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Rank this week: 10 (↑20)
Duration: 4:46 
Release Date: 1982  (CapSuper) 
Lyrics By: Moranis/Thomas (CapSuper) 
Music By: Moranis/Thomas (CapSuper) 
Produced By: Marc Giacomelli (sav-man) 
Released By: Mercury (CapSuper) 
Published By: Hoser Music (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #200060979 (M_Robertcop) 
  • Reworking/parody of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas" (czwrefsteven)
  • From the 1981 album GREAT WHITE NORTH. (sav-man)
  • Bob & Doug's hilarious take on the Christmas classic. (sav-man)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Okay, good day, this is
    Our Christmas part of the album
    And you can play this
    At your Christmas parties, uh
    Or to yourself on Christmas Eve
    If there's nothing else to do

    Good day, eh (yeah)
    In case you thought, like
    I wasn't on this part

    Oh, I guarantee you, you'd be on
    Okay, so, good day
    This is the Christmas part
    And, we're gonna tell you
    What to get, uh
    Your true love for Christmas

    Look out the window

    Where, what are you doing?

    Snow, hosehead

    Oh, it's the Great White North
    And it's snowing, 'cause
    It's Christmas time
    Hey, hoser


    Here's a quiz, quiz for Doug

    Okay, I have my thinking toque on

    Yeah, right, what are
    The twelve days of Christmas
    'Cause, figure it out, right
    Christmas is when

    Uh, the 25th

    Right, and what's the 24th
    Christmas Eve, right
    So, that's two (that's two)

    And then, what's after that

    Uh, Wrestling Day

    No, get out

    Boxing Day, yeah, yeah

    That's three (I knew)
    Then what's after that...nothing

    New Year's (four) and what's
    (New Year's Eve) five (okay)
    Where do you get twelve?

    Uh, there's two Saturdays
    And Sundays in there, that's four
    That's nine and three other days
    Which I believe are the mystery days

    Okay now, this is our Christmas song
    In case you don't know what
    To get somebody for Christmas

    There's lots of ideas in here
    So listen and don't get stuck

    By the way, that's me on the organ
    (Aw, jeez) you start (okay)

    On the first day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me, a beer
    On the second day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Two turtlenecks and a beer

    On the third day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks and a beer

    There should be more there
    (Where) on the...go

    Fourth day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks and a beer
    In a tree, see, you need more

    On the fifth day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Five golden toques
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks and a beer
    In a tree

    Okay, on the sixth, you go
    Christmas, my true love gave to me
    Six packs of two-four
    Five golden toques
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks and a beer
    In a tree, okay

    On the seventh day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Seven packs of smokes (nice gift)
    Oh, six packs of two-four
    Five golden toques
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks
    And a beer in a tree

    Right, I keep forgetting

    Phew, this should just be
    The two days of Christmas
    It's too hard for us
    (Um) go, hoser (oh)

    On the eighth day of Christmas
    My true love gave to me
    Eight comic books
    Seven packs of smokes
    Six packs of two-four
    Five golden toques
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks
    And a beer on my tree

    Yeah, that beer's empty
    Okay, day (twelve) twelve

    Good day
    And welcome to day twelve

    Five golden toques
    Four pounds of back bacon
    Three French toast
    Two turtlenecks
    And a beer in a tree

    Beauty, eh
    Where'd you learn to do that
    Uh, albums

    Boy, so, like, that's our song
    Merry Christmas
    Merry Christmas
    And good day
    Good day, everybody

    Happy New Year too

    Okay, you know what you left out
    (What) donuts
    I told you to get me donuts

    Either on the ninth day
    Or the tenth day
    Or the eleventh day
    I wanted donuts

    Okay, the song's over
    But I want
    Merry Christmas, everybody

    Or on the twelfth day
    You coulda got me a dozen donuts
    So, go out to the stores
    And get some presents.

    You coulda gone down to
    Like, the good donut shop
    Where if you buy a dozen
    You get another one free
    And then thirteen for
    The thirteen days of Christmas

    Well, next Christmas
    I'll get me a chainsaw
    Take off

    Boy, that song was a beauty
    It moved me
    Yeah, I think it ranks up there
    With Stairway to Heaven (what?)
    (jammin DIA)
    Current Rating 10.0 (6 votes)
    Played on 93 shows:
    12-22-23, #ISGD-23-1212-22-03, #XM-31
    12-17-22, #AOTA-22121712-21-03, #03-51
    12-12-20, #AOTA-20121207-28-03, #ISGD-03-29
    12-25-19, #AOTA-19122512-22-02, #02-51
    01-05-19, #MMS-23012-16-01, #01-50
    12-22-18, #AOTA-18122212-24-00, #00-52
    12-31-17, #KMCC-T2412-10-00, #00-50
    12-23-17, #AOTA-17122312-19-99, #99-51
    12-24-16, #KMCC-11-0812-20-98, #98-51
    12-21-16, #ISGD-16-5212-14-97, #97-50
    12-17-16, #KMCC-T12-0812-15-96, #96-50
    12-17-16, #16-5112-24-95, #95-52
    12-12-16, #MMS-20712-10-95, #95-50
    12-10-16, #KMCC-11-0712-25-94, #94-52
    12-10-16, #AOTA-16121012-12-93, #93-50
    12-23-15, #MMCZ-15-0312-13-92, #92-50
    12-06-15, #BWR-15-12-0607-19-92, #92-29
    06-27-15, #15-2612-22-91, #91-51
    11-29-14, #ISGD-14-6507-21-91, #91-29
    12-17-13, #BWR-13-12-1712-23-90, #90-51
    12-14-13, #AOTA-13121412-16-90, #90-50
    12-07-13, #13-4901-07-90, #KLSX-90-01
    12-04-13, #ISGD-13-5212-17-89, #89-51
    07-20-13, #MMS-16411-19-89, #89-47
    12-22-12, #ISGD-12-5307-09-89, #89-28
    12-18-12, #BWR-12-12-1801-01-89, #KLSX-89-01
    12-15-12, #AOTA-12121512-25-88, #88-52
    12-31-11, #MMCZ-11-5312-18-88, #88-51
    12-24-11, #MMCZ-11-5212-04-88, #88-49
    12-17-11, #AOTA-11121707-17-88, #88-29
    12-13-11, #BWR-11-12-1312-13-87, #87-50
    12-04-11, #MMS-14506-14-87, #87-24
    07-23-11, #AOTA-11072312-21-86, #86-51
    12-25-10, #MMS-13712-21-86, #KMET-86-51
    12-20-09, #MMS-13412-14-86, #86-50
    12-24-08, #MMS-12112-22-85, #KMET-85-51
    12-07-08, #08-4912-15-85, #KMET-85-50
    12-23-07, #07-5112-08-85, #KMET-85-49
    12-09-07, #MMS-10212-23-84, #84-52
    12-23-06, #ROTP_12212-16-84, #84-51
    12-10-06, #MMS-5712-25-83, #83-52
    12-03-06, #06-4901-02-83, #KMET-83-01
    12-24-05, #MMS-1012-19-82, #82-51
    12-18-05, #05-5112-12-82, #82-50
    12-19-04, #04-5112-12-82, #KMET-82-50
    12-12-04, #XM-8112-05-82, #82-49
    12-08-04, #KMCC_2-07
    = Show you can listen to online
    Song Images:
    Messages about the song: "Twelve Days Of Christmas"
    Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  01-16-19 11:52 AM  -  6 years ago

    For some inexplicable reason, both visitors and search bots alike love this song. It's quite often on the site's "Most Popular Songs This Week" list no matter what time of year it is.

    The other big 'most popular' Xmas song is "Blue Xmas (To Whom It May Concern)" by the late Bob Dorough & Miles Davis. In this one's case, I just think the search bots are hunting for 'Miles Davis.' 

    Either way these are rather specific tunes that rarely vanish from the favorites list.

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