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The Mad Music Show #223 - December 24, 2017
Topic: Xmas IV: Santa's Monster Bash

Merry Christmas, all. Tyro Arrgula here. No, this is NOT a rerun. It's an entirely new Christmas show made in mid-December, 2019 to fill a hole in the shows playlist page made by a missing show in 2017. But since it's a show for 2 years ago, there are no new tracks in it. I make the first two segments & Aunt Celestra makes the last two. Now I know what you're thinking. "You two are vampires; why are you making a Christmas show?"

Try not to think about it too much. This show isn't even remotely about vampires/Halloween; it's a Christmas show. The scariest thing about it is that it's SFW.

This show has 3 parts:

Part 3
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You Can't Bag Santa; He's Got Red On
The Man With The Bag (Thunderball Mix) (background only)  [only known play]Kay Starr
Goin' Up To BethlehemBob Rivers
Credit Card ChristmasScottland
A Worm Quartet ChristmasWorm Quartet
Christmastime For The JewsTV Funhouse f/ Darlene Love
What The Hell Child Is ThisSouth Park
Hajimari no Melody (background only)  [only known play]Shiro Hamaguchi
I Can't Get Enough of Christmas Project: Pimento
Santa Brought Me Choo Choo TrainsSpike Jones & His City Slickers
Santa Claus Is Watching YouRay Stevens
Dearest Mr. Santa ClausHeywood Banks
Huntin' For RudolphBuck Hunter & The Boys
Oyasuminasai (background only)  [only known play]Kikuya Tomoki
Bonus Track
Tea At The Night of Christmas (background only)Hajime Hyakkoku
Christmas Bloody Christmas?????

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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You know how this works. I make & post one segment at a time until it's done. (Stavro Arrgolus)
This show is ENTIRELY SWF. This doesn't mean that it's not horrifically violent, though. There's blood, death, guys being hacked to death with chainsaws and "holy" rockets eviscerating people. You know; the usual Christmas fun we have on this show. But this time, there's NO bad language. It's family friendly. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Yet More Show Synchronicity: Segment 1 begins & ends peacefully, but the middle is full of war/death/violence. The inclusion of death-filled Xmas songs are meant to prove conclusively that it's possible to fill your show with horror & still maintain that it's kid friendly.

Violence, blood & death = OK

Bad language = Evil?!

What a load of sh...never mind.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Full Disclosure: This playlist is very old and even I don't know how many years ago I made it. It was found on an old Excel spreadsheet of other Xmas playlists & marked "MMS-XXX", meaning it had never been used. Since this meant that all the songs were from before 2017, it made for the perfect show to replace MMS-223. However, some of the songs from the earlier 2017 Xmas shows may be repeated here. That's just the way the Satanic gingerbread crumbles. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Shout-out: Like the show banner up top? Thank Dave AuJus. He made a marvelous specialized banner for this episode alone. It's better than anything I could have managed. Better (more complex) shows, better banners. Now all we need is more listeners to actually look at the pages & hear the shows. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Driving The Message Home: In seg. 2, "Christmas Makes Me Puke", Tyro says it does because of Track 1...but we went that extra mile. The background music for the seg. 2 opening is by Gary Glitter, convicted child porn fan. We were going to make you puke on Christmas one way or the other. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Segment 3 was posted Dec. 18, 2020. Its title is a line from "Hunting For Rudolph." (Stavro Arrgolus)
There's no law that says a show's bgm has to be Xmas themed. This show is shot full of non-Xmas background music. I often choose Xmas sounding anime music for Xmas shows and a lot of such tracks were used for this one. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Show Runtime 1 hour 54 min. 12 sec. (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #223 - December 24, 2017"

alhick25   Offline  -  Member  -  12-24-19 02:18 PM  -  5 years ago
Thanks for the show!  Looking forward to segment 2.  SFW is appreciated, even if violence is irrationally tolerated while other content is not.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  12-18-20 03:39 PM  -  4 years ago

New show for 2020 - or a new 2nd half, anyway. Celestra Arrgula hosts the 2nd half of this SWF travesty that should have been far, far dirtier. Seg. 3 & 4 were made in 2020 and Seg. 1 & 2 were made last year in 2019.

All for a show ostensibly made for/in 2017. No, it's not supposed to make sense. It's a MAD Music Show, after all.

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