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Nasty Dan - Johnny Cash And Oscar The Grouch
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Nerd Squad Spot 3 - David Tanny
My Sweet Lord - George Harrison
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Alternative Facts - Tom Smith
Bowling Green Fabrication Society, The - Insane Ian
Inside the NBA - David Tanny
A Horse Named George - Bonecage
Pirate Song, The - Neil Innes, Eric Idle And George Harrison
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Hey, WKRP! - David Tanny
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Talking Bowling Green Massacre Blues - Jim's Big Ego
California Gurls - Johnny Aloha
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(This Song's Just) Six Words Long - "Weird Al" Yankovic
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Da Doo Run Ron - Spitting Image
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Dubya Is Coming To Town - Carla Ulbrich
Duhbya - Duhst Bunnies, The
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Rap Master Ronnie - Reathel Bean And The Doonesbury Break Crew
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Hot Line - Harris Brothers, The
Liar Sleeps Tonight, The - Mr. Whitekeys And The Fabulous Spamtones
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Presidents Day Song, The - Sean Morey
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Lincoln Room, The - Rich Little
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Contra Rap, The - Rich Little
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Obama Spice Man - Capitol Steps
I Blame It All On Obama - Rocky Mountain Mike
Watergrate - Dickie Goodman
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Monkey - Mikey Mason
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Bars - David Tanny
Papa Yawn's Pizza - David Tanny
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Emergency Pizza - Harvard Lampoon, The
Anchovey Pizza - Downloaders, The
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Vanna, Pick Me a Letter - Dr. Dave
Elvis is Everywhere - Mojo Nixon And Skid Roper
Kick Ass U.S.A. - Milo Tremley
Squirrels - Beastly Boys, The
Star Trekkin' - Firm, The
Ti Kwan Leep/Boot to The Head - Frantics, The
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Octopus's Garden - Beatles, The
Three Mile Island Beatles - Russell Hoffman
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I Still Get Demented #17-08 February 25, 2017
Topic: George Harrison, Presidents, Time Machine and More


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