink Machine (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser & Robert W Monthey (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser & Robin Good (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser with Jim Anderson (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser with Michael Hill aka That Guy (artpaul)
Art Paul Schlosser with The G Wildens (artpaul)
Buddy Holly Cheesehead (artpaul)
Who is Art Paul Schlosser:

Charles Hughes of The Badger Herald said:
Art Paul Schlosser is one of Madison’s most popular and recognizable cultural figures, musical or otherwise. From his regular public-access show to his consistent appearances as a State Street busker, Art Paul has made something of a reputation for himself as one of the city’s most original musical personalities.

The great LukeSki of said:
If you haven't heard of ART PAUL SCHLOSSER before,Dr Demento described his work as "outsider music" and other DJs have compared him to such established funny music artists like Wild Man Fischer,Wesley Willis,Jandek,and even the fictitious cartoon character "Brak".In 2001,ART PAUL made a splash on "the Dr Demento show" with his song "Have A Peanut Butter Sandwich".He certainly got a big reaction from funny music fans and DJs alike,many of them wondering one thing;"Is this guy for real ?" Well I can assure you he is,having run into him as he was performing his unique brand of music next to the capitol building in our mutual hometown of Madison,Wisconsin.His energetic and positive personality shines through in his infectious acoustic guitar & kazoo driven original songs.I picked up his 7 CDs,began corresponding with him about funny music,and even made an appearance on his weekly cable access TV show on WYOU.

Tom Laskin of the Isthmus Newspaper said:
One of Madison's most enduring characters, Art Paul Schlosser has made a name for himself around the country with a steady stream of idiosyncratic songs that mix surrealistic imagery and his Christian beliefs with banal descriptions of his day-to-day life.

Jim Anderson of said:
Sometimes I think Art Paul Schlosser is like my Honda Element. People either love it or hate it. There seems to be little in-between.. Some people may not understand Art Paul's style of music, but I see what many others find endearing and unique about it. It seems to come from his heart, from his inner being, from the core of his essence. Yeah, I know that's where all artist's music is supposed to come from, but Art Paul has a one-of-a-kind approach to it.

Jeffrey Halleran of the MATC Clarion said: Madison's Very Own Musical Visionary

Mike Huberty of Maximum Ink said: If you're from Madison, then you know who Art Paul Schlosser is. He's the legendary street musician with the guitar, kazoo, and (sometimes) keyboard that's haunted State Street and Library Mall for over a decade. It's outsider music on the level of Wesley Willis or Jandek, but there's a sincere comic bent delivered with a goofy deadpan that makes you feel less guilty for laughing. And with Art, it's okay to laugh.

Rick Tvedt from said:
Sometimes it takes a little different perspective to fully appreciate an artist’s genius. Schlosser, as many of you know, has been a fixture in Madison music for a long time now. He’s a constant presence as a street musician on State Street but also makes rare club appearances, especially for benefits and fundraisers. It wasn’t until I heard “I’ll Meet You on Mars” with guitarist/harmonica player Robert W. Monthey joining Schlosser that I realized Schlosser is Madison’s own version of Syd Barrett; he writes songs that twist reality with clever wordplay and end up making a lot more sense than reality itself does.

The Onion in 2011 from:,255456/
In Art Paul Schlosser’s 25-year legacy as a busking songster, his guitar-and-kazoo-driven anthems on heavy-handed topics like pink pants and peanut butter sandwiches have earned him mention from The Dr. Demento Show and even The Colbert Report. While Schlosser may not be looking to hang up his perpetual childlike exuberance just yet, his latest album, If I Were Governor, finds the street musician taking a far more political turn in light of the protests aimed at Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill.

But who really is Art Paul Schlosser ?

Maybe you don't really need to find out but check out his Wikipedia page and add to it if you like ?
If you want a physical CD send Art Paul Schlosser $15 Art Paul Schlosser 2019 Sherman Ave #11 Madison,WI 53704 and he will send you one he is trying to get rid of If you want a specific CD E-mail Art Paul at Or facebook him and he will tell you what he has instock- artpaul
  • ART PAUL SCHLOSSER has put out more than 45 different CDs on his label including the one he did with various artist called We Duet Right (artpaul)
  • Buddy Holly Cheesehead is a charecter Art Paul Schlosser made up which has cheese on his head and fake glasses and a suit. Buddy Holly Cheesehead was on America's Got Talent but unfortunately the Judges didn't like him. (artpaul)
  • ART PAUL SCHLOSSER has just released a bunch of the videos that you can now watch at by typing his name on the search engine or hit the link on the link section of the page (artpaul)
  • ART PAUL SCHLOSSER is a Street Musician that plays on State street in Madison,Wisconsin but he has been known to Travel sometimes and he played up in the Twin Cities at MarsCon 2007, and 2008 and was on WGN News in Chicago before. (artpaul)
  • ART PAUL SCHLOSSER also has artwork and you can see pictures of it at or at (artpaul)
  • Hey if your here wondering how do I get a physical CD because I don't really like downloads or maybe you want an Art Paul Schlosser Pink Pants T-shirt ? Well you can get Art Paul's current We Duet Right CD, Cartoons or Be My Valentine and or I'm A Prince by sending $12 per CD or if you want the Pink Pants shirt in S, L, M, or XL send $20 to : Art Paul Schlosser 2019 Sherman Ave #11 Madison, WI 53704 send an extra 2$ and get an autograph picture with it. (artpaul)
  • Appears on the following 61 albums:

    Live at the Hog

    The Best of Art Paul Schlosser

    Do You Want to Walk on Water

    They Won't Play This On The Country Western Radio

    Vote For Me, Its a Joke

    Smile, Youre On Kandid Kamera

    Words of Cheese & Other Parrot Trees

    The ABCs of Art Paul Schlossers World

    I Want to be Madonna? & Greene

    I'm A Prince

    Be My Valentine

    Reinventing Myself

    My Cat Was Taking a Bath & Dead Skunk Perfume

    Happy Birthday & Smile Be Happy

    Live at the Club De Wash & the 3 song experiment

    Warning: Listening to this CD Could be Dangerous to Your Health

    Untitled I and Untitled II

    It Takes a Whole World

    The Best of Art Paul Schlosser(The Sequel)

    Scum Always Rises to the Top

    Songs I Forgot that the Elephant Remembered

    Our Tribute to Shari Elf

    Living in a Materialistic World
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2008 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    The FuMP, Volume 7

    F.A.W.M. (February Album Writing Month)

    Songs I Recorded on the Phone

    Art Paul The Remix Project

    Mr. Smith Goes To The Hospital - A Fast Fund Raiser for a Fast Filker

    Target: Audience
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2009 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD


    The FuMP, Volume 35

    Worst Tribute Ever (a tribute to the great Luke Ski)

    I Bet U've Got a Smile

    Show Me Your Crazy Legs

    Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, & Something Blue Live On Wort 89.9 Fm


    Lets Be Friends

    U're The Best

    Live on the Snake

    If I Was Governor

    Live Two: on the Snake(WSUM)

    The Treasure

    I Want 2 C Your Smile

    The FuMP, Volume 52

    Live at MarsCon 2007 & 2008

    New Experiments in Music

    We Duet Right

    Eye Want 2 Bee Viral

    Songs I Recorded At The Library

    I'm Making My Rounds

    For Piano Lovers


    Art Paul Live Doing His Best

    I Wrote The Lyrics

    Santa Claus Ran Out of Coal So He Gave You This CD (Some of Art Paul's Best Terrible Xmas Songs)

    The ArtcaPaula Project

    Sixty Seven Songs in Less Than Sixty Seven Minutes

    The X Y Zs of Art Paul Schlosser

    Have a Better Day
    Contact us if you know of another album that contains this artist

    Played on 373 shows:
    01-26-24, #ISGD-24-0110-14-11, #ROTP_373
    10-01-22, #AOTA-22100110-07-11, #ROTP_372
    09-18-21, #AOTA-21091809-30-11, #ROTP_371
    09-17-21, #WOTR_24309-27-11, #BWR-11-09-27
    08-14-21, #AOTA-21081409-23-11, #ROTP_370
    11-28-20, #AOTA-20112809-20-11, #BWR-11-09-20
    11-27-20, #WOTR_20109-16-11, #ROTP_369
    01-25-20, #AOTA-20012509-13-11, #BWR-11-09-13
    01-04-20, #AOTA-20010509-10-11, #11-37
    11-02-19, #AOTA-19110209-09-11, #ROTP_368
    09-21-19, #KMCC-14-0207-30-11, #11-31
    06-23-19, #OTR-5-2506-24-11, #ROTP_357
    03-24-19, #OTR-5-1202-05-11, #11-06
    12-23-18, #OTR-4-5111-21-10, #MMCZ-10-52
    11-04-18, #OTR-4-4411-14-10, #MMCZ-10-50
    10-21-18, #OTR-4-4211-07-10, #MMCZ-10-48
    08-24-18, #WOTR_10010-31-10, #MMCZ-10-46
    08-12-18, #OTR-4-3210-24-10, #MMCZ-10-44
    06-24-18, #OTR-4-2510-02-10, #MMCZ-10-40
    05-27-18, #OTR-4-2109-25-10, #MMCZ-10-39
    04-27-18, #WOTR_8007-18-10, #MMCZ-10-30
    04-22-18, #OTR-4-1605-22-10, #ROTP_300
    04-15-18, #OTR-4-1503-28-10, #MMCZ-10-13
    12-31-17, #OTR-3-5203-20-10, #ROTP_291
    11-17-17, #WOTR_6001-02-10, #ROTP_280
    10-08-17, #OTR-3-4112-19-09, #ROTP_278
    10-07-17, #AOTA-17100711-18-09, #KMCC_6-03
    09-12-17, #ISGD-17-3910-18-09, #MMCZ-09-38
    08-21-17, #OTR-3-3410-11-09, #MMS-130
    08-06-17, #ISGD-17-3310-09-09, #BR-09-85
    07-24-17, #OTR-3-3010-06-09, #KMCC_6-02
    07-22-17, #AOTA-17072208-23-09, #BAD_08-23-09
    07-19-17, #ISGD-17-3008-09-09, #BAD_08-09-09
    07-08-17, #KMCC-T12-3407-26-09, #BAD_07-26-09
    06-17-17, #KMCC-T12-3107-17-09, #BR-09-73
    06-12-17, #OTR-3-2407-12-09, #BAD_07-12-09
    05-27-17, #KMCC-11-1806-30-09, #KMCC_5-20
    05-15-17, #OTR-3-2006-19-09, #BR-09-70
    03-27-17, #OTR-3-1306-02-09, #KMCC_05-18
    03-20-17, #OTR-3-1203-10-09, #BAD_03-10-09
    02-27-17, #OTR-3-902-24-09, #KMCC_05-11
    02-04-17, #AOTA-17020402-06-09, #BR-09-59
    12-24-16, #OTR-2-5001-06-09, #BAD_01-06-09
    12-18-16, #OTR-2-4912-31-08, #MMDT20_08-FY
    12-11-16, #OTR-2-4812-30-08, #BAD_12-30-08
    11-06-16, #OTR-2-4312-21-08, #BAD_08-12-21
    11-05-16, #16-4512-19-08, #MMDT20_08-50
    09-28-16, #ISGD-16-4012-16-08, #BAD_08-12-16
    06-19-16, #WOTR_0412-02-08, #BAD_08-12-02
    06-10-16, #ISGD-16-2511-21-08, #MMDT20_08-46
    05-07-16, #16-1911-18-08, #KMCC-5-06
    05-02-16, #MM-46311-02-08, #08-44
    02-06-16, #ISGD-16-0710-31-08, #MMDT20_08-43
    01-02-16, #ISGD-16-0109-30-08, #BAD_08-09-30
    12-12-15, #AOTA-15121209-19-08, #MMDT20_08-37
    11-25-15, #ISGD-15-5209-09-08, #KMCC-5-01
    11-21-15, #15-4709-05-08, #MMDT20_08-35
    11-21-15, #ISGD-15-5108-30-08, #MMCZ_SP01
    11-07-15, #AOTA-15110708-22-08, #MMDT20_08-33
    10-31-15, #15-4408-15-08, #MMDT20_08-32
    09-11-15, #MMDT20_15-3708-07-08, #BR-08-28
    08-30-15, #BWR-15-08-3007-18-08, #MMDT20_08-28
    08-29-15, #15-3507-11-08, #MMDT20_08-27
    08-01-15, #ISGD-15-3207-04-08, #MMDT20_08-26
    07-25-15, #ISGD-15-3107-04-08, #MMDT20_08-HY
    07-24-15, #MMDT20_15-3006-24-08, #KMCC-4-20
    06-20-15, #ISGD-15-2606-20-08, #MMDT20_08-24
    06-13-15, #ISGD-15-2506-15-08, #08-24
    06-06-15, #AOTA-15060606-15-08, #MMS-114
    05-09-15, #15-1906-14-08, #MMCZ_0050
    02-14-15, #ISGD-15-0706-13-08, #MMDT20_08-23
    01-31-15, #15-0506-10-08, #KMCC-4-19
    01-10-15, #ISGD-15-0206-08-08, #08-23
    01-03-15, #ISGD-15-0106-08-08, #BAD_08-06-08
    12-17-14, #ISGD-14-6906-06-08, #MMDT20_08-22
    12-09-14, #BWR-14-12-0906-01-08, #BAD_08-06-01
    12-06-14, #14-4905-31-08, #ROTP_197
    11-29-14, #14-4805-30-08, #MMDT20_08-21
    11-25-14, #BWR-14-11-2505-25-08, #BAD_08-05-25
    11-22-14, #14-4705-24-08, #ROTP_196
    11-22-14, #WOR-14112205-18-08, #BAD_08-05-18
    11-21-14, #MMDT20_14-4705-13-08, #KMCC-4-17
    11-15-14, #WOR-14111505-11-08, #MMS-112
    11-01-14, #WOR-14110105-02-08, #MMDT20_08-17
    10-11-14, #14-4104-29-08, #KMCC-4-16
    09-05-14, #MMDT20_14-3604-26-08, #MMCZ_08-17
    08-15-14, #MMDT20_14-3304-25-08, #MMDT20_08-16
    07-25-14, #MMDT20_14-3004-18-08, #MMDT20_08-15
    07-15-14, #BWR-14-07-1504-11-08, #MMDT20_08-14
    07-12-14, #ISGD-14-3804-05-08, #MMCZ_08-14
    07-04-14, #MMDT20_14-2704-04-08, #MMDT20_08-13
    06-03-14, #BWR-14-06-0303-28-08, #MMDT20_08-12
    05-31-14, #AOTA-14053103-21-08, #MMDT20_08-11
    05-24-14, #14-2103-15-08, #MMCZ_08-11
    02-25-14, #BWR-14-02-2503-14-08, #MMDT20_08-10
    02-02-14, #MMS-18303-07-08, #MMDT20_08-09
    01-05-14, #MMP-2502-29-08, #MMDT20_08-08
    12-24-13, #BWR-13-12-2402-29-08, #BR-08-08
    12-20-13, #MMDT20_13-5102-22-08, #MMDT20_08-07
    12-18-13, #ISGD-13-5402-16-08, #MMCZ_08-07
    12-13-13, #MMDT20_13-5002-15-08, #MMDT20_08-06
    12-06-13, #MMDT20_13-4902-08-08, #MMDT20_08-05
    11-29-13, #MMDT20_13-4802-01-08, #MMDT20_08-04
    11-22-13, #MMDT20_13-4701-26-08, #ROTP_179
    11-19-13, #BWR-13-11-1901-25-08, #MMDT20_08-03
    11-15-13, #MMDT20_13-4601-22-08, #KMCC-4-09
    11-08-13, #MMDT20_13-4512-31-07, #MMS-106
    10-11-13, #MMDT20_13-4112-23-07, #MMS-103
    09-24-13, #BWR-13-09-2412-21-07, #MMDT20_07-50
    09-06-13, #MMDT20_13-3612-14-07, #MMDT20_07-49
    08-08-13, #ISGD-13-3212-07-07, #MMDT20_07-48
    07-30-13, #BWR-13-07-3012-04-07, #KMCC-4-07
    06-25-13, #BWR-13-06-2511-30-07, #MMDT20_07-47
    06-14-13, #MMDT20_13-2411-23-07, #MMDT20_07-46
    06-13-13, #ISGD-13-2411-16-07, #MMDT20_07-45
    05-28-13, #BWR-13-05-2811-03-07, #ROTP_167
    05-10-13, #MMDT20_13-1911-02-07, #MMDT20_07-43
    04-05-13, #MMDT20_13-1410-28-07, #MMS-96
    03-22-13, #MMDT20_13-1210-26-07, #MMDT20_07-42
    03-08-13, #MMDT20_13-1010-19-07, #MMDT20_07-41
    02-19-13, #BWR-13-02-1910-12-07, #MMDT20_07-40
    02-13-13, #ISGD-13-0710-07-07, #MMS-95
    02-01-13, #MMDT20_13-0510-05-07, #MMDT20_07-39
    01-29-13, #BWR-13-01-2909-29-07, #ROTP_162
    01-22-13, #BWR-13-01-2209-28-07, #MMDT20_07-38
    01-18-13, #MMDT20_13-0309-21-07, #MMDT20_07-37
    01-17-13, #ISGD-13-0309-15-07, #ROTP_160
    01-15-13, #BWR-13-01-1509-14-07, #MMDT20_07-36
    01-01-13, #BWR-13-01-0109-09-07, #07-36
    12-29-12, #12-5209-07-07, #MMDT20_07-35
    11-30-12, #MMDT20_12-4809-01-07, #ROTP_158
    11-10-12, #AOTA-12111007-02-07, #MMS-84
    11-03-12, #12-4404-21-07, #ROTP_139
    10-18-12, #ISGD-12-4204-14-07, #ROTP_138
    10-16-12, #BWR-12-10-1604-09-07, #MM-103
    10-13-12, #12-4102-24-07, #ROTP_131
    10-12-12, #MMDT20_12-4101-28-07, #ROTP_127
    10-09-12, #BWR-12-10-0901-07-07, #MMS-61
    10-02-12, #BWR-12-10-0212-23-06, #ROTP_122
    09-29-12, #12-3910-21-06, #ROTP_113
    09-22-12, #AOTA-12092210-08-06, #MMS-48
    09-21-12, #MMDT20_12-3805-21-06, #MMS-28
    09-18-12, #BWR-12-09-1802-07-06, #KMCC_2-14
    09-14-12, #MMDT20_12-3701-22-06, #MMS-14
    08-14-12, #BWR-12-08-1401-07-06, #MMS-12
    08-10-12, #MMDT20_12-3212-24-05, #MMS-10
    08-07-12, #BWR-12-08-0710-16-05, #05-42
    07-31-12, #BWR-12-07-3102-20-05, #XM-91
    07-06-12, #MMDT20_12-2701-16-05, #05-03
    06-26-12, #BWR-12-06-2601-06-05, #MMDT20_05-01
    06-22-12, #MMDT20_12-25