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Song Details
Duration: 2:28 
Release Date: 1969  (sfjpk30) 
Lyrics By: Eric Idle (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: N/A (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Ian MacNaughton (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Pye 12116 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Kay-Gee-Bee Music Ltd. (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: BMI (Stavro Arrgolus) 
  • The protagonist of this sketch, Eric Idle's character, Arthur Name, returns 6 episodes later to irritate a couple in their living room in "The Visitors" sketch from Ep. 9 "The Ant, An Introduction" (Dec. 14, 1969) and again in a short vox pop in the "Crackpot Religions" sketch from Ep. 24 (Dec. 8, 1970). (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Python fans know the straight man in this sketch played by Terry Jones as "squire" as in- "Evening, Squire. Is your wife a goer.." but in this original version from the TV series, Idle's character never calls him that (as seen below). The term is added later on in the concert performances. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • One of Python's signature bits mentioned whenever people run down the list of famous Python sketches. There are many versions of this bit. Below is the wording of the bit as it originally appeared in Ep. 3.- "How To Recognise Different Types of Trees From Quite a Long Way Away". (Oct. 19, 1969) The larch... (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • This sketch is featured in Episode 3 of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" TV show. (peterpuck9)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Arthur (Eric Idle): Is your wife Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Nudge nudge. Nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Say no more...know what I mean?

    Him (Terry Jones): I beg your pardon?

    Arthur: Your wife...does she, er, does she 'go' - eh? eh? eh? Know what I mean, know what I mean? Nudge nudge. Say no more.

    Him: Well, she sometimes goes, yes.

    Arthur: I bet she does. I bet she does. I bet she does. Know what I mean? Nudge nudge.

    Him: I'm sorry, I don't quite follow you.

    Arthur: Follow me. Follow me. I like that. That's good. A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh? (elbow gesture; rubs it)

    Him: Are you trying to sell something?

    Arthur: Selling, selling. Very good. Very good. (hand tilting quickly) Oh, wicked. Wicked. You're wicked. Eh? Know what I mean. Know what I mean? Nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Nudge nudge. Nudge nudge. (leaning over to him, making eye gesture; speaks slowly) (leans back as if having imparted a great secret)

    Him: But...

    Arthur: (stops him with finger which he lays alongside nose; gives slight tap) Your wife is she, eh... is she a sport. Eh?

    Him: She likes sport, yes.

    Arthur: I bet she does, I bet she does!

    Him: She is very fond of cricket, as a matter of fact.

    Arthur: (leans across, looking away) Who isn't, eh? Know what I mean. Likes games, likes games. Knew she would. Knew she would. Knew she would. Likes games, eh? She's been around, eh? Been around?

    Him: She's traveled. She's from Purley.

    Arthur: Oh...oh. Say no more, say no more. Say no more - Purley, say no more. Purley, eh? Know what I mean, know what I mean. Say no more.

    Him: (about to speak; can't think of anything to say)

    Arthur:(leers, grinning) Your wife interested in er... (waggles head, leans across) photographs, eh? Know what I mean? Photographs, 'he asked him knowingly'.

    Him: Photography?

    Arthur: Yes. Nudge nudge. Snap snap. Grin grin, wink wink, say no more?

    Him: Holiday snaps?

    Arthur: Could be, could be taken on holiday. Could be yes - swimming costumes. Know what I mean. Candid photography. Know what I mean, nudge nudge.

    Him: No, no we don't have a camera.

    Arthur: Oh. Still (makes strange British body language motion indicating sex) Woah! Eh? Wo-oah! Eh?

    Him: (annoyed now; plonks pint on table, spilling some) Look, are you insinuating something?

    Arthur: Yes.

    Him: Well?

    Arthur: Well. I mean. Er, I mean. You're a man of the world, aren't you...I mean, er, you've er... you've been there, haven't you...I mean you've been

    Him: What do you mean?

    Arthur: Well, I mean like you've've done it...I mean like, you''ve slept...with a lady.

    Him: Yes.

    Arthur: What's it like?
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
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