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Wackiness On The Rise - May 5, 2023
Topic: Episode 321: Chiflado

This episode was recorded a week in advance, so a few things I missed out on will have to wait until May 19th because the 12th is our next Comedy Artist Spotlight.

Next week: Episode 322

Listing added by:  Wacky Ben

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Messages about the show: "Wackiness On The Rise - May 5, 2023"

Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  05-03-23 07:42 PM  -  1 year ago
one night in bangkok is demented? I get reemed for posting songs like this because they're not demented
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  05-03-23 08:43 PM  -  1 year ago

Captain Wayne thought it was because he used it in his show.

Do we need another cover of that song? Probably not, but that is up to the deejay making his show.

Speaking of another cover, how many copies of "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep" do we really need? Ask the Kahnman.


one night in bangkok is demented? I get reemed for posting songs like this because they're not demented

Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  05-04-23 12:22 AM  -  1 year ago

I figured that since the original was included, the cover worked too. Robey was being a bit comical in the song so I thought why not? Granted I was hesitant at first to add it to the library because I wasn’t sure if it was funny enough. I may see funny music differently than others do, but as long as I find something humorous about it then I tend to add it to the music library. If not, I still play but don’t include. Heck I had that short lived segment on my old show called Demented Or Not where I played songs for the listener to decide whether or not the songs were funny enough and I got zip. So I never added them minus one I played last year because in my opinion it seemed wacky enough and that was LiveonRelease’s I’m Afraid Of Britney Spears. The others I need to look back and maybe replay. The point is, I thought Robey’s cover of One Night In Bangkok sounded wacky enough that I played it. Maybe it isn’t demented enough but isn’t half the songs Dr. Demento played that weren’t humorous and are added to the site anyway?

Dave AuJus:

Captain Wayne thought it was because he used it in his show.

Do we need another cover of that song? Probably not, but that is up to the deejay making his show.

Speaking of another cover, how many copies of "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep" do we really need? Ask the Kahnman.


one night in bangkok is demented? I get reemed for posting songs like this because they're not demented

Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  05-04-23 03:33 PM  -  1 year ago

 I always thought if you took a song out of its element source and change it, it would be dementia. Taking a rock song and turn it polka, blue grass, does this.


Taking a country song into a metal song does this.


Taking an 80s song and change it to another genre doesn't seem to classify as dementia, I thought it was funny depending on who listened to it. The Buggles "Video Killed the Radio Star" is novelry and dementia but the PofUS cover isn't even though they rearrange the music.


Can't win them all

The Missing Link   Online  -  Member  -  05-06-23 07:40 PM  -  1 year ago

With the dumb news break with the neighbor opens fire on the girl to retrieve her ball....
well there was something similar to it in Fort Edward, Washington county New York when some teens were driving and got lost looking for a friends house and when they attempt to turn around in drive-way, the owner of that drive-way Kevin Monahan 65, 
came out of the house and opened fire at them as they were driving away and striking a 20 yr old female Kaylin Gillis killing her and he was charged with second degree murder

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