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The Four Postmen
Date Born/Group Began: 1992 (MarlinsGirl) 
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Brett Pearsons (Bass) (MarlinsGirl)
Geoff Dunbar (Drums, Percussion) (MarlinsGirl)
Ken Wilder (Vocals, Lead Guitar) (MarlinsGirl)
Matt Kaminsky (Vocals, Keyboards) (MarlinsGirl)
Stefan Marks (Vocals, Rhythm Guitar) (MarlinsGirl)
This FIVE-man band has been performing together since 1992 and features electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards, drums, bass, and an emphasis on three-part vocal harmony. Their live show is highly energetic and theatrical, complete with comic banter between songs. (MarlinsGirl)

Played on 357 shows:
11-09-24, #KMCC - 19-0606-03-07, #07-22
10-12-24, #KMCC - 19-0405-23-07, #KMCC_3-10
08-31-24, #KMCC-19-0105-06-07, #07-18
04-06-24, #KMCC-18-1604-18-07, #KMCC_3-09
03-23-24, #KMCC-18-1504-08-07, #07-14
02-10-24, #KMCC-18-1203-25-07, #07-12
02-03-24, #MMCZ-24-0203-11-07, #07-10
01-13-24, #KMCC-18-1002-18-07, #07-07
08-05-23, #KMCC-16-0602-07-07, #KMCC_3-07
07-01-23, #KMCC-16-0302-05-07, #MM-94
06-20-23, #KMCC- 16-0701-21-07, #07-03
06-03-23, #KMCC-17-2001-10-07, #KMCC_3-06
05-20-23, #KMCC-17-1911-29-06, #KMCC_3-04
05-12-23, #ISGD-23-0511-08-06, #KMCC_3-01
05-06-23, #KMCC-17-1808-06-06, #MMS-39
05-05-23, #WOTR_32107-17-06, #MMS-36
05-05-23, #MMS-25206-04-06, #06-23
04-22-23, #AOTA-23042204-16-06, #06-16
03-25-23, #AOTA-23032504-15-06, #MMS-22
03-10-23, #ISGD-23-0303-19-06, #06-12
02-11-23, #KMCC-17-1202-19-06, #06-08
11-16-22, #ISGD-22-0202-07-06, #KMCC_2-14
11-01-22, #ISGD-22-0102-05-06, #MMS-16
09-24-22, #AOTA-22092401-15-06, #MM-41
04-15-22, #WOTR_27301-11-06, #KMCC_2-13
02-11-22, #WOTR_26410-05-05, #KMCC_2-11
01-07-22, #WOTR_25909-07-05, #KMCC_2-10
08-28-21, #AOTA-21082808-28-05, #05-35
08-26-21, #MMS-23906-08-05, #KMCC_2-09
04-09-21, #WOTR_22005-18-05, #KMCC_02-08
04-03-21, #AOTA-21040305-04-05, #KMCC_2-7.5
10-03-20, #KMCC-15-0403-27-05, #XM-96
09-19-20, #KMCC-15-0202-20-05, #XM-91
08-07-20, #WOTR_18502-13-05, #XM-90
05-09-20, #AOTA-20050901-30-05, #05-05
04-11-20, #AOTA-20041112-28-04, #ISGD-04-62
02-14-20, #WOTR_16912-27-04, #ISGD-04-61
10-19-19, #KMCC-14-0411-24-04, #KMCC_2-06
05-17-19, #WOTR_13511-03-04, #KMCC_2-05
05-11-19, #KMCC-13-1910-20-04, #KMCC-2-04
04-13-19, #KMCC-13-1710-13-04, #KMCC_2-03
04-13-19, #KMCC-13-1710-06-04, #KMCC_02-02
04-13-19, #AOTA-19041309-29-04, #KMCC_02-01
02-08-19, #WOTR_12408-08-04, #XM-63
12-29-18, #AOTA-18122908-01-04, #04-31
11-24-18, #KMCC-13-0707-18-04, #XM-60
08-24-18, #WOTR_10007-11-04, #04-28
06-08-18, #WOTR_8906-27-04, #04-26
06-01-18, #WOTR_8806-27-04, #XM-57
05-26-18, #AOTA-18052606-23-04, #KMCC_1-15
05-25-18, #WOTR_8706-16-04, #KMCC_01-14
05-19-18, #AOTA-18051906-06-04, #04-23
04-27-18, #WOTR_8005-19-04, #KMCC_1-12
04-21-18, #KMCC-12-1705-12-04, #KMCC_1-11
03-31-18, #AOTA-18033105-02-04, #XM-49
03-31-18, #KMCC SE 00304-21-04, #KMCC_01-09
03-30-18, #WOTR_7604-11-04, #04-15
03-24-18, #KMCC-12-1503-10-04, #KMCC_01-07
03-10-18, #KMCC-12-1402-11-04, #KMCC_1-04
02-24-18, #KMCC-12-1302-08-04, #04-06
02-10-18, #AOTA-18021001-28-04, #KMCC_1-03
01-05-18, #WOTR_6701-21-04, #KMCC_01-02
11-25-17, #KMCC-12-0711-24-03, #ISGD-03-49
11-11-17, #KMCC- 12-0611-18-03, #ISGD-03-48
11-11-17, #KMCC- 12-0611-03-03, #ISGD-03-43
10-14-17, #KMCC-12-0410-21-03, #ISGD-03-42
09-23-17, #KMCC-T12-4510-02-03, #MMCZ-03-10
09-23-17, #AOTA-17092309-29-03, #ISGD-03-36
09-22-17, #WOTR_5109-22-03, #ISGD-03-35
08-16-17, #ISGD-17-3509-08-03, #ISGD-03-33
06-07-17, #ISGD-17-2309-01-03, #XM-15
04-17-17, #OTR-3-1608-25-03, #ISGD-03-32
04-15-17, #AOTA-17041508-11-03, #ISGD-03-31
04-14-17, #WOTR_2908-04-03, #ISGD-03-30
04-12-17, #ISGD-17-1507-28-03, #ISGD-03-29
02-04-17, #AOTA-17020407-14-03, #ISGD-03-27
01-11-17, #ISGD-17-0206-30-03, #ISGD-03-25
11-09-16, #ISGD-16-4606-26-03, #MMCZ-03-01
08-20-16, #16-3406-16-03, #ISGD-03-23
07-09-16, #WOTR_0706-09-03, #ISGD-03-22
06-11-16, #16-2406-02-03, #ISGD-03-21
03-26-16, #16-1305-19-03, #ISGD-03-19
03-26-16, #AOTA-16032605-12-03, #ISGD-03-18
11-21-15, #15-4704-28-03, #ISGD-03-16
10-24-15, #ISGD-15-4604-20-03, #03-16
04-05-15, #BWR-15-04-0504-14-03, #ISGD-03-14
03-21-15, #15-1203-24-03, #ISGD-03-11
02-01-15, #BWR-15-02-0103-17-03, #ISGD-03-10
11-08-14, #WOR-14110803-10-03, #ISGD-03-09
08-16-14, #ISGD-14-4603-03-03, #ISGD-03-08
07-15-14, #BWR-14-07-1502-24-03, #ISGD-03-07
04-20-14, #MMS-18602-16-03, #03-07
04-19-14, #14-1602-03-03, #ISGD-03-04
04-19-14, #AOTA-14041902-02-03, #03-05
04-15-14, #BWR-14-04-1501-20-03, #ISGD-03-02
01-25-14, #AOTA-14012501-13-03, #ISGD-03-01
11-02-13, #13-4412-29-02, #02-52
07-28-13, #MMS-16512-16-02, #ISGD-02-01
06-05-13, #KMCC_7-1011-17-02, #02-46
05-07-13, #KMCC_7-0909-29-02, #02-39
03-30-13, #AOTA-13033009-22-02, #02-38
03-26-13, #BWR-13-03-2609-01-02, #02-35
03-12-13, #BWR-13-03-1208-25-02, #02-34
02-23-13, #13-0808-04-02, #02-31
02-12-13, #BWR-13-02-1207-21-02, #02-29
02-05-13, #BWR-13-02-0504-28-02, #02-17
01-07-13, #MM-29304-21-02, #02-16
12-31-12, #KMCC_7-0502-10-02, #02-06
11-09-12, #ISGD-12-4602-03-02, #02-05
10-09-12, #BWR-12-10-0912-30-01, #01-52
08-11-12, #12-3211-25-01, #01-47
07-04-12, #ISGD-12-2709-23-01, #01-38
06-29-12, #MMDT20_12-2609-09-01, #01-36
05-07-12, #MM-25809-02-01, #01-35
05-01-12, #BWR-12-05-0108-26-01, #01-34
04-07-12, #AOTA-12040708-12-01, #01-32
04-05-12, #ISGD-12-1408-05-01, #01-31
04-03-12, #BWR-12-04-0307-08-01, #01-27
12-13-11, #LCBR_Ep05407-01-01, #01-26
08-20-11, #11-3406-24-01, #01-25
05-21-11, #MMCZ-11-2106-10-01, #01-23
04-23-11, #AOTA-11042305-27-01, #01-21
04-22-11, #ROTP_34805-20-01, #01-20
02-26-11, #11-0905-13-01, #01-19
11-28-10, #MMCZ-10-5405-06-01, #01-18
10-24-10, #MMCZ-10-4404-29-01, #01-17
10-09-10, #10-4104-15-01, #01-15
09-18-10, #MMCZ-10-3804-08-01, #01-14
07-11-10, #MMCZ-10-2904-01-01, #01-13
04-18-10, #MMCZ-10-1603-25-01, #01-12
04-04-10, #10-1403-18-01, #01-11
03-21-10, #10-1203-04-01, #01-09
03-08-10, #DRP_ep01402-25-01, #01-08
12-31-09, #MMDT20_09-FY12-31-00, #00-53
11-28-09, #ROTP_27510-01-00, #00-40
09-14-09, #MM-22708-27-00, #00-35
09-13-09, #MMCZ-09-3507-30-00, #00-31
07-04-09, #MMDT20_09-HY05-28-00, #00-22
06-30-09, #KMCC_5-2005-21-00, #00-21
06-14-09, #MMCZ-09-2104-23-00, #00-17
06-12-09, #MMDT20_09-2402-20-00, #00-08
06-05-09, #MMDT20_09-2312-26-99, #99-52
05-22-09, #MMDT20_09-2111-07-99, #99-45
05-03-09, #MMCZ-09-1508-29-99, #99-35
04-24-09, #MMDT20_09-1707-25-99, #99-30
04-17-09, #MMDT20_09-1606-20-99, #99-25
04-12-09, #MMCZ-09-1205-30-99, #99-22
04-12-09, #09-1505-09-99, #99-19
04-10-09, #MMDT20_09-1504-18-99, #99-16
04-05-09, #09-1404-11-99, #99-15
04-03-09, #MMDT20_09-1404-04-99, #99-14
02-10-09, #KMCC_05-1003-28-99, #99-13
02-01-09, #MMCZ 09-0403-07-99, #99-10
01-30-09, #MMDT20_09-0502-28-99, #99-09
11-04-08, #KMCC-5-0502-07-99, #99-06
10-10-08, #BR-08-4201-10-99, #99-02
09-13-08, #MMCZ_011008-30-98, #98-35
09-06-08, #MMCZ_010206-21-98, #98-25
08-17-08, #08-3302-01-98, #98-05
08-09-08, #MMCZ_008401-11-98, #98-02
07-06-08, #08-2701-04-98, #98-01
07-05-08, #MMCZ_006211-30-97, #97-48
06-28-08, #MMCZ_005611-23-97, #97-47
04-05-08, #MMCZ_08-1411-02-97, #97-44
03-22-08, #MMCZ_08-1210-19-97, #97-42
03-18-08, #KMCC-4-1307-27-97, #97-30
03-04-08, #KMCC-4-1207-06-97, #97-27
02-03-08, #08-0506-22-97, #97-25
01-22-08, #KMCC-4-0906-08-97, #97-23
12-29-07, #ROTP_17502-16-97, #97-07
12-08-07, #MMS-10101-12-97, #97-02
11-03-07, #ROTP_16711-03-96, #96-44
09-23-07, #07-3810-20-96, #96-42
09-21-07, #MMDT20_07-3710-06-96, #96-40
09-05-07, #KMCC-4-0109-29-96, #96-39
08-05-07, #MMS-8801-29-95, #95-05
07-13-07, #MMDT20_07-2708-07-94, #94-32
07-11-07, #KMCC_3-1111-14-93, #93-46
06-24-07, #MMS-83
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