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Badave Bi-Weekly Parody Radio Show 07/12/2009
Topic: Technology

Parodists: Want your songs played on Badave Radio? Send your mp3s (44mhz, up to 320bps) to (Under 10 mb, over 10 PM me, and we'll work something else out). OR fill out the quick and easy blanket permission form at Enjoy the show!

Next week: Fat and PROUD OF IT!!!

Listing added by:  belowaveragedave

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Show Facts: (belowaveragedave)
Max Degroot: (belowaveragedave)
Below Average Dave: (belowaveragedave)
DJ Particle: (belowaveragedave)
Odd Austin: (belowaveragedave)
Sharm: (belowaveragedave)
Phil Alexander: (belowaveragedave)
Jeff Reuben: (belowaveragedave)
EmiLoca: (belowaveragedave)
Peter Coffin: (belowaveragedave)
Merry & Pippin: (belowaveragedave)
Mikey Squirrel: (belowaveragedave)
Crazy Crash: (belowaveragedave)
Rick Cormier: (belowaveragedave)
Art Paul Schlosser: (belowaveragedave)
Matthias: (belowaveragedave)
Slyth66: (belowaveragedave)
The French Nerd: (belowaveragedave)
Medemia: (belowaveragedave)
Ann Hammond: (belowaveragedave)
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Messages about the show: "Badave Bi-Weekly Parody Radio Show 07/12/2009"

DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  07-13-09 01:50 AM  -  15 years ago
2/3rds of "17 years on the PC" is actually a Tom Smith cover. "On The PC" and "PC99" were originally done by Tom Smith in 1991 and 1999, respectively. The third part, "PC08" was written by me.

The track was done as part of the Tom Smith fundraiser tribute last year. :)
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-13-09 02:20 AM  -  15 years ago
I still thought it was just really cool the way you turned a short musical song from the Little Mermaid into a Meatloaf length song :) But whenever that song comes up on future playlists I'll mention that part too. . .like the way it's all tied together.
Medemia   Offline  -  Artist  -  07-13-09 01:37 PM  -  15 years ago

Well, thanks for the play Dave. I really got to work on my production values and vocals. Thanks for the wake up call :)

BTW, it's meh-dem-EE-ah

I vote for the first Big Mac song.
oddaustin   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-14-09 11:39 PM  -  15 years ago
LLOL (Literally laughing out loud), Max Degroot, he's been on a rampage on The FuMP Sideshow, I quite like that. Go Dave and Max!

About the Battle of the Parodies thing, I know what ya mean, man. We probably shouldn't have done a battle for that OS.
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-15-09 01:05 AM  -  15 years ago
No hard feeling though, Kenmore Fridge was definitely the best in that battle

LLOL (Literally laughing out loud), Max Degroot, he's been on a rampage on The FuMP Sideshow, I quite like that. Go Dave and Max!

About the Battle of the Parodies thing, I know what ya mean, man. We probably shouldn't have done a battle for that OS.
oddaustin   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-15-09 01:19 AM  -  15 years ago
You got tons of votes for other stuff though, you won a lot as I remember. I don't think we're doing it again this year. It took a lot of miserable time to make. I feel bad for Emi who has to do it every week.
belowaveragedave   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-15-09 02:00 AM  -  15 years ago
Yeah, the countdown bore down on me too. . .the more automated it got, the less trusty the results got. Plus, even though it is my show, I hated playing basically 15 of me and 5 of others, sometimes even worse ratios, because I do have a heavy fan base on, naturally, I love my fans dearly, but there were a couple on badave who would vote insanely for my older stuff. . .The MMA is much more balanced for something like that. I'd like to eventually bring it back, but only when my songs account for less than 20% of the site, and the traffic is more diverse, which is happening rapidly, I forgot to do the Alexa rank, but my site has a 700% traffic increase since the show came back because of all these new great artists on the show. . .hopefully I can keep that trend and bring back a more diverse, and reliable top (insert the number).

Imagine an I Kissed a Girl battle Austin, ha ha ha I guarantee non of those would end up as the top 3 overall with the amount of parodies of it, you'd have to do an I Kissed a Girl countdown for goodness sake:)

You got tons of votes for other stuff though, you won a lot as I remember. I don't think we're doing it again this year. It took a lot of miserable time to make. I feel bad for Emi who has to do it every week.
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  07-15-09 02:23 AM  -  15 years ago
Eh it's not that bad. You'd be surprised how much of the DT20 writes itself.

You got tons of votes for other stuff though, you won a lot as I remember. I don't think we're doing it again this year. It took a lot of miserable time to make. I feel bad for Emi who has to do it every week.
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