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Song Details
Rank this week: 7 (↑11)
Duration: 2:19 
Release Date: 1948  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Zell/Kreeb (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Zell/Kreeb (Stavro Arrgolus) 
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Song Lyrics:

Well here we are at the zoo Mr. Greenjeans

Say Captain, I've never been here before. Do you know the names of all these animals?

Well, I do, Mr. Greenjeans, but do you?

Well, now, let me see…

Say there, Captain, do you see? There's a horse in striped pajamas

No, that's not what it is at all. That's an animal people call a zebra

I see, but it still looks like a horse in striped pajamas to me

Say there, Captain, do you see? There's a bird in his tuxedo

No, that's not what it is at all. That's an animal people call a penguin

I see, but it still looks like a bird in his tuxedo to me

There's a fish with whiskers on

That's a seal, for real

There's a teddy with two black eyes

That's how they planned the little panda

Hey there, Captain, do you see? There's a cat with polka dots on

No, that's not what it is at all. That's an animal people call a leopard

I see, but it still looks like a cat with polka dots on to me

Now, there's that fish with whiskers on

No, no for real; that's the seal

And there's that teddy with the two black eyes

I told you that's how they planned the little panda

Well, look there, Captain, do you see? There's a bird with a big umbrella

No, that's not what it is at all. That's an animal people call a peacock

I see, but it still looks like a bird with his umbrella to me

Well, do you think you know them now?

Well, no matter what you say, Captain, when I get home this afternoon

I'll say to everyone there:

I saw a fish with whiskers on

You saw a teddy with two black eyes

I saw a cat with polka dots

You saw a bird in his tuxedo

And of course, the horse in striped pajamas

A Horse in Striped Pajamas(View Larger)

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