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The Mad Music Podcast #37 - February 13, 2016
Topic: Here Come The Lesbians
This show is Explcicit

This week - a show about everything but lesbians - mostly. We bemoan February's latest frigid maelstrom, take a trip up Hershey highway, do some math (yes, there will be math), get some pirating in, and kick Sesame Street in the ass for selling out to gentrification and take a pointed stick to the PC thought police in general.

Next week: MMH-195 - Lost In Time. And Lost In Space...And Meaning

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
At the start, I should have said "comedy music site". This is not the largest comedy site, but rather, the largest comedy music site. Just had to clear that up. (Stavro Arrgolus)
This show starts out very profane very quickly (be warned), but then calms down by 'Old Fart Corner'...for the most part. (Stavro Arrgolus)
All of these podcasts are currently on iTunes (that's sort of the point of keeping them CC), so you can subscribe to the podcast if you'd like. (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Podcast #37 - February 13, 2016"

HalfBee   Offline  -  Participant  -  02-13-16 08:37 PM  -  8 years ago
Go l'bians and stick it to the Man...
The more profanity the better...
That goes DOUBLE for you Elmo...
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