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Artist Details

the great Luke Ski
Date Born/Group Began: 01/14/1974 (peterpuck9) 
Date Died/Group Ended:
Also Known As:
Full Name: Luke Collis Sienkowski (zeekeroo)
Luke Ski
Luke Ski's Psycho Potpourri (DJ Particle)
Real name: Luke Sienkowski (Tim P. Ryan)
  • The cover for Uber Geek was shot at Dementia 2001 on April Fool's eve by Dave Rozian (not pictured) (Tim P. Ryan)
  • Luke is a talented and accomplished caricature artist (UncleLumpy)
  • Luke is a podcaster for the FuMP (Halfshell)
  • Appears on the following 95 albums:

    Hits From Outer Space

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #6

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #11

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #12

    Carpe Dementia

    Uber Geek

    Worst Album Ever

    Psycho Potpourri

    Forgotten Fishheads: Volume 13

    Forgotten Fishheads: Volume 27

    Forgotten Fishheads: Volume 42

    Forgotten Fishheads: Volume 69

    Forgotten Fishheads: Double Feature

    Are We Stalling For Time? - the great Luke Ski: Live at GenCon: 1994-2004

    Forgotten Fishheads: Volume ZERO

    Fanboys n da Hood!

    Shadows of the Bunghole

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #13


    Laughter Is A Powerful Weapon Vol. 2

    Laughter is a Powerful Weapon


    Art Paul Schlosser (The Tribute!)


    The FuMP, Volume 1

    The FuMP, Volume 2

    Happy Ranch

    Earpicac - Weird Songs by Weird People

    The FuMP, Volume 3


    The FuMP, Volume 4

    The FuMP, Volume 5

    The FuMP, Volume 6
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2008 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    The FuMP, Volume 7

    The FuMP, Volume 8

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #15

    Mr. Smith Goes To The Hospital - A Fast Fund Raiser for a Fast Filker

    The FuMP, Volume 9

    Target: Audience

    The FuMP, Volume 10
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2009 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    The FuMP, Volume 11

    The FuMP, Volume 12

    The FuMP, Volume 13

    The FuMP, Volume 14

    The FuMP, Volume 15

    Too Much Stuff

    The FuMP, Volume 16

    The FuMP, Volume 17
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2010 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #16

    Dr. Demento's Basement Tapes #17
    Album Image
    MarsCon 2007 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    The FuMP, Volume 18

    Fairly Epic

    The FuMP, Volume 20

    What A Ripoff! Volume 1

    What A Ripoff! Volume 2

    The FuMP, Volume 21

    The FuMP, Volume 23

    The FuMP, Volume 24

    The FuMP, Volume 25

    Nah Meen

    The FuMP, Volume 26

    Twenty-Six and a Half: A Tribute to "Weird Al" Yankovic

    The FuMP, Volume 27

    Be Amused By Me

    The FuMP, Volume 28

    The FuMP, Volume 29

    The FuMP, Volume 30

    MarsCon 2012 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    MarsCon 2011 Dementia Track Fund Raiser CD

    The FuMP, Volume 35

    Grand Theft Audio

    The FuMP, Volume 36

    Worst Tribute Ever (a tribute to the great Luke Ski)

    Rhythms From the Crypt

    Because Of Bob: Luke Ski's Kickstarter FAWM Album (songs I wrote about people for money)

    The FuMP, Volume 43

    The FuMP, Volume 44

    Sing All Funny Jokes

    4th Grade Talent Show

    The FuMP, Volume 45

    The FuMP, Volume 46

    The FuMP, Volume 47

    The FuMP, Volume 48

    The FuMP, Volume 49

    Inside Jokes of The FuMP

    The FuMP, Volume 50

    The FuMP. Volume 51

    The FuMP, Volume 52

    The FuMP, Volume 58

    The FuMP, Volume 59

    The FuMP, Volume 60
    Contact us if you know of another album that contains this artist

    Played on 1696 shows:
    12-28-24, #AOTA-24122811-18-11, #MMDT20_11-46
    11-09-24, #KMCC - 19-0611-15-11, #BWR-11-11-15
    09-28-24, #MMCZ-24-1711-12-11, #AOTA-111112
    09-14-24, #KMCC-19-0211-11-11, #ROTP_377
    06-15-24, #KMCC-18-2011-11-11, #MMDT20_11-45
    05-31-24, #WOTR_SF11-05-11, #AOTA-111105
    04-06-24, #KMCC-18-1611-04-11, #MMDT20_11-44
    03-23-24, #KMCC-18-1511-01-11, #BWR-11-11-01
    03-10-24, #SF_2910-31-11, #MM-231
    03-09-24, #KMCC-18-1410-28-11, #ROTP_375
    03-03-24, #SF_2810-28-11, #MMDT20_11-43
    02-24-24, #AOTA-24022410-22-11, #AOTA-111022
    02-17-24, #AOTA-24021710-22-11, #11-43
    01-21-24, #SF_2310-21-11, #ROTP_374
    01-13-24, #KMCC-18-1010-21-11, #MMDT20_11-42
    12-30-23, #AOTA-23123010-20-11, #LCBR_Ep051
    12-06-23, #AOTA-23120610-15-11, #AOTA-111015
    12-02-23, #AOTA-23120210-14-11, #ROTP_373
    11-26-23, #SF_1510-14-11, #MMDT20_11-41
    11-25-23, #AOTA-23112510-08-11, #AOTA-111008
    11-19-23, #SF_1410-08-11, #11-41
    11-12-23, #SF_1310-07-11, #MMDT20_11-40
    10-28-23, #AOTA-23102810-01-11, #AOTA-111001
    10-21-23, #AOTA-23102109-30-11, #ROTP_371
    10-15-23, #SF_0909-30-11, #MMDT20_11-39
    10-14-23, #KMCC-18-0409-24-11, #AOTA-110924
    10-14-23, #AOTA-23101409-24-11, #11-39
    09-30-23, #KMCC-18-0309-23-11, #MMDT20_11-38
    09-30-23, #KMCC-18-0309-17-11, #AOTA-110917
    09-16-23, #KMCC-18-0209-16-11, #ROTP_369
    09-15-23, #MMS-25709-16-11, #MMDT20_11-37
    09-02-23, #KMCC 18-0109-13-11, #BWR-11-09-13
    08-26-23, #KMCC-16-1609-10-11, #AOTA-110910
    08-26-23, #AOTA-23082609-09-11, #ROTP_368
    08-19-23, #KMCC-16-1509-09-11, #MMDT20_11-36
    08-12-23, #KMCC-16-1409-06-11, #BWR-11-09-06
    08-09-23, #MMCZ-23-0209-03-11, #AOTA-110903
    07-29-23, #AOTA-23072909-02-11, #MMDT20_11-35
    07-22-23, #KMCC-16-0808-27-11, #AOTA-110827
    06-24-23, #AOTA-23062408-27-11, #11-35
    06-16-23, #WOTR_32708-26-11, #MMDT20_11-34
    05-12-23, #WOTR_32208-20-11, #11-34
    04-22-23, #AOTA-23042208-20-11, #AOTA-110820
    04-01-23, #AOTA-23040108-19-11, #ROTP_365
    03-31-23, #WOTR_31908-19-11, #MMDT20_11-33
    03-18-23, #AOTA-23031808-16-11, #BWR-11-08-16
    03-11-23, #AOTA-23031108-13-11, #11-33
    03-04-23, #AOTA-23030408-13-11, #AOTA-110813
    02-18-23, #KMCC-17-1308-12-11, #ROTP_364
    02-10-23, #WOTR_31308-12-11, #MMDT20_11-32
    01-28-23, #KMCC-17-1108-09-11, #BWR-11-08-09
    12-30-22, #WOTR_30808-06-11, #AOTA-110806
    12-17-22, #KMCC-17-0808-05-11, #ROTP_363
    11-26-22, #AOTA-22112608-05-11, #MMDT20_11-31
    11-25-22, #WOTR_30308-02-11, #BWR-11-08-02
    11-23-22, #MMS-24507-30-11, #AOTA-110730
    11-12-22, #AOTA-22111207-30-11, #11-31
    11-05-22, #KMCC 17-0507-29-11, #MMDT20_11-30
    10-29-22, #AOTA-22102907-23-11, #AOTA-110723
    10-01-22, #AOTA-22100107-23-11, #11-30
    09-24-22, #AOTA-22092407-22-11, #ROTP_361
    09-17-22, #AOTA-22091707-22-11, #MMDT20_11-29
    08-19-22, #WOTR_28907-15-11, #MMDT20_11-28
    07-22-22, #WOTR_28607-12-11, #BWR-11-07-12
    06-10-22, #KMCC-16-2007-09-11, #11-28
    03-04-22, #WOTR_26707-08-11, #MMDT20_11-27
    02-12-22, #AOTA-22021207-04-11, #MMDT20_11-HY
    01-29-22, #AOTA-22012907-02-11, #AOTA-110702
    01-15-22, #AOTA-22011507-01-11, #ROTP_358
    01-01-22, #AOTA-22010107-01-11, #MMDT20_11-26
    12-04-21, #AOTA-21120406-28-11, #BWR-11-06-28
    11-27-21, #AOTA-21112706-25-11, #AOTA-110625
    11-26-21, #WOTR_25306-25-11, #11-26
    10-16-21, #AOTA-21101606-24-11, #MMDT20_11-25
    10-09-21, #AOTA-21100906-17-11, #ROTP_356
    10-02-21, #AOTA-21100206-17-11, #MMDT20_11-24
    09-25-21, #AOTA-21092506-11-11, #AOTA-110611
    09-18-21, #AOTA-21091806-10-11, #ROTP_355
    09-17-21, #WOTR_24306-10-11, #MMDT20_11-23
    08-14-21, #AOTA-21081406-04-11, #AOTA-110604
    08-07-21, #AOTA-21080706-03-11, #MMDT20_11-22
    08-06-21, #WOTR_23805-28-11, #AOTA-110528
    07-24-21, #AOTA-21072405-28-11, #11-22
    05-29-21, #AOTA-21052905-27-11, #MMDT20_11-21
    05-15-21, #AOTA-21051505-20-11, #MMDT20_11-20
    05-01-21, #AOTA-21050105-13-11, #ROTP_351
    04-17-21, #AOTA-21041705-13-11, #MMDT20_11-19
    04-03-21, #AOTA-21040305-07-11, #AOTA-110507
    03-05-21, #WOTR_21505-06-11, #ROTP_350
    02-13-21, #AOTA-21021305-06-11, #MMDT20_11-18
    02-12-21, #WOTR_21104-30-11, #AOTA-110430
    01-29-21, #WOTR_20904-30-11, #11-18
    01-23-21, #AOTA-21012304-29-11, #MMDT20_11-17
    01-15-21, #WOTR_20704-23-11, #AOTA-110423
    01-09-21, #AOTA-21010904-22-11, #MMDT20_11-16
    01-09-21, #KMCC-15-1004-16-11, #11-16
    01-02-21, #AOTA-21010204-15-11, #MMDT20_11-15
    12-26-20, #AOTA-20122604-09-11, #AOTA-110409
    12-12-20, #AOTA-20121204-08-11, #ROTP_346
    11-28-20, #AOTA-20112804-08-11, #MMDT20_11-14
    11-21-20, #AOTA-20112104-02-11, #AOTA-110402
    11-14-20, #KMCC-15-0604-01-11, #ROTP_345
    11-06-20, #WOTR_19804-01-11, #MMDT20_11-13
    10-30-20, #WOTR_19703-26-11, #AOTA-110326
    10-27-20, #MMP-5603-26-11, #11-13
    10-17-20, #AOTA-20101703-25-11, #MMDT20_11-12
    10-10-20, #AOTA-20101003-19-11, #AOTA-110319
    10-03-20, #AOTA-20100303-18-11, #MMDT20_11-11
    09-26-20, #AOTA-20092603-12-11, #AOTA-110312
    09-25-20, #WOTR_19203-11-11, #ROTP_342
    09-19-20, #AOTA-20091903-11-11, #MMDT20_11-10
    09-18-20, #WOTR_19103-04-11, #MMDT20_11-09
    09-12-20, #AOTA-20091202-27-11, #MMP-8
    09-11-20, #WOTR_19002-25-11, #MMDT20_11-08
    08-22-20, #AOTA-20082202-20-11, #MMP-7
    08-15-20, #AOTA-20081502-18-11, #ROTP_339
    08-08-20, #AOTA-20080802-18-11, #MMDT20_11-07
    08-01-20, #AOTA-20080102-12-11, #AOTA-110212
    07-24-20, #WOTR_18302-11-11, #ROTP_338
    07-18-20, #AOTA-20071802-11-11, #MMDT20_11-06
    07-11-20, #AOTA-20071102-04-11, #MMDT20_11-05
    07-10-20, #WOTR_18101-30-11, #MMP-5
    07-04-20, #AOTA-20070401-28-11, #ROTP_336
    06-27-20, #AOTA-20062701-28-11, #MMDT20_11-04
    06-13-20, #AOTA-20061301-21-11, #ROTP_335
    05-23-20, #AOTA-20052301-21-11, #MMDT20_11-03
    04-25-20, #KMCC-14-1801-14-11, #ROTP_334
    04-18-20, #AOTA-20041801-14-11, #MMDT20_11-02
    03-28-20, #AOTA-20032801-07-11, #ROTP_333
    03-21-20, #AOTA-20032101-07-11, #MMDT20_11-01
    03-20-20, #WOTR_17401-01-11, #MMS-138
    03-14-20, #AOTA-20031401-01-11, #MMCZ 11-02
    03-07-20, #AOTA-20030701-01-11, #11-01
    02-29-20, #AOTA-20022912-31-10, #MMDT20_10-FY
    02-28-20, #WOTR_17112-31-10, #MMDT20_10-53
    02-22-20, #AOTA-20022212-31-10, #MMCZ 11-01
    02-08-20, #AOTA-20020812-25-10, #10-52
    01-31-20, #WOTR_16712-24-10, #MMDT20_10-52
    01-18-20, #AOTA-20011812-17-10, #ROTP_330
    01-11-20, #KMCC-14-1112-10-10, #ROTP_329
    12-31-19, #AOTA-191231