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Song Details
Duration: 3:16 
Release Date: 1985  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Bobby Pickett/Frank Heller/Bobby Paine (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Bobby Pickett/Frank Heller/Bobby Paine (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: Roger Keay/Bobby Paine (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: Easy Street/Aero Records (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Alta Loma Music/Musical Properties Inc./Rightsong Music Inc./Skullsville Music/Intersong USA Inc. (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #430359098 
Song Lyrics:
Still working in the lab, late these nights
My eyes grown used to eerie sights
I've created a monster who can dance and walk
But I couldn't teach him how to talk

My faithful assistant, that hunchback fool
who wastes his time in DJ school
Said, "Master, get hip! Don't be a sap!
Teach the creature to Monster Rap!"

You gotta- shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body

Igor, you idiot!
"Yes, Master?"
Bring me some vocal cords!
"Yes, Master!"

'Cause I just want to hear him speak
and tonight the storm will reach it's peak
Connect electrodes, turn on the power
We operate within the hour

The kites went up without a hitch
Then Igor screamed, "I'll pull the switch!"
The bolt came down, his head went zap
Now he's doing the Monster Rap

Shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body

I've given you a voice, now rap for Daddy..

Well, they shot a million volts into my brain
Now I'm ready to rap like a runaway train
If you get in my way, we're bound to clash
'Cause I'm the same dude that did the Monster Mash

That's my boy!

Shock the body body

So we invited the zombies, creeps and ghouls
and turned them into rapping fools
Drac woke up from his nap and said,
"Teach me how to Monster Rap!"

You gotta- shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body
Shock the body
Shock the body body

Igor, you fool!
"Yes, Master?"
He's breaking loose!
We've reached a goal
undreamed of by science!
Listen, he's going to rap again...

I got bolts in my neck, a flattop head
I'm eight feet tall and I'm back from the dead
Y'see I can break rappers down to tears
'cause I've been monster rappin' for a hundred years
They all light up the torches,
chase me through the town
(Pickett: Get down, Frankie)
They do everything to try to track me down
But they can't keep up; they can't compete
'cause I've got the rap with the monster beat
Y'see North, East, West and South
I'm the cat they call 'Monster Mouth'
When I start to rap, I control the room
I can get the werewolves howlin' at the moon
Y'see, I'm and big and bad, scarred and mean
I'm the cool range howla Dr. Frankensteen
I said rap, bap, another zap! (BZZZZT!)
Can't stop the rappin' now...

He won't stop rapping...
Strap him down, Igor
He must be heavily sedated
"Yes, Master"
Oh, shut up!
(Stavro Arrgolus)
Current Rating 10.0 (5 votes)
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