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The Mad Music Show #230 - December 17-30, 2018
Topic: Xmas II: We Need A Little Krampus
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This week, we have a visit from our old pal, Krampus. He’s been good friends with my great uncle, Viscount Vyslo, for almost 900 years. They share the same interests: Christmas, golf, amateur proctology and tearing the blood soaked intestines out of bad little children everywhere. The similarities are endless. And the Viscount was good friends with my father, so, as it turns out, it really is about who you know and not what you know. It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for.

This show has 4 parts:

Part 4
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Krampus Vomits Up An End To Christmas /A New Year With No Resolution
f**k XmasFear
And Winter Came (background only)  [only known play]Enya
I Don't Wanna Hear No Christmas SongsRambunctious Randy & Tranquil Terry
Merry Christmas (I Do Want To Fight Tonight)The Paincakes
The Bah Humbug Song (Chipmunks Roasting)Lauren Mayer
Merry Muthaphuckin' ChristmasEazy-E
Don't Believe In Christmas The Sonics
Oh CthulhuH.P. Lovecraft Historical Society
The Happy Solstice SongRalph Carney
12 Days of Kwanzaa Shirley Q. Liquor
Christmas Is Over John Mammoser
After Christmas SyndromeA-Side Willie
Rockin' in a Christmas/New Year (1992)The Fools
Happy New YearSpike Jones & His City Slickers
Bonus Tracks
Father Time's Song  [only known play]Rankin/Bass Holiday Specials
New Year's TraditionsLucky Star

Listing added by:  Stavro Arrgolus

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Show Facts:
I actually missed a new, unplayed song for segment 1. You can tell by the shortness of the second set. In the end, I left it out since the segment was already running 7 minutes over. Maybe I can fit it in elsewhere in the show. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Because of the horrifying nature of segment 1, I went well out of my way to find the cutest, most adorable background music to play during Krampus' visit in the segment. Just because. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Bob Dorough died earlier this year, so I played the long version (from 1997) of "Blue X-mas" for him in seg. 1. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Little to no attempt to hunt down new songs was done for this show as time was running short to complete it before Xmas. ...And the playlist was completed early. I would have had to rewrite the parts of the script that commented on what was just played if I changed anything. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Mind Screw: The entire third segment. This traditional (traditional for this show, that is) segment is purposely made to be totally SFW. The segment is billed as 'whimsical' - mildly amusing rather than full out 'funny ha ha'. This is as laid back as this episode's going to get. It's so clean that I often refuse to host it myself - Tyro Arrgula hosts it this year.

Fail: Nope. Couldn't resist. I had to tack on a rather suggestive song to the segment as a bonus track. ...But even that's SFW as well. Technically.
(Stavro Arrgolus)
The "Xmas II" title is a bit deceptive. Four Mad Music Shows were actually made for 2018. There are only two 'main' shows because one of the others was a dedicated Hanukkah show and another was a podcast. (Stavro Arrgolus)
New Year, New Plan: From here on out, the date of these shows will reflect when the first & last segment was completed. The playlist was completed 12/30, but the script wasn't completed & the show wasn't posted until Jan. 5. I can't put that in the titles as 2 different months/years aren't likely to fit in the homepage box link, but the start & completion posting dates for segments will now otherwise be used, making the times when a show was actually released more accurate. (Stavro Arrgolus)
Show runtime: 2:43:04 (Stavro Arrgolus)
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Messages about the show: "The Mad Music Show #230 - December 17-30, 2018"

ssplank   Offline  -  Member  -  12-26-18 02:54 PM  -  6 years ago
Thanks, Stavro, for playing my song,"Santa Came Too Soon." And sorry for spoiling an otherwise wholesome segment. (Wait: No, I'm not.)
Axiom   Offline  -  Member  -  01-07-19 02:16 AM  -  6 years ago
Another great show.  Screw anyone, who doesn't like completely hilarious songs like this. Do you have a Patreon?
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  01-11-19 07:20 AM  -  6 years ago

First, thanks for your continuing support for the show. You always have good feedback for it.

As for Patreon...I considered it for about 5 seconds a while back. While it would be very nice to have a new/adequate microphone to make this show with, a better audio program than Audacity and a computer less than 7 years old, I don't really have the option.

I remain alive for 2 reasons. First, my healthcare, which I require a great deal of, is free, and second, this state has arguably the best healthcare in the country. The problem is that those who run these programs locally are sadistic bastards sent directly from Hell to kill non-rich people like me - not just the poor, anyone who's not rich will do.

If I make so much as a dime on Patreon or even ask for donations, the aforementioned bastards will try to deny me that healthcare - again.

A few years ago, they tried to cut off my Social Security benefits because I had a few dollars too many in my bank account 11 years earlier. I had to produce a bank statement from way back then to keep them from doing it. Fortunately, I trust those scumbags as far as I can comfortably spit out a rat, so I save everything; their cruel/sadistic attempt failed.

I'd rather not go through all that again.


Another great show.  Screw anyone, who doesn't like completely hilarious songs like this. Do you have a Patreon?

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