Facts: |
Begins and ends with on-set explosions. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
After the radio explodes, as the pepperpots turn the couch around to face the telly, they begin mumbling a tune then they actually sing "the girl from Ipanema is walking." (peterpuck9) |
Sketch from Episode 22 of Monty Python's Flying Circus. (peterpuck9) |
In Python lore, Graham Chapman shouts 'Burma!' in this bit because he forgot his line, causing John Cleese to be thrown off and look around confused for a moment.
The cynic in me, however, believes the whole thing was staged for the sheer hell of it. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Song Lyrics: |
Radio Announcer's Voice (John Cleese): That was episode two of 'The Death of Mary, Queen of Scots', adapted for radio by Bernard Hollowood and Brian London. And now, Radio Four will explode.
(radio explodes)
First Pepperpot (Graham Chapman): We'll have to watch the telly then.
Second Pepperpot (John Cleese): Yes
(The pepperpots swivel the sofa around to look at the TV set)
First Pepperpot: What's that on the telly-vision, then?
Second Pepperpot : Looks like a penguin. First Pepperpot: No, no, no, I didn't mean what's on the television set, I meant what program.
Second Pepperpot: Oh.
Second Pepperpot: Funny that penguin being there, innit? What's it doing there?
First Pepperpot: Standing!
Second Pepperpot: I can see that!
(long pause)
First Pepperpot: If it lays an egg, it will fall down the back of the telly-vision set.
Second Pepperpot: We'll have to watch that. Unless it's a male.
First Pepperpot: Ooh, I never thought of that.
Second Pepperpot: Yes, looks fairly butch.
First Pepperpot: Per'aps it comes from next door.
Second Pepperpot: Penguins don't come from next door, they come from the Antarctic!
First Pepperpot: BURMA!
(Cleese stops, looks around, seemingly confused)
Second Pepperpot: Why'd did say Burma?
First Pepperpot: I panicked.
Second Pepperpot: Oh. Perhaps it's from the zoo.
First Pepperpot: Which zoo?
Second Pepperpot: How should I know which zoo? I'm not Doctor bloody Bernofski.
First Pepperpot: How does Doctor Bernofski know which zoo it came from?
Second Pepperpot: He knows everything.
First Pepperpot: Oh, I wouldn't like that, it'd take the mystery out of life. Anyway, if it came from the zoo, it would have 'property of the zoo' stamped on it.
Second Pepperpot: No it wouldn't. They don't stamp animals 'property of the zoo'! You couldn't stamp a huge lion!
First Pepperpot: They stamp them when they're small.
Second Pepperpot: What happens when they molt?
First Pepperpot: Lions don't molt.
Second Pepperpot: No, but penguins do! There, I've run rings around you logically.
First Pepperpot: Oh, intercourse the penguin!
(Cleese tries to conceal a smile as if Chapman had ad-libbed the last line. On the TV screen there now appears an announcer)
TV Announcer (Terry Jones): It's just gone 8 o'clock and time for the penguin on top of your television set to explode.
(penguin explodes)
First Pepperpot : How did he know that was going to happen?
TV Announcer: It was an inspired guess. And now... (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Current Rating
(3 votes)
Played on 12 shows: |
 | 01-07-17, #KMCC-T12-09 |  | 04-09-95, #95-15 |
 | 11-26-16, #KMCC-11-06 |  | 09-23-84, #84-39 |
 | 05-28-11, #11-22 | | 07-13-80, #80-28 |
 | 07-09-06, #06-28 | | 11-04-79, #79-44 |
 | 01-14-06, #MMS-13 | | 08-13-78, #78-25 |
 | 05-31-98, #98-22 | | 08-08-76, #106 |
 | = Show you can listen to online |
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