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Rank this week: 9 (↑23)
Duration: 2:35 
Release Date: 1979  (DJ Particle) 
Lyrics By: William Frenzer (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: William Frenzer (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Produced By: The Ogden Edsl (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Released By: ALA Records (ALA-1985) (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Published By: Eyes of Dawn Publishing Co. (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Licensing: ASCAP  #410120364 (Stavro Arrgolus) 
  • The version heard on the Feb 5, 1984 show is a different version than what was heard later (and is now on CDs). Another earlier demo version is said to exist. (Tim P. Ryan)
  • Song Lyrics:
    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    If the kids just love me back, I'll never wear a frown
    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    If the kids just love me back, I'll never wear a frown

    Kinko's in his Kinko car
    pockets full of change
    lots of dirty pictures
    and sticky candy canes
    All the kids love Kinko for the presents that they get
    Silly leather clothes to wear and happy cigarettes

    Hi, boys and girls, my name is Kinko the Clown
    and I really love you boys and girls, really really
    But my legs get tired standing out in the parking lot
    handing out stale tootsie rolls to you little rugrats,
    so if anyone want to come back to Kinko's trailer
    and massage his legs, he'd really really like it
    Really really

    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    If the kids just love me back, I'll never wear a frown
    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    If the kids just love me back, I'll never wear a frown

    We go to Kinko's clubhouse sometimes after school
    We play in Kinko's crawlspace
    There's never any rules
    We have to sit on Kinko's lap
    There's never any chairs
    Kinko likes to tickle us
    and give us funny stares

    Oh gosh, I haven't had this much fun since last Christmas
    when I got to play Santa Claus and all the boys and girls
    got to sit on Kinko's lap.

    Little Boy: Mommy Mommy, Kinko hurt me!

    But that was in Indianapolis, and thanks to the liberal
    reciprocity laws, Kinko can be with you boys and girls
    today or anytime.

    Jimmy Johnson ran away and didn't say goodbye.
    Kinko went to look for him to help the FBI
    But Kinko had some handcuffs on
    His eyes were full of tears
    Said, "I'll be back to play with you sometime in 20 years."

    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    The parents want to beat me up and run me out of town
    Kinko, Kinko the Kid Loving Clown
    Tar and feather Kinko and run him out of town

    Officer: OK Shorteyes, get in the car

    Good bye boys and girls


    See you at the turn of the century, cause Kinko
    really loves you boys and girls, really really
    (jammin DIA)
    Kinko the Clown---Ogden Edsl(View Larger)

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    Current Rating 9.4 (6 votes)
    Played on 115 shows:
    04-01-24, #MMS-26508-14-94, #94-33
    09-30-23, #AOTA-23093012-29-91, #KLSX-91-52
    06-16-23, #WOTR_32712-30-84, #84-53
    08-17-19, #AOTA-19081711-04-84, #84-45
    01-19-19, #KMCC 13-1110-07-84, #84-41
    01-26-18, #MMS-22408-19-84, #84-34
    10-15-16, #16-4207-22-84, #84-30
    11-07-15, #11-4506-17-84, #84-25
    04-25-15, #15-1705-06-84, #84-19
    01-30-15, #MMDT20_15-0503-25-84, #84-13
    03-29-14, #AOTA-14032903-04-84, #84-10
    10-09-12, #BWR-12-10-0902-05-84, #84-06
    08-03-12, #MMDT20_12-3101-22-84, #84-04
    03-31-12, #12-1301-01-84, #84-01
    01-14-12, #AOTA-12011412-11-83, #83-50
    01-06-12, #MMDT20_12-0111-06-83, #83-45
    06-18-11, #MMCZ-11-2509-25-83, #83-39
    06-07-11, #BWR-11-06-0709-18-83, #83-38
    04-30-11, #11-1808-21-83, #83-34
    03-05-11, #MMS-14407-10-83, #83-28
    01-31-10, #10-0506-26-83, #83-26
    12-26-09, #ROTP_27903-27-83, #83-13
    06-27-09, #ROTP_25303-06-83, #83-10
    01-25-09, #09-0401-30-83, #83-05
    01-17-09, #ROTP_23001-16-83, #83-03
    08-05-07, #MMS-8801-02-83, #83-01
    04-22-07, #MMS-7501-02-83, #KMET-83-01
    01-22-07, #MM-9210-03-82, #82-40
    01-07-07, #MMS-6108-15-82, #82-33
    11-08-06, #KMCC_3-0107-18-82, #82-29
    10-01-06, #06-4006-13-82, #82-24
    07-23-06, #MMS-3706-06-82, #82-23
    02-05-06, #06-0605-30-82, #82-22
    09-18-05, #05-3805-09-82, #82-19
    08-09-05, #FFM-104-04-82, #82-14
    05-15-05, #XM-10303-14-82, #82-11
    04-24-05, #05-1701-24-82, #82-04
    01-16-05, #05-0312-27-81, #81-52
    10-03-04, #XM-7111-15-81, #81-46
    06-16-03, #XM-0408-09-81, #81-32
    05-12-03, #ISGD-03-1804-26-81, #81-17
    03-09-03, #03-1003-08-81, #81-10
    03-03-02, #02-0901-11-81, #81-02
    08-20-00, #00-3412-28-80, #80-52
    04-30-00, #00-1810-26-80, #80-43
    08-29-99, #99-3510-05-80, #80-40
    03-07-99, #99-1009-21-80, #80-38
    04-12-98, #98-1507-27-80, #80-30
    08-31-97, #97-3506-29-80, #80-26
    02-02-97, #97-0505-04-80, #80-18
    10-06-96, #96-4004-13-80, #80-15
    01-21-96, #96-0303-30-80, #80-13
    12-31-95, #95-5303-09-80, #80-10
    11-05-95, #95-4502-24-80, #80-08
    05-21-95, #95-2111-11-79, #79-45
    04-23-95, #95-1711-04-79, #79-44
    02-19-95, #95-0810-28-79, #79-43
    11-13-94, #94-46
    = Show you can listen to online
    Song Images:
    Messages about the song: "Kinko The Clown"
    karlap   Offline  -  Artist  -  07-25-12 04:25 PM  -  12 years ago
    Now that the NCAA has ruled that Penn State will play football this fall, even though that institution knowingly and deliberately enabled the Kinko-like behavior of Jerry Sandusky for 14 years, it is time for Ogden Edsel to publish a marching band arrangement of this song.

    Other teams who are forced to play Penn State or forfeit, if they choose the former, can have their marching bands play it in protest.
    Captain Wayne   Offline  -  Site Owner  -  02-16-07 01:48 PM  -  18 years ago
    Yeah - it's called "Kinko Returns" and was on the album "The Obsecurity File" [ ] which is an excellent album if anyone else finds it!

    --- Adam
    Did anyone ever record a sequel to this song? I seem to remember one, but I may have imagined it.
    Adam   Offline  -  Participant  -  02-16-07 03:01 AM  -  18 years ago
    Did anyone ever record a sequel to this song? I seem to remember one, but I may have imagined it.
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    Song samples are provided for information purposes only and are intended to enable the users to sample the music (as they are in very low quality) before they take the decision of purchasing the music. This right is expressly permitted under "Fair Use" as nonprofit educational purposes only. The ownership of the copyright of the songs rests with the respective owners.

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