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Song Details
Duration: 4:30 
Release Date: 3/21/2013 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: Fundamental Pete & WSUM (artpaul) 
Released By: Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul) 
Published By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Licensing: BMI  #15607737 (DJ Particle) 
Song Lyrics:
ah if there is a phone call will put it on hold or something
Yeah lets do the song
Are you gonna use that one instead of the other one
I'll switch back and forth

Sprinkles on my doughnut
Sprinkles on my doughnut
Sprinkles on my doughnut
Sprinkles on my doughnut

Yeah you know sprinkles are great
They add flavor to anything
and some kids don't like vegetables so how about

Sprinkles on your vegetables
Sprinkles on your vegetables
Sprinkles on your vegetables
Sprinkles on your vegetables

Well you know but vegetables aren't the only thing that you have problems with.
Maybe one day you go to work and your boss is grumpy

Sprinkles on your boss
Sprinkles on your boos
Sprinkles on your boss
Sprinkles on your boss

Yeah I bet if you bought your boss some doughnuts one day when he was really grumpy he wouldn't be so grumpy all the time but I don't know if I would buy him doughnut all the time because that could be expensive

How about the police officer comes up to you and he's mad about something and
I don't know maybe that would be bribing the police officer
How about

Sprinkles on the police officer
Sprinkles on the police officer
Sprinkles on the police officer
Sprinkles on the police officer

Hey you know maybe your girlfriend or your boyfriend needs some sprinkles

Sprinkles on your girlfriend
Sprinkles on your boyfriend
Sprinkles on your girlfriend
Sprinkles on your boyfriend

Or how about your Mother or Father

Sprinkles on your parents
Sprinkles on your parents
Sprinkles on your parents
Sprinkles on your parents

Or how about on your teacher
A lot of students are wondering why the teacher is so grumpy

Sprinkles on your teacher
Sprinkles on your teacher
Sprinkles on your teacher
Sprinkles on your teacher

Or how about the government
You know that Scott Walker when he was on the TV there
I thought he was kind of grumpy maybe no one ever bought him a doughnut

Sprinkles on the government
Sprinkles on the government
Sprinkles on the government
Sprinkles on the government

Why not everybody
I mean there's a lot of grumpy people in the world
Let's just buy everybody doughnuts
Maybe some people don't like sprinkles
We'll get them jelly doughnuts

Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody


One more time sing it with me

Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody
Sprinkles on everybody

Very nice
That's a wonderful message Art Paul
Yeah it was inspired by my kid Simon he loves sprinkles on his doughnuts
He must love that song
Well I haven't played it for him yet
Current Rating 9.9 (1 vote)
Played on 3 shows:
06-25-13, #BWR-13-06-2506-13-13, #ISGD-13-24
06-14-13, #MMDT20_13-24
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