Carla Ulbrich
Date Born/Group Began:
(Sonic SBL)
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Carla U (slick) |
Professional Smart Aleck (slick) |
The Singing Patient (slick) |
Facts: |
She is the president of the Difficult Last Name Club. (Sonic SBL) |
Started out in life as a classical guitarist. (slick) |
has only 24 teeth. (slick) |
Appears on the following 24 albums: |
 Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #9 |  Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #13 |  Her Fabulous Debut |
 Professional Smart Aleck |  Sick Humor: The Lighter Side of Illness |  Laughter Is A Powerful Weapon Vol. 2 |
 The F word song ("If I Had the Copyright") |  Laughter is a Powerful Weapon |  MarsCon 2008 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD |
 The FuMP, Volume 8 |  Leftovers |  The FuMP, Volume 11 |
 Live From Outer Space |  The FuMP, Volume 16 |  MarsCon 2007 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD |
 The FuMP, Volume 31 |  The FuMP, Volume 46 |  The FuMP, Volume 48 |
 Totally Average Woman |  The FuMP. Volume 51 |  The FuMP, Volume 52 |
 The FuMP, Volume 53 |  The FuMP, Volume 59 |  The FuMP, Volume 60 |
Contact us if you know of another album that contains this artist |
Played on 510 shows: |
 | 05-24-24, #ISGD-24-06 |  | 03-27-12, #BWR-12-03-27 |
 | 05-11-24, #KMCC-18-18 |  | 02-25-12, #12-08 |
 | 04-28-24, #SF_36 |  | 02-18-12, #MMP-15 |
 | 04-06-24, #KMCC-18-16 |  | 02-11-12, #MMP-14 |
 | 03-24-24, #SF_31 |  | 02-03-12, #MMDT20_12-05 |
 | 02-17-24, #AOTA-240217 |  | 02-02-12, #ISGD-12-05 |
 | 11-11-23, #KMCC-18-06 |  | 01-26-12, #LCBR_Ep057 |
 | 10-06-23, #MMP-59 |  | 01-21-12, #AOTA-120121 |
 | 08-26-23, #KMCC-16-16 |  | 01-19-12, #ISGD-12-03 |
 | 07-29-23, #KMCC-16-05 |  | 01-19-12, #MMCZ-12-03 |
 | 07-08-23, #KMCC-16-04 |  | 01-13-12, #MMDT20_12-02 |
 | 07-01-23, #KMCC-16-03 |  | 01-12-12, #MMCZ-12-02 |
 | 06-30-23, #WOTR_329 |  | 01-12-12, #ISGD-12-02 |
 | 05-20-23, #KMCC-17-19 |  | 01-10-12, #BWR-12-01-10 |
 | 05-12-23, #ISGD-23-05 |  | 01-08-12, #MMS-150 |
 | 01-14-23, #KMCC-17-10 |  | 01-07-12, #AOTA-120107 |
 | 01-13-23, #ISGD 23-01 |  | 01-06-12, #MMDT20_12-01 |
 | 01-06-23, #WOTR_309 |  | 12-02-11, #MMDT20_11-48 |
 | 12-03-22, #AOTA-221203 |  | 10-21-11, #ROTP_374 |
 | 11-26-22, #KMCC-17-07 |  | 09-06-11, #BWR-11-09-06 |
 | 11-19-22, #AOTA-221119 |  | 07-08-11, #ROTP_359 |
 | 11-16-22, #ISGD-22-02 |  | 05-13-11, #ROTP_351 |
 | 10-14-22, #WOTR_297 |  | 05-07-11, #AOTA-110507 |
 | 09-30-22, #WOTR_295 |  | 05-06-11, #ROTP_350 |
 | 09-17-22, #KMCC-17-02 |  | 04-09-11, #MMCZ-11-15 |
 | 06-24-22, #WOTR_283 |  | 03-05-11, #11-10 |
 | 03-25-22, #WOTR_270 |  | 02-26-11, #MMCZ-11-09 |
 | 03-12-22, #AOTA-220312 |  | 02-05-11, #MMCZ-11-06 |
 | 03-11-22, #WOTR_268 |  | 01-28-11, #ROTP_336 |
 | 01-14-22, #WOTR_260 |  | 01-23-11, #MMP-4 |
 | 08-07-21, #AOTA-210807 |  | 11-19-10, #ROTP_326 |
 | 08-06-21, #WOTR_238 |  | 10-24-10, #MMCZ-10-44 |
 | 07-10-21, #AOTA-210710 |  | 10-23-10, #MMCZ-10-43 |
 | 07-04-21, #WOTR_233 |  | 10-09-10, #10-41 |
 | 06-26-21, #AOTA-210626 |  | 09-18-10, #ISGD-10-36 |
 | 06-25-21, #WOTR_231 |  | 09-04-10, #10-36 |
 | 05-29-21, #KMCC-15-20 |  | 08-28-10, #MMCZ-10-35 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 08-21-10, #10-34 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 07-30-10, #ROTP_310 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 06-18-10, #MMDT20_10-25 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 03-28-10, #MMCZ-10-13 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 03-21-10, #10-12 |
 | 05-01-21, #KMCC-15-18 |  | 02-28-10, #10-09 |
 | 03-27-21, #AOTA-210327 |  | 02-20-10, #ROTP_287 |
 | 03-26-21, #WOTR_218 |  | 02-14-10, #10-07 |
 | 01-02-21, #AOTA-210102 |  | 01-18-10, #DRP_ep008 |
 | 11-28-20, #AOTA-201128 |  | 01-11-10, #DRP_ep007 |
 | 10-17-20, #KMCC-15-03 |  | 01-05-10, #KMCC_6-05 |
 | 10-03-20, #KMCC-15-04 |  | 12-27-09, #09-52 |
 | 09-19-20, #KMCC-15-02 |  | 12-12-09, #ROTP_277 |
 | 09-04-20, #WOTR_189 |  | 12-11-09, #MMDT20_09-50 |
 | 08-28-20, #WOTR_188 |  | 12-04-09, #MMDT20_09-49 |
 | 08-22-20, #AOTA-200822 |  | 11-29-09, #09-48 |
 | 08-21-20, #WOTR_187 |  | 11-01-09, #09-44 |
 | 06-19-20, #WOTR_179 |  | 10-02-09, #MMDT20_09-40 |
 | 06-13-20, #AOTA-200613 |  | 09-27-09, #09-39 |
 | 06-05-20, #WOTR_178 |  | 09-20-09, #MMCZ-09-36 |
 | 05-30-20, #AOTA-200530 |  | 09-04-09, #MMDT20_09-36 |
 | 05-23-20, #KMCC-14-20 |  | 08-30-09, #09-35 |
 | 05-23-20, #KMCC-14-20 |  | 08-28-09, #MMDT20_09-35 |
 | 04-25-20, #AOTA-200425 |  | 08-24-09, #MM-224 |
 | 03-14-20, #KMCC-14-15 |  | 08-23-09, #BAD_08-23-09 |
 | 03-06-20, #WOTR_172 |  | 08-22-09, #ROTP_261 |
 | 02-08-20, #AOTA-200208 |  | 08-21-09, #MMDT20_09-34 |
 | 02-01-20, #AOTA-200201 |  | 07-25-09, #ROTP_257 |
 | 01-10-20, #WOTR_164 |  | 07-04-09, #MMDT20_09-HY |
 | 07-20-19, #AOTA-190720 |  | 06-28-09, #09-26 |
 | 05-11-19, #KMCC-13-19 |  | 06-20-09, #ROTP_252 |
 | 02-16-19, #AOTA-190216 |  | 06-16-09, #KMCC_5-19 |
 | 02-15-19, #WOTR_125 |  | 06-06-09, #ROTP_250 |
 | 02-09-19, #AOTA-190209 |  | 05-05-09, #KMCC_05-16 |
 | 01-11-19, #WOTR_120 |  | 04-12-09, #09-15 |
 | 09-15-18, #KMCC-13-02 |  | 04-10-09, #MMDT20_09-15 |
 | 06-29-18, #WOTR_92 |  | 03-27-09, #MMDT20_09-13 |
 | 06-17-18, #OTR-4-24 |  | 03-20-09, #ROTP_239 |
 | 06-11-18, #MMP-51 |  | 03-06-09, #MMDT20_09-10 |
 | 06-11-18, #MMP-51 |  | 02-08-09, #09-06 |
 | 05-04-18, #WOTR_81 |  | 02-06-09, #BR-09-59 |
 | 04-13-18, #WOTR_79 |  | 02-06-09, #MMDT20_09-06 |
 | 04-07-18, #AOTA-180407 |  | 02-01-09, #MMCZ 09-04 |
 | 03-16-18, #WOTR_74 |  | 01-18-09, #MMCZ-09-02 |
 | 03-10-18, #AOTA-180310 |  | 01-16-09, #MMDT20_09-03 |
 | 12-22-17, #KMCC-12-09 |  | 01-11-09, #MMCZ-09-01 |
 | 11-25-17, #AOTA-171125 |  | 01-09-09, #MMDT20_09-02 |
 | 11-22-17, #WOTR_61 |  | 01-04-09, #MMCZ-2008 |
 | 11-10-17, #WOTR_59 |  | 12-31-08, #MMDT20_08-FY |
 | 09-30-17, #KMCC- 12-03 |  | 12-26-08, #MMDT20_08-51 |
 | 08-18-17, #WOTR_47 |  | 12-19-08, #MMDT20_08-50 |
 | 08-05-17, #AOTA-170805 |  | 11-29-08, #ROTP_223 |
 | 08-02-17, #ISGD-17-32 |  | 11-28-08, #MMDT20_08-47 |
 | 07-12-17, #ISGD-17-29 |  | 11-21-08, #MMDT20_08-46 |
 | 06-16-17, #WOTR_38 |  | 11-14-08, #MMDT20_08-45 |
 | 06-07-17, #ISGD-17-23 |  | 10-24-08, #MMDT20_08-42 |
 | 05-06-17, #AOTA-170506 |  | 10-17-08, #MMDT20_08-41 |
 | 04-19-17, #ISGD-17-16 |  | 10-12-08, #08-41 |
 | 03-04-17, #KMCC-11-13 |  | 10-10-08, #MMDT20_08-40 |
 | 02-22-17, #ISGD-17-08 |  | 10-05-08, #08-40 |
 | 02-18-17, #KMCC-11-12 |  | 10-03-08, #MMDT20_08-39 |
 | 02-12-17, #MMP-48 |  | 09-27-08, #ROTP_214 |
 | 02-08-17, #ISGD-17-06 |  | 09-26-08, #MMDT20_08-38 |
 | 01-08-17, #WOTR_20 |  | 09-09-08, #KMCC-5-01 |
 | 01-04-17, #ISGD-17-01 |  | 07-20-08, #08-29 |
 | 12-31-16, #AOTA-161231 |  | 07-19-08, #MMCZ_0073 |
 | 12-28-16, #ISGD-16-53 |  | 07-13-08, #08-28 |
 | 12-07-16, #ISGD-16-50 |  | 07-05-08, #MMCZ_0062 |
 | 11-26-16, #KMCC-11-06 |  | 06-14-08, #MMCZ_0050 |
 | 11-26-16, #AOTA-161126 |  | 06-02-08, #MM-160 |
 | 11-19-16, #AOTA-161119 |  | 05-27-08, #KMCC-4-18 |
 | 11-17-16, #WOTR_17 |  | 05-04-08, #08-18 |
 | 11-16-16, #ISGD-16-47 |  | 04-19-08, #MMCZ_08-16 |
 | 11-12-16, #MMS-204 |  | 04-18-08, #MMDT20_08-15 |
 | 11-12-16, #AOTA-161112 |  | 04-04-08, #MMDT20_08-13 |
 | 11-05-16, #AOTA-161105 |  | 03-28-08, #MMDT20_08-12 |
 | 10-26-16, #ISGD-16-44 |  | 03-21-08, #MMDT20_08-11 |
 | 09-17-16, #16-38 |  | 02-05-08, #KMCC-4-10 |
 | 09-03-16, #16-36 |  | 02-04-08, #MM-144 |
 | 09-01-16, #ISGD-16-37 |  | 01-26-08, #ROTP_179 |
 | 08-18-16, #ISGD-16-35 |  | 12-03-07, #MM-135 |
 | 08-04-16, #ISGD-16-33 |  | 11-24-07, #MMS-100 |
 | 07-14-16, #ISGD-16-30 |  | 11-11-07, #MMS-99 |
 | 06-03-16, #ISGD-16-24 |  | 11-04-07, #07-44 |
 | 05-29-16, #WOTR_01 |  | 09-16-07, #07-37 |
 | 05-14-16, #AOTA-160514 |  | 09-02-07, #07-35 |
 | 04-16-16, #16-16 |  | 08-25-07, #ROTP_157 |
 | 03-26-16, #16-13 |  | 08-05-07, #MMS-88 |
 | 03-26-16, #AOTA-160326 |  | 07-29-07, #MMS-87 |
 | 03-19-16, #AOTA-160319 |  | 07-07-07, #ROTP_150 |
 | 03-14-16, #MM-456 |  | 06-03-07, #MMS-80 |
 | 03-12-16, #AOTA-160312 |  | 04-14-07, #ROTP_138 |
 | 03-12-16, #16-11 |  | 03-19-07, #MM-100 |
 | 02-27-16, #16-09 |  | 03-17-07, #ROTP_134 |
 | 02-21-16, #MMS-195 |  | 02-24-07, #ROTP_131 |
 | 02-13-16, #16-07 |  | 01-21-07, #MMS-62 |
 | 02-06-16, #16-06 |  | 01-21-07, #07-03 |
 | 01-09-16, #ISGD-16-02 |  | 01-07-07, #MMS-61 |
 | 12-31-15, #MMDT20_15-FY |  | 12-31-06, #MMS-60 |
 | 12-30-15, #ISGD-15-60 |  | 12-30-06, #ISGD-06-91 |
 | 12-27-15, #BWR-15-12-27 |  | 11-22-06, #KMCC_3-03 |
 | 12-26-15, #15-52 |  | 10-28-06, #ROTP_114 |
 | 11-28-15, #ISGD-15-53 |  | 10-01-06, #06-40 |
 | 11-22-15, #BWR-15-11-22 |  | 09-17-06, #MMS-45 |
 | 11-21-15, #ISGD-15-51 |  | 08-13-06, #MMS-40 |
 | 11-14-15, #AOTA-151114 |  | 08-12-06, #ROTP_103 |
 | 11-08-15, #BWR-15-11-08 |  | 07-09-06, #MMS-35 |
 | 11-07-15, #ISGD-15-49 |  | 07-08-06, #ROTP_098 |
 | 11-07-15, #AOTA-151107 |  | 06-11-06, #06-24 |
 | 11-07-15, #11-45 |  | 06-11-06, #FFM-43 |
 | 10-31-15, #15-44 |  | 05-14-06, #FFM-39 |
 | 10-31-15, #ISGD-15-48 |  | 04-16-06, #06-16 |
 | 10-28-15, #ISGD-15-47 |  | 04-02-06, #MMS-21 |
 | 10-25-15, #BWR-15-10-25 |  | 03-19-06, #06-12 |
 | 10-23-15, #MMDT20_15-43 |  | 03-19-06, #FFM-33 |
 | 10-17-15, #ISGD-15-44 |  | 02-25-06, #ROTP_079 |
 | 10-17-15, #15-42 |  | 02-19-06, #06-08 |
 | 10-16-15, #MMDT20_15-42 |  | 02-18-06, #ROTP_078 |
 | 10-10-15, #ISGD-15-43 |  | 02-12-06, #06-07 |
 | 10-09-15, #MMDT20_15-41 |  | 02-11-06, #ROTP_077 |
 | 10-04-15, #BWR-15-10-04 |  | 02-07-06, #KMCC_2-14 |
 | 10-03-15, #15-40 |  | 01-11-06, #KMCC_2-13 |
 | 10-02-15, #MMDT20_15-40 |  | 01-07-06, #FFM-23 |
 | 09-27-15, #BWR-15-09-27 |  | 12-31-05, #ISGD-05-93 |
 | 09-26-15, #ISGD-15-40 |  | 11-26-05, #FFM-18 |
 | 09-26-15, #15-39 |  | 11-20-05, #05-47 |
 | 09-25-15, #MMDT20_15-39 |  | 10-05-05, #KMCC_2-11 |
 | 09-19-15, #15-38 |  | 10-02-05, #05-40 |
 | 09-11-15, #MMDT20_15-37 |  | 09-11-05, #05-37 |
 | 09-05-15, #BWR-15-09-06 |  | 09-07-05, #KMCC_2-10 |
 | 09-05-15, #15-36 |  | 09-04-05, #05-36 |
 | 09-04-15, #MMDT20_15-36 |  | 06-12-05, #05-24 |
 | 08-30-15, #BWR-15-08-30 |  | 06-08-05, #KMCC_2-09 |
 | 08-28-15, #MMDT20_15-35 |  | 05-29-05, #MM-10 |
 | 08-22-15, #ISGD-15-35 |  | 02-13-05, #XM-90 |
 | 08-21-15, #MMDT20_15-34 |  | 02-13-05, #05-07 |
 | 08-15-15, #ISGD-15-34 |  | 01-16-05, #05-03 |
 | 08-14-15, #MMDT20_15-33 |  | 01-06-05, #MMDT20_05-01 |
 | 08-08-15, #15-32 |  | 12-28-04, #ISGD-04-62 |
 | 08-07-15, #MMDT20_15-32 |  | 12-27-04, #ISGD-04-61 |
 | 07-31-15, #MMDT20_15-31 |  | 12-26-04, #04-52 |
 | 07-25-15, #15-30 |  | 11-28-04, #04-48 |
 | 07-10-15, #MMDT20_15-28 |  | 11-24-04, #KMCC_2-06 |
 | 07-03-15, #MMDT20_15-27 |  | 11-21-04, #XM-78 |
 | 06-27-15, #15-26 |  | 11-14-04, #XM-77 |
 | 06-27-15, #ISGD-15-27 |  | 11-07-04, #04-45 |
 | 06-26-15, #MMDT20_15-26 |  | 11-03-04, #KMCC_2-05 |
 | 06-20-15, #15-25 |  | 10-20-04, #KMCC-2-04 |
 | 06-19-15, #MMDT20_15-25 |  | 10-17-04, #04-42 |
 | 06-07-15, #BWR-15-06-07 |  | 10-13-04, #KMCC_2-03 |
 | 06-01-15, #MM-416 |  | 10-10-04, #XM-72 |
 | 04-04-15, #15-14 |  | 10-10-04, #04-41 |
 | 03-01-15, #BWR-15-03-01 |  | 09-26-04, #04-39 |
 | 01-26-15, #MM-398 |  | 09-26-04, #XM-70 |
 | 11-19-14, #ISGD-14-63 |  | 09-19-04, #XM-69 |
 | 11-15-14, #ISGD-14-62 |  | 09-19-04, #04-38 |
 | 11-11-14, #BWR-14-11-11 |  | 09-12-04, #04-37 |
 | 11-08-14, #WOR-141108 |  | 09-12-04, #XM-68 |
 | 11-07-14, #MMDT20_14-45 |  | 09-05-04, #XM-67 |
 | 11-05-14, #ISGD-14-60 |  | 09-05-04, #04-36 |
 | 10-11-14, #ISGD-14-55 |  | 08-29-04, #04-35 |
 | 09-27-14, #14-39 |  | 08-22-04, #04-34 |
 | 09-06-14, #14-36 |  | 08-15-04, #04-33 |
 | 09-06-14, #AOTA-140906 |  | 08-15-04, #XM-64 |
 | 08-16-14, #ISGD-14-46 |  | 08-08-04, #04-32 |
 | 08-12-14, #BWR-14-08-12 |  | 08-01-04, #04-31 |
 | 08-09-14, #AOTA-140809 |  | 06-27-04, #XM-57 |
 | 08-09-14, #14-32 |  | 06-20-04, #04-25 |
 | 08-08-14, #MMDT20_14-32 |  | 06-16-04, #KMCC_01-14 |
 | 05-03-14, #ISGD-14-24 |  | 06-13-04, #04-24 |
 | 04-12-14, #14-15 |  | 06-06-04, #04-23 |
 | 04-05-14, #ISGD-14-20 |  | 05-30-04, #04-22 |
 | 03-15-14, #14-11 |  | 05-23-04, #XM-52 |
 | 03-08-14, #ISGD-14-16 |  | 05-19-04, #KMCC_1-12 |
 | 02-22-14, #ISGD-14-12 |  | 05-16-04, #XM-51 |
 | 02-15-14, #ISGD-14-10 |  | 05-09-04, #04-19 |
 | 01-11-14, #14-02 |  | 04-18-04, #04-16 |
 | 12-27-13, #MMDT20_13-52 |  | 04-07-04, #KMCC_1-08 |
 | 11-01-13, #ISGD-13-46 |  | 02-22-04, #XM-39 |
 | 09-14-13, #13-37 |  | 02-08-04, #04-06 |
 | 09-12-13, #ISGD-13-37 |  | 01-21-04, #KMCC_01-02 |
 | 09-01-13, #MMS-169 |  | 01-14-04, #KMCC_1-01 |
 | 08-13-13, #BWR-13-08-13 |  | 12-31-03, #ISGD-03-59 |
 | 08-08-13, #ISGD-13-32 |  | 11-24-03, #ISGD-03-49 |
 | 07-30-13, #BWR-13-07-30 |  | 11-17-03, #ISGD-03-47 |
 | 06-04-13, #BWR-13-06-04 |  | 11-04-03, #ISGD-03-44 |
 | 04-27-13, #AOTA-130427 |  | 10-20-03, #ISGD-03-41 |
 | 02-15-13, #MMDT20_13-07 |  | 10-13-03, #ISGD-03-39 |
 | 01-29-13, #BWR-13-01-29 |  | 10-07-03, #ISGD-03-38 |
 | 01-17-13, #ISGD-13-03 |  | 10-06-03, #ISGD-03-37 |
 | 01-12-13, #13-02 |  | 09-28-03, #03-39 |
 | 11-30-12, #MMDT20_12-48 |  | 09-22-03, #ISGD-03-35 |
 | 09-27-12, #MMP-19 |  | 09-08-03, #XM-16 |
 | 09-06-12, #ISGD-12-36 |  | 08-31-03, #03-35 |
 | 08-30-12, #ISGD-12-35 |  | 08-25-03, #ISGD-03-32 |
 | 08-02-12, #ISGD-12-31 |  | 08-11-03, #ISGD-03-31 |
 | 07-28-12, #ISGD-12-30 |  | 08-10-03, #03-32 |
 | 07-28-12, #AOTA-120728 |  | 07-27-03, #03-30 |
 | 07-19-12, #ISGD-12-29 |  | 07-14-03, #ISGD-03-27 |
 | 07-14-12, #12-28 |  | 07-13-03, #03-28 |
 | 07-12-12, #ISGD-12-28 |  | 07-07-03, #ISGD-03-26 |
 | 07-07-12, #AOTA-120707 |  | 06-30-03, #ISGD-03-25 |
 | 07-04-12, #ISGD-12-27 |  | 05-26-03, #ISGD-03-20 |
 | 07-03-12, #BWR-12-07-03 |  | 05-19-03, #ISGD-03-19 |
 | 06-29-12, #MMDT20_12-26 |  | 05-12-03, #ISGD-03-18 |
 | 06-28-12, #ISGD-12-26 |  | 05-05-03, #ISGD-03-17 |
 | 06-23-12, #12-25 |  | 04-28-03, #ISGD-03-16 |
 | 06-21-12, #ISGD-12-25 |  | 04-27-03, #03-17 |
 | 06-14-12, #ISGD-12-24 |  | 04-13-03, #03-15 |
 | 06-07-12, #ISGD-12-23 |  | 03-30-03, #03-13 |
 | 05-31-12, #ISGD-12-22 |  | 03-23-03, #03-12 |
 | 05-17-12, #ISGD-12-20 |  | 09-30-01, #01-39 |
 | 05-10-12, #ISGD-12-19 |  | 04-09-00, #00-15 |
 | 05-03-12, #ISGD-12-18 |  | 03-12-00, #00-11 |
 | 04-07-12, #12-14 |  | 02-20-00, #00-08 |
 | 04-07-12, #AOTA-120407 |  | 01-30-00, #00-05 |
 | 04-05-12, #ISGD-12-14 |  | 01-09-00, #00-02 |
 | 03-31-12, #12-13 |  | 01-01-00, #DT20-05-01 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
(Bonus Track)
(Happy to Be) Stuck on You
(Have You Tried) Not Bein A Dick
(I'm a) Specialist
(If You Could) Stop Trying To Bring On The Apocalypse
(Is It) Hot Enough For Ya
5' 2" Carla U
Aunt Flow Rag
Bad Song Ideas (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Before Autotune
Boy Wonder
Boy Wonder (Nashville version)
Break Away
Candy and Gum
Cascade [Instrumental]
Cheek to Cheek
Cheney's Got Your Back
Coffee Enemas
Colon, The
Corny Schlocky Sappy Songs
Dating for Dummies
Dead People
DFSX I.D. - Carla Ulbrich
Dr. Pepper
(with 'Carla Ulbrich feat. Steve Goodie')
Dubya Is Coming To Town
Duet With a Klingon (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Duet with a Klingon (live)
Duet With A Klingon (Solo)
Dumb Parodies
Fat Elvis
Force is the Force (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater), The
Force Is The Force, The
From The Bible
Germs, Germs, Germs
Gluten-Free Diet
Gotta Start Smokin'
Guardian Angel
Guy Who Changes The Light Bulbs, The
Harvest Box is Coming, The
Hit Medley (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
How to Build a Log Cabin (For Dummies)
I Got Tremors
I Have To Kill You Now
I Hope You're Happy
I Hope You're Happy (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
If I Did It
If I Had The Copyright
If I Had the Copyright (The "F" Word song) (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
If I Had The Copyright (The F Word Song) (live at MarsCon 2007)
If I Had The Copyright (The F Word Song) (live-bleeped)
If I Had The Copyright (The F Word Song) (live-uncensored)
If Mucus Were Money (I'd Be A Millionaire)
If You're Going to China
It Reminds Me of You
It's Never Polite to Ask a Girl How Old She Is (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Joe's Ex-Girlfriends
Joe's Ex-Girlfriends (live in studio)
(with 'Carla Ulbrich w/ Actual Size')
Kelson Says Hi
Klingon Intro
Let It Go (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off
Little Brown Jug
Love Connection
Love Connection (Jazz Version)
Love To Learn
Man Pants
Manburger in Bearadise
(with 'Carla Ulbrich feat. Bobby Brescia')
Me Neither
My Love
My Love (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Name Is a Name (My Name Is Carla)
National a*****e Directory (Capo 1)
Needless Dissection
North vs. South Carolina
Not Your Jesus
Not-So-Hidden Track
Nothing To Say
Now and Later
(with 'Carla Ulbrich (feat. Grant Livingston)')
Now and Later
(with 'Carla Ulbrich feat. Bobby Brescia & Steve Goodie')
Nth Day of Xmas, The
On the Commode Again
One Good Song (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Open the Car Door
Patient 2946065
Please Do Something Stupid
Put It On The List
Put On A Mask
(with 'Carla Ulbrich feat. Steve Goodie')
Ragnarok (live in studio)
(with 'Carla Ulbrich w/ Actual Size')
Scooter Store, The
Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled Eggs (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Scrambled Eggs (live in studio from show 04-41)
Silent E
Sit Here And Scream (The Football Song)
Sittin' in the Waiting Room
Stuck At 13
Stuck Here In Dubuque (U.S. Mail Song)
Stupefied By Maladies Defying Diagnosis
Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing (Live at Confluence 2010)
Take Me Out to the Overpriced Ballgame
Teachers of Clempson
That's Alright Now [Instrumental]
Therapy Works
Things That I Trust More Than You
Those Were The Days
Toasted Chicken Sandwich
Toasted Chicken Sandwich (live)
Totally Average Woman
W is Listening
We Don't Need A Walmart
(with 'Carla Ulbrich And Bob Malone')
We Don't Need a WalMart (Live at Sirius XM's Performance Theater)
Wedgie, The
What If Your Butt Was Gone?
What if Your Butt Was Gone? (Rap version)
(with 'Carla Ulbrich (feat. Mark Johnson)')
What if Your Butt Was Gone? (rock version)
What If Your Girlfriend Was Gone (Electric Version)
What If Your Girlfriend Was Gone?
What If Your Girlfriend Was Gone? (live)
What if Your Girlfriend Was Gone? (Nashville version)
Where Have All The Waiters Gone?
Would You Rather Be Paid?
You Can't Sit Down in a Stormtrooper Costume
You Need to Run For the Board
fiogf49gjkf0d 2008 UK tour dates
Wed, Sep 17th 8:00pm opening for Dan McKinnon Baldock & Letchworth Folk Club Baldock, England UK www.madnanny.co.uk Thu, Sep 18th 8:00pm The Anchor Folk Club Claygate, Surrey UK 40-seat venue, no sound system (cozy!) I played here in April 07, loved it. nice folks! upstairs room in Blue Anchor pub,
Fri, Sep 19th 8:00pm Headliner Ram Folk Club UK Carla returns to England, to the Pub of the Year 2006 and Folk Club of the Year 2006. Fantastic venue!
Wed, Sep 24th 1:45pm Health and Humor Nursing in Practice England motivational session
fiogf49gjkf0d Carla recently was featured on the Red Peters show. She was interviewed and an uncensored version of "If I Had The Copyright" was played.
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