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Song Details
Rank this week: 10 (↓10)
Duration: 2:10 
Release Date: 2003  (artpaul) 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: Art Paul Schlosser & Randy Green (artpaul) 
Released By: Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul) 
Published By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Licensing: BMI  #13704778 (artpaul) 
Song Lyrics:
Okay now on this next one you’ve got to imagine that you’re on State street or your somewhere maybe your in New York city or Minneapolis or somewhere where there’s a lot of bars and you’re in desire to drink beer or some alcohol or something and the bars are really crowded maybe on Halloween or Christmas or New Years or you know it’s one of those occasions were there’s a lot of people Friday night or Saturday and you want to get a beer and there’s a long line

There ain’t no more beer in the bar
There ain’t no more beer for sure
We’re just standing around in this line acting like we’re cool

Yeah there ain’t no more whiskey
There ain’t no more champaign too
We’re just standing around in this line wondering why we’re here

I bet the other line at the other bar was shorter
I bet the other line at the other bar was shorter
I bet the other line at the other bar was shorter
But by the time we get there it’ll be longer
By the the time we get there it’ll be longer

There ain’t no more beer in the bar
There ain’t no more beer for sure
We’re just standing around in this line acting kind of weird

Why is that guy play that guitar all the time

Did you ever think that life is real
Or do you think it’s just a dream
Or do you think that life is one long nightmare and your standing around in a line trying to get a beer

Current Rating 9.9 (1 vote)
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