Rank this week: 10 (↑23)
Release Date:
1994 (peterpuck9)
Lyrics By:
Bernard Deniger, Paul Pare & Terence Bowman (peterpuck9)
Music By:
Bernard Deniger, Paul Pare & Terence Bowman (peterpuck9)
Produced By:
Bulbous Bouffant (kag)
Released By:
Borpo (CAN) (peterpuck9)
Published By:
Facts: |
Made #1 on the Dr. Demento Funny 25 for 1996. (czwrefsteven) |
Web pages about this song: |
Song Lyrics: |
1: Hi. 2: Hello. 1: Are you waiting for the bus? 2: Uh, yes I am, actually. 1: Hm. 1: I noticed you're not wearing any GALOSHES. 2: Uh, no I'm not...it's uh...it's sunny out...uh...no need for galoshes. 1: I'M wearing galoshes. 2: Hm. 1: GALOSHES. 2: Uh huh. 1: Did'ja read the paper today? 2: Uh, no, I haven't had a chance. 1: Did you read the thing about the ESKIMOS? 2: No. 1: Well the article was saying that the Eskimos will eat the FAT from the whale. 2: Oh, yeah. 1: Do you know what that's called? 2: Uh, no, uh, I don't. 1: BLUBBER. 2: Oh, right. 1: BLUBBER. 2: Yeah, blubber. 1: That's what it's called. 2: Uh huh. 1: BLUBBER. 2: Right. 1: The Eskimos eat the BLUBBER. 2: Uh huh. 1: And the BLUBBER will come from different kinds of whales, you know? 2: Oh, yeah. 1: Sometimes it will come from a Beluga whale. 2: Uh huh. 1: BALOOGAH! 2: Right, yeah. 1: Heh heh. They don't wear galoshes. 2: Who the, the whales? 1: NOOOOOOO. The ESKIMOS. 2: Oh no. That's right, they don't. 1: They wear MUKLUKS! 2: Uh huh. 1: MUKLUKS! 2: That's right; mukluks. 1: MAAAAAAAKLAAAAAAAAKKKKKSSS. 2: Yeah...mukluks. 1: Say it again. 2: Mukluks. 1: Say it LOUDER. 2: MUK--LUKS! 1: Um hmm...good eh? 2: Yeah, it is a good one...I didn't want to say it but uhh....I like it... 1: Say say say GALOSHES. 2: Galoshes. 1: Heh heh...it's good, eh? 2: Yeah, it's good. 1: Galoshes! 2: Galoshes! 1: Balooooooooogah! 2: Baloogah. 1: Blubber blubber blubber blubber... 2: Blubber MUKLUK! 1: Blubber...BALOOGAH!
3: Uh, excuse me. 2: Ahem. 3: Sorry, um....I didn't mean to interrupt whatever it was you were doing there... 2: Oh nah...it's OK! 3: Uh, ok. I just wanted to know if this is where the bus stops? 2: Uh yeah, ah...it should be here any minute actually. 3: OH, I see. Well, sorry to disturb you. 2: That's ok, we were just....uhhhh..... {long pause} 1: Sir. 3: Yes? 1: PPPPSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT! 3: Yeah. 1: Look over there. 3: Across the street? 1: Yeah, yeah yeah. 3: Um-huh. 1: See that LADY? 3: Yes. 1: What kind of a hairstyle does she have? 3: Uh, that looks like a bouffant. 1: YES. A BOOOOOFFANT! 3: Yes, a bouffant. 2: Uh, actually, I...I couldn't help noticing that myself, it's sort-of what you might call a, a bulbous bouffant. 3: Yes, a bulbous bouffant. 1: BULBOUS BOUFFANT. 3: Bouffant. 1: BLUBBER 2: GALOSHES!!! 1: Heh heh. Mukluks! 2: Bulbous bouffant. 1: Mukluk mukluk. heh heh. 3: MACADAMIA. 1 & 2: Ooooooohhhhhhhhh. heh heh. 3: Macadamia. 1: Ga-ze-bo! 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Macadamia. {At this point, it breaks completely into a song...read it FAST} 1: Gazebo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Macadamia. 1: Gazebo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Macadamia. 1: Gazebo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 1: Blubber. 3: Macadamia. 1: Blubber. Gazebo. Blubber. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Plethora. Macadamia. 1: Blubber. Gazebo. Blubber. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Plethora. Macadamia. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Plethora. Macadamia. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Plethora. Macadamia. 1: Baloogah. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Ploy. 1: Spatula. 3: Macadamia. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Ploy. 3: Plethora. Macadamia. 1: Baloogah. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 2: Bulbous Bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Shin-dig. Baloogah. 3: Bamboozle. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Plethora. 3: Macadamia. 2: Bamboozle. 1: Baloogah. Gazebo. 1: Hullabaloo. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Plethora. 3: Macadamia. 2: Baboozle. 1: Baloogah. Gazebo. 1: Gaberdine. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Plethora. 3: Macadamia. 2: Baboozle. 1: Baloogah. Gazebo. 1: Tuberculosis. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Plethora. 3: Macadamia. 2: Baboozle. 1: Baloogah. Gazebo. 1: Foible. 1: Gazebo. 3: Igloo. 2: Bulbous bouffant. 3: Ploy. 1: Plethora. 3: Macadamia. 2: Baboozle. 1: Baloogah. Gazebo. 1: BUS!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Ah, here comes the bus. 3: Oh, yeah. 1: Good. (peterpuck9) |
Current Rating
(7 votes)
Played on 126 shows: |
 | 03-11-23, #KMCC-17-14 |  | 02-23-03, #03-08 |
 | 09-11-20, #WOTR_190 |  | 12-29-02, #02-52 |
 | 06-19-20, #WOTR_179 |  | 10-13-02, #02-41 |
 | 05-30-20, #AOTA-200530 |  | 07-07-02, #02-27 |
 | 12-01-18, #AOTA-181201 |  | 04-21-02, #02-16 |
 | 01-21-18, #OTR-4-03 |  | 01-27-02, #02-04 |
 | 10-15-17, #OTR-3-42 |  | 12-30-01, #01-52 |
 | 06-25-17, #ISGD-17-26 |  | 11-18-01, #01-46 |
 | 03-04-17, #AOTA-170304 |  | 08-26-01, #01-34 |
 | 05-21-16, #16-21 |  | 04-15-01, #01-15 |
 | 01-23-16, #AOTA-160123 |  | 03-25-01, #01-12 |
 | 07-25-15, #15-30 |  | 02-11-01, #01-06 |
 | 08-02-14, #14-31 |  | 12-31-00, #00-53 |
 | 07-12-14, #AOTA-140712 |  | 09-24-00, #00-39 |
 | 06-07-14, #AOTA-140607 |  | 06-25-00, #00-26 |
 | 09-14-13, #AOTA-130914 |  | 03-26-00, #00-13 |
 | 03-30-13, #13-13 |  | 02-06-00, #00-06 |
 | 11-03-12, #12-44 |  | 12-26-99, #99-52 |
 | 09-22-12, #12-38 |  | 11-28-99, #99-48 |
 | 05-19-12, #12-20 |  | 10-03-99, #99-40 |
 | 02-02-12, #ISGD-12-05 |  | 06-06-99, #99-23 |
 | 01-06-12, #MMDT20_12-01 |  | 04-04-99, #99-14 |
 | 10-22-11, #MMCZ-11-43 |  | 03-14-99, #99-11 |
| 10-01-11, #ISGD-11-39 |  | 02-21-99, #99-08 |
 | 09-16-11, #ROTP_369 |  | 12-27-98, #98-52 |
 | 08-27-11, #11-35 |  | 11-29-98, #98-48 |
 | 12-04-10, #MMCZ-10-55 |  | 10-18-98, #98-42 |
 | 10-09-10, #10-41 |  | 08-30-98, #98-35 |
 | 08-28-10, #10-35 |  | 07-12-98, #98-28 |
 | 05-23-10, #MMCZ-10-21 |  | 04-26-98, #98-17 |
| 05-22-10, #ISGD-10-20 |  | 02-08-98, #98-06 |
 | 12-26-09, #ROTP_279 |  | 12-28-97, #97-52 |
 | 11-08-09, #09-45 |  | 10-19-97, #97-42 |
 | 09-27-09, #09-39 |  | 08-24-97, #97-34 |
 | 01-25-09, #09-04 |  | 06-29-97, #97-26 |
 | 01-17-09, #ROTP_230 |  | 04-27-97, #97-17 |
 | 07-27-08, #08-30 |  | 02-09-97, #97-06 |
 | 03-01-08, #ROTP_184 |  | 12-29-96, #96-52 |
 | 12-29-07, #ROTP_175 | | 12-29-96, #KSCA-96-52 |
 | 11-04-07, #07-44 |  | 12-01-96, #96-48 |
 | 11-03-07, #ROTP_167 |  | 11-03-96, #96-44 |
 | 10-07-07, #MMS-95 |  | 09-22-96, #96-38 |
 | 04-15-07, #07-15 |  | 07-07-96, #96-27 |
 | 04-14-07, #ROTP_138 |  | 06-16-96, #96-24 |
 | 01-28-07, #07-04 |  | 05-19-96, #96-20 |
 | 12-31-06, #06-53 |  | 05-12-96, #96-19 |
 | 10-15-06, #06-42 |  | 04-28-96, #96-17 |
 | 08-20-06, #MMS-41 |  | 03-31-96, #96-13 |
 | 06-25-06, #06-26 |  | 03-03-96, #96-09 |
 | 03-13-06, #FFM-32 |  | 02-18-96, #96-07 |
 | 01-15-06, #06-03 |  | 01-28-96, #96-04 |
 | 06-26-05, #05-26 |  | 01-21-96, #96-03 |
 | 04-17-05, #XM-99 |  | 01-14-96, #96-02 |
 | 04-17-05, #MM-5 |  | 12-31-95, #95-53 |
 | 03-20-05, #05-12 |  | 12-03-95, #95-49 |
 | 12-26-04, #04-52 |  | 11-26-95, #95-48 |
 | 11-28-04, #XM-79 |  | 11-19-95, #95-47 |
 | 09-12-04, #04-37 |  | 11-12-95, #95-46 |
 | 08-29-04, #XM-66 |  | 11-05-95, #95-45 |
 | 05-09-04, #04-19 |  | 10-15-95, #95-42 |
 | 01-26-04, #XM-36 |  | 09-24-95, #95-39 |
 | 01-04-04, #04-01 |  | 09-17-95, #95-38 |
 | 07-13-03, #03-28 |  | 08-13-95, #95-33 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
fiogf49gjkf0d The next time you watch The Dead Zone, you know, that movie with Christopher Walken that was written by Stephen King, listen closely to the dialog while they are in the gazebo. The part right after this:
"Hey, Alma! Hi. What are you doing? Waiting for a smile from you. She knows him. What? She knows him. Why waste a smile on you? You want to see the damndest thing?"
Marcus Tee
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