Facts: |
From Al's second album "In 3-D" (CapSuper) |
Parody of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" which reached #12 on Billboard in March 1984. (sav-man) |
Web pages about this song: |
Song Lyrics: |
How come you're always such a fussy young man, Don't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raisin Bran, Well don't you know that other kids are starving in Japan, So eat it, just eat it.
Don't want to argue, I don't want to debate Don't want to hear about what kind of food you hate. You won't get no dessert till you clean off your plate. So eat it.
Don't tell me you're full
Just eat it, eat it, Get yourself an egg and beat it. Have some more chicken, have some more pie It doesn't matter if it's broiled or fried Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it, Just eat it, eat it, just eat it, eat it.
Your table manners are a crying shame You're playin' with your food, this ain't some kind of game. Now if you starve to death you'll just have yourself to blame. So eat it, just eat it.
You better listen, better do what you're told, You haven't even touched your tuna casserole, You better chow down or it's gonna get cold, So eat it.
I don't care if you're full
Just eat it, eat it. Open up your mouth and feed it. Have some more yogurt, have some more Spam, It doesn't matter if it's fresh or canned
Just eat it, eat it Don't you make me repeat it. Have a banana, have a whole bunch, It doesn't matter what you had for lunch Just eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it, eat it.
Just eat it, eat it, If it's getting cold, reheat it Have a big dinner, have a light snack, If you don't like it you can't send it back.
Just eat it, eat it, Get yourself an egg and beat it. Have some more chicken, have some more pie It doesn't matter if it's broiled or fried
Just eat it, eat it, Don't you make me repeat it. (Captain Wayne) |
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Current Rating
(8 votes)
Played on 119 shows: |
 | 02-24-24, #KMCC-18-13 |  | 11-16-07, #MMDT20_07-45 |
 | 10-01-22, #AOTA-221001 |  | 05-27-07, #07-21 |
 | 11-27-21, #AOTA-211127 |  | 01-21-07, #07-03 |
 | 05-01-21, #AOTA-210501 |  | 01-07-07, #MMS-61 |
 | 01-09-21, #AOTA-210109 |  | 05-07-06, #06-19 |
 | 11-28-20, #AOTA-201128 |  | 04-08-06, #ROTP_085 |
 | 08-08-20, #AOTA-200808 |  | 12-03-05, #MMS-7 |
 | 08-01-20, #AOTA-200801 |  | 01-30-05, #XM-88 |
 | 06-27-20, #AOTA-200627 |  | 01-09-05, #05-02 |
 | 02-01-20, #AOTA-200201 |  | 07-25-04, #XM-61 |
 | 10-05-19, #AOTA-191005 |  | 02-01-04, #04-05 |
 | 09-27-19, #WOTR_149 |  | 05-11-03, #03-19 |
 | 07-06-19, #AOTA-190706 |  | 01-28-01, #01-04 |
 | 06-01-19, #AOTA-190601 |  | 04-02-00, #00-14 |
 | 03-16-19, #AOTA-190316 |  | 08-08-99, #99-32 |
 | 03-09-19, #AOTA-190309 |  | 11-01-98, #98-44 |
 | 11-24-18, #AOTA-181124 |  | 01-18-98, #98-03 |
 | 10-21-18, #OTR-4-42 |  | 01-11-98, #98-02 |
 | 10-06-18, #AOTA-181006 |  | 09-07-97, #97-36 |
 | 09-01-18, #AOTA-180901 |  | 06-08-97, #97-23 |
 | 11-19-17, #OTR-3-47 |  | 11-24-96, #96-47 |
 | 09-17-17, #OTR-3-38 |  | 05-12-96, #96-19 |
 | 03-04-17, #KMCC-11-13 |  | 01-28-96, #96-04 |
 | 02-03-17, #KMCC-11-11 |  | 04-03-94, #94-14 |
 | 10-01-16, #AOTA-1601001 |  | 07-18-93, #93-29 |
 | 11-14-15, #AOTA-151114 |  | 07-19-92, #92-29 |
 | 09-26-15, #ISGD-15-40 |  | 10-13-91, #91-41 |
 | 08-22-15, #ISGD-15-35 |  | 07-28-91, #91-30 |
 | 03-08-15, #BWR-15-03-08 |  | 07-29-90, #90-30 |
 | 01-10-15, #15-02 | | 01-07-90, #90-01 |
 | 06-10-14, #BWR-14-06-10 |  | 11-05-89, #89-45 |
 | 06-07-14, #AOTA-140607 | | 09-25-88, #88-39 |
 | 03-01-14, #AOTA-140301 |  | 06-26-88, #88-26 |
 | 11-16-13, #AOTA-131116 | | 08-02-87, #87-31 |
 | 06-01-13, #AOTA-130601 |  | 07-12-87, #87-28 |
 | 04-25-13, #ISGD-13-17 |  | 04-26-87, #87-17 |
 | 02-21-13, #ISGD-13-08 |  | 09-07-86, #86-36 |
 | 11-20-12, #BWR-12-11-20 | | 06-08-86, #KMET-86-23 |
 | 10-06-12, #AOTA-121006 |  | 02-23-86, #86-08 |
 | 05-19-12, #AOTA-120519 | | 02-23-86, #KMET-86-08 |
 | 02-07-12, #BWR-12-02-07 |  | 11-17-85, #85-46 |
 | 12-17-11, #MMCZ-11-51 | | 04-28-85, #85-17 |
 | 11-26-11, #AOTA-111126 |  | 03-24-85, #85-12 |
 | 07-05-11, #BWR-11-07-05 |  | 02-17-85, #85-07 |
 | 06-04-11, #AOTA-110604 |  | 12-30-84, #84-53 |
 | 06-04-11, #11-23 |  | 09-23-84, #84-39 |
 | 01-22-11, #MMCZ-11-04 |  | 07-29-84, #84-31 |
 | 01-22-11, #MMCZ-11-02 |  | 07-22-84, #84-30 |
 | 01-15-11, #11-03 |  | 04-22-84, #84-17 |
 | 11-20-10, #MMCZ-10-51 |  | 04-15-84, #84-16 |
 | 10-09-10, #10-41 | | 04-08-84, #84-15 |
 | 11-22-09, #09-47 |  | 04-01-84, #84-14 |
 | 11-08-09, #MMCZ-09-41 |  | 03-25-84, #84-13 |
 | 07-12-09, #MMCZ-09-26 | | 03-18-84, #84-12 |
 | 07-04-09, #ROTP_254 |  | 03-11-84, #84-11 |
 | 07-03-09, #MMDT20_09-27 |  | 03-04-84, #84-10 |
 | 06-28-09, #MMCZ-09-24 |  | 02-26-84, #84-09 |
 | 06-28-09, #BAD_06-28-09 |  | 02-19-84, #84-08 |
 | 06-29-08, #08-26 |  | 02-12-84, #84-07 |
 | 05-10-08, #BR-08-15 | | |
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