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Song Details
Duration: 3:23 
Release Date: 1969  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Terry Jones, Michael Palin & Fred Tomlinson (peterpuck9) 
Music By: Terry Jones, Michael Palin & Fred Tomlinson (peterpuck9) 
Produced By: Ian MacNaughton (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Charisma (UK) (peterpuck9) 
Published By: Kay-Gee-Bee Music Ltd. (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #420308143 
  • In its original form from Ep.9 "The Ant, An Introduction" (Dec. 14, 1969), Michael Palin played the transvestite lumberjack, Connie Booth was the 'best girl', and the Fred Tomlinson Singers and the other Pythons were the Mountie chorus. (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • The song was featured in Episode 9 of "Monty Python's Flying Circus". (peterpuck9)
  • Although Monty Python sang and released many clever tunes, "The Lumberjack Song" is far and away the best known. (At least to non-dementoids) (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • The lyrics below were from the series, but future performances always used the line "I wish I'd been a girlie, just like my dear Papa" (Stavro Arrgolus)
  • Song Lyrics:
    I..I wanted to be...A LUMBERJACK!
    Leaping from tree to tree
    as they float down the mighty rivers
    of British Columbia
    The larch, the pine, the sequoia
    With my best girl by my side
    We'd sing, sing, sing.....

    Oh! I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
    I sleep all night and I work all day

    (Mountie chorus in background)
    He's a lumberjack and he's OK
    He sleeps all night and he works all day

    I cut down trees
    I eat my lunch
    I go to the lavatory
    On Wednesdays, I go shopping
    and have buttered scones for tea

    He cuts down trees
    He eats his lunch
    He goes to the lavatory
    On Wednesdays, he goes shopping
    and has buttered scones for tea

    I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
    I sleep all night and I work all day

    I cut down trees
    I skip and jump
    I like to press wildflowers
    I put on women's clothing
    and hang around in bars

    He cuts down trees
    He skips and jumps
    He likes to press wildflowers
    He puts on women's clothing
    and hangs around in BARS?!?

    I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK
    I sleep all night and I work all day

    I cut down trees
    I wear high heels
    suspendies and a bra
    I wish I'd been a girlie
    Just like my dear Mama

    He cuts down trees
    He wears high heels
    Suspenders and A BRA??

    (Mountie chorus gets disgusted and leaves,
    shouting insults)

    "Best Girl" (standing beside him):
    "Oh! Bevis! And I thought you were so RUGGED!"

    ©1969 Kay-Gee-Bee Music Ltd.
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Lumberjack Song, The(View Larger)

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    Current Rating 10.0 (4 votes)
    Played on 110 shows:
    08-13-16, #16-3309-07-86, #86-36
    10-07-14, #BWR-14-10-0703-02-86, #86-09
    07-02-14, #ISGD-14-3612-08-85, #KMET-85-49
    09-01-13, #MMS-16909-01-85, #85-35
    09-01-12, #12-3509-01-85, #KMET-85-35
    06-18-11, #MMCZ-11-2507-28-85, #85-30
    09-06-09, #09-3605-19-85, #85-20
    07-12-09, #MMCZ-09-2605-19-85, #KMET-85-20
    06-07-09, #MMCZ-09-2009-02-84, #84-36
    03-15-09, #MMCZ-09-1001-29-84, #84-05
    07-13-07, #MMDT20_07-2707-10-83, #83-28
    11-13-06, #MMS-5305-22-83, #83-21
    07-01-06, #ROTP_09701-16-83, #83-03
    06-25-06, #06-2611-21-82, #82-47
    06-11-06, #06-2409-05-82, #82-36
    04-16-06, #MMS-2306-06-82, #82-23
    01-07-06, #ROTP_07210-18-81, #81-42
    12-03-05, #ROTP_06705-31-81, #81-22
    09-04-03, #MMCZ-03-1303-22-81, #81-12
    09-22-02, #02-3802-01-81, #81-05
    10-07-01, #01-4012-28-80, #80-52
    02-11-01, #01-0608-24-80, #80-34
    10-17-99, #99-4204-06-80, #80-14
    07-19-98, #98-2903-16-80, #80-11
    02-01-98, #98-0512-30-79, #79-52
    01-18-98, #98-0312-30-79, #KSAN-79-52
    11-02-97, #97-4409-16-79, #79-37
    03-02-97, #97-0906-17-79, #79-24
    08-11-96, #96-3201-07-79, #79-01
    09-17-95, #95-3812-31-78, #KMET-78-52
    04-23-95, #95-1701-01-78, #KMET-78-01
    10-02-94, #94-4001-02-77, #127
    05-15-94, #94-2001-02-77, #KMET-77-01
    03-13-94, #94-1111-21-76, #121
    09-05-93, #93-3611-07-76, #119
    07-18-93, #93-2908-29-76, #109
    03-14-93, #93-1107-25-76, #104
    12-27-92, #92-5206-13-76, #98
    10-11-92, #92-4105-09-76, #93
    01-26-92, #92-0403-21-76, #86
    10-13-91, #91-4103-07-76, #84
    07-07-91, #91-2702-08-76, #80
    10-07-90, #90-4001-04-76, #75
    04-29-90, #90-1712-28-75, #KMET-75-52
    02-04-90, #90-0512-14-75, #72-49
    08-20-89, #89-3411-02-75, #66
    04-16-89, #89-1610-19-75, #64
    02-19-89, #89-0809-28-75, #61
    01-08-89, #89-0209-14-75, #59
    07-17-88, #88-2909-14-75, #KMET-75-37
    02-21-88, #88-0808-17-75, #55
    09-06-87, #87-3608-10-75, #54
    04-19-87, #87-1608-03-75, #53
    03-08-87, #87-1007-27-75, #52
    11-16-86, #86-4606-08-75, #49
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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