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Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 07-45, November 16, 2007
Topic: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 07-46, November 16, 2007

This show has 10 parts:

Part 5
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#10HalloweenArt Paul Schlosser
#9HalloweenieKarl Brown
#8DDR Failure MedleyDJ Particle
Part 6
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#7A Geek Like MeDJ Particle
#6I Wonder If She's a GirlRick Cormier
#5I Hate CellphonesnR Element
Part 9
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#4My Mens Room Date's A SenatorRobert Lund
#3The Infernal BridegroomTunaFix
#2Say MongooseAutomatic Pilot
Part 10
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#1Vampire SurpriseVeronique Chevalier


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Messages about the show: "Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 07-45, November 16, 2007"

davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-16-07 01:36 AM  -  17 years ago

Sarah Michelle Gellar changed her name to Sarah Michelle Prinze. Yikes. My song is already outdated.

Also, Sarah is Maxim's Woman of the Year 2008.

And...a Sarah section is coming to sometime soon.

Who knew?
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  11-16-07 01:51 AM  -  17 years ago
"DDR Failure Medley" is #8
"A Geek Like Me" is #7

We'll see what happens in the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone for all your voting over these last couple months! You guys rock so much! *snugglies*
davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-16-07 02:27 AM  -  17 years ago

A Geek Like Me has 74 points
DDR Failure has 15 points
Rank points are 20 for #1, 19 for #2, 18 for #3, etc to 1 for #20.

In the battle of the vampire songs:
20 points: Vampire Surprise - Veronique Chevalier
53 points: Buffy the Vampire Teller Slayer - David Tanny

anything can still happen.

--- DJ Particle
"DDR Failure Medley" is #8
"A Geek Like Me" is #7

The latter now has 154 points!!! According to what David Tanny posted a couple weeks back, that may have just propelled "Geek" into the TOP 10 OF THE YEAR so far!!!! :) We'll see what happens in the coming weeks!

Thanks to everyone for all your voting over these last couple months! You guys rock so much! *snugglies*
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  11-16-07 09:36 AM  -  17 years ago
Oh you only count the top 20....I didn't know that

For some reason I had it in my head that you extended it out to the Top 40 each week (to keep just anyone from following along and being spoiled)....I don't know what made me think that
karlap   Offline  -  Artist  -  11-16-07 08:30 PM  -  17 years ago
There are 140 points per song up for grabs -- 20 each for 11/19, 11/26. 12/3 and 12/10 ballots, plus 60 for the triple-point 12/17 ballot. If A Geek Like Me is #1 each time (and no other contenders get enough additional points) then A Geek Like Me will be #1 for 2007.

DDR Failure can be #7 at best for 2007; so can Vampire Surprise. Buffy the Vampire Teller Slayer can be #3.

(All above assuming my calculations are correct.)

ALMOST anything can still happen.

--- nutcase
A Geek Like Me has 74 points
DDR Failure has 15 points
Rank points are 20 for #1, 19 for #2, 18 for #3, etc to 1 for #20.

In the battle of the vampire songs:
20 points: Vampire Surprise - Veronique Chevalier
53 points: Buffy the Vampire Teller Slayer - David Tanny

anything can still happen.

davidtanny   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  11-16-07 11:02 PM  -  17 years ago
Top 40? Does this mean that I would have to start playing Maroon 5? %-|

I could stetch it to top 40, but I need more people to vote on the ballot to break the ties on the lower tiers. Having 30 to 40 people a week voting each week doesn't quite break most of the ties below number 10 or 11, so I have to flip a coin to break them.

But for the final MMDT20 Survey of the year, postdated December 21, I could stretch it out to 40 songs for the secret survey, with each ranking doubled, but each position would come with a catch (provided that 75 percent of the votes for the song that ranked it came from registered voters with doubling and tripling passwords) or it would just count as single points per position (40 or 80 for #1, 39 or 78 for #2, etc to 1 or 2 for #40). This would be a one-time thing.

The last week of voting is the season finale and almost is the busiest week of the year.

Only the top 20 songs would be played on the Jan 4, 2008 edition of the MMDT20 show. The rest of the 20 would be seen on the playlist page.

If the participation is high, then I might do it for the year, else, it's business as usual.

--- DJ Particle
Oh you only count the top 20....I didn't know that

For some reason I had it in my head that you extended it out to the Top 40 each week (to keep just anyone from following along and being spoiled)....I don't know what made me think that
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  11-17-07 02:37 AM  -  17 years ago
oh, I'm not expecting to be #1 for the year *heh* I'm not THAT demented. ;) Right now I'm just glad to be among the Top 50 of the year :)

--- karlap
If A Geek Like Me is #1 each time (and no other contenders get enough additional points) then A Geek Like Me will be #1 for 2007.
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