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Artist Details

Date Born/Group Began: September 17, 1951 (I B Emerson) 
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Cassandra Peterson
Mistress of the Dark (Halfshell)
The Boob in BoobTube (Halfshell)
Elvira (Stavro Arrgolus)
Singer, dancer, televison and movie personality. (I B Emerson)
  • Cassandra invented her Elvira persona from the same underground comedy group called The Groundlings at same time Paul Ruebens created his Pee-Wee Herman persona. In an interview, Cassandra said "Paul and I studied together but didn't gain any friendship. He went on to do his thing, and I went on to do mine." (Halfshell)
  • While performing in Vegas as a backup showgirl met Elvis Presley during his 69 comeback to live performances and he told her "a nice girl like you should get out of Vegas and follow your own path", and that is what she did. (Halfshell)
  • Cassandra was born in Manhattan Kansas on a farm not to far where they filmed, 1939 classic, "The Wizard of Oz." (Halfshell)
  • Elvira and RuPaul are very close friends and RuPaul even helped Elvira with some advice for Elvira's short lived series, "The Next Elvira". (Halfshell)
  • Elvira is a big Vincent Price fan and has featured his films on her late night television shows, and has parodied his movies in her film 'Elvira's Haunted Hills' with a dedication to him in the credits. (Halfshell)
  • Runs a live show during Knott's Berry Farm's 'Knott's Scary Farm' during the Halloween season. (Halfshell)
  • Ended each late night show with the phrase, "Unpleasant dreams." (Halfshell)
  • Cassandra and her Elvira persona character are both Elvis fans. (Halfshell)
  • Played a small cameo in Cheech's "Born in East L.A." music video. (Halfshell)
  • In Feb. 2013 interview with Mike Becker of Funko (Pop! Talk), Cassandera stated she would be retiring Elvira from public performances. Ref: Youtube "" Youtube Link" (Halfshell)
  • Played on 107 shows:
    10-28-24, #SF_WBHT10-15-13, #BWR-13-10-15
    10-25-24, #MMS-27110-12-13, #AOTA-131012
    10-28-23, #AOTA-23102810-30-12, #BWR-12-10-30
    10-15-23, #SF_0910-29-12, #ISGD-12-44
    10-14-23, #AOTA-23101410-27-12, #12-43
    10-13-23, #MMS-25810-25-12, #ISGD-12-43
    10-13-23, #ISGD-23-1010-22-12, #BWR-12-10-23
    02-10-23, #ISGD-23-0210-21-12, #MMS-157
    10-28-22, #WOTR_29910-20-12, #12-42
    10-16-22, #MMS-24410-16-12, #BWR-12-10-16
    10-14-22, #WOTR_29711-12-11, #MMCZ-11-46
    10-01-22, #ISGD-17-4510-29-11, #MMCZ-11-44
    10-22-21, #WOTR_24810-25-11, #BWR-11-10-25
    10-16-21, #AOTA-21101610-15-11, #AOTA-111015
    10-15-21, #WOTR_24710-11-11, #BWR-11-10-11
    10-08-21, #WOTR_24610-30-10, #10-44
    10-30-20, #WOTR_19710-23-10, #10-43
    10-24-20, #AOTA-20102410-25-09, #MMCZ-09-39
    10-23-20, #WOTR_19610-25-09, #09-43
    10-16-20, #WOTR_19510-11-09, #MMS-130
    10-02-20, #WOTR_19310-31-08, #MMS-117
    10-25-19, #WOTR_15310-19-08, #08-42
    10-19-19, #AOTA-19101910-28-07, #07-43
    10-04-19, #WOTR_15010-28-07, #MMS-97
    10-26-18, #WOTR_10807-29-07, #07-30
    10-22-18, #MMS-22710-22-06, #06-43
    10-19-18, #WOTR_10710-22-06, #MMS-50
    10-13-18, #AOTA-18101310-29-05, #MMS-2
    10-28-17, #AOTA-17102810-27-03, #XM-23
    10-17-17, #ISGD-17-4410-20-03, #XM-22
    10-15-17, #MMS-21710-13-03, #XM-21
    10-31-16, #MMS-20310-27-02, #02-43
    10-26-16, #ISGD-16-4410-20-02, #02-42
    10-24-16, #MMS-20210-28-01, #01-43
    10-22-16, #16-4310-29-00, #00-44
    10-19-16, #ISGD-16-4310-31-99, #99-44
    10-31-15, #15-4410-26-97, #97-43
    10-28-15, #ISGD-15-4710-27-96, #96-43
    10-25-15, #BWR-15-10-2510-29-95, #95-44
    10-24-15, #ISGD-15-4610-22-95, #95-43
    10-21-15, #ISGD-15-4510-30-94, #94-44
    10-29-14, #ISGD-14-5810-23-94, #94-43
    10-28-14, #BWR-14-10-2810-31-93, #93-44
    10-25-14, #ISGD-14-5710-29-89, #89-44
    10-25-14, #WOR-14102510-30-88, #88-44
    10-21-14, #BWR-14-10-2110-25-87, #87-43
    10-19-14, #MMS-18810-26-86, #86-43
    12-26-13, #ISGD-13-5610-26-86, #KMET-86-43
    10-29-13, #ISGD-13-4510-27-85, #KMET-85-43
    10-29-13, #BWR-13-10-2910-27-85, #85-43
    10-26-13, #AOTA-13102610-28-84, #84-44
    10-23-13, #ISGD-13-4310-30-83, #83-44
    10-19-13, #13-4208-01-82, #82-31
    10-16-13, #ISGD-13-42
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