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Album Details
Liberal Shop of Horrors

By: Capitol Steps


Buy CD - $10.99


YearTypeLabelCatalog # 
2010CDCapitol Steps(Stavro Arrgolus)
2010MP3Capitol Steps Productions(Stavro Arrgolus)


Messages about the album: "Liberal Shop of Horrors"

Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  05-21-10 12:50 PM  -  14 years ago
Album released 5/11/2010. Can someone review the tracks at the Amazon page to see if some songs pages should be added to make them available for DT20 voting? Track titles look interesting, such as:
Strangers on This Flight
Going Green
We Arrrr the World.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  05-21-10 01:27 PM  -  14 years ago
Done. The familiar political tomfoolery of the Capitol Steps is defined as dementia.
DJ Particle   Offline  -  Moderator, Artist & D.J.  -  05-22-10 12:12 AM  -  14 years ago
Album was released April 1 according to Amazon...entries fixed

it was added to Amazon on May 11, but the album itself was released through other channels on April 1
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  05-22-10 08:42 AM  -  14 years ago
Okay, Physical CD on 5/11/2010, MP3s available earlier.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  05-22-10 12:11 PM  -  14 years ago
And the last track had a difficulty with its suffix being put in the artist column on the edit screen. That's fixed now.

All this fuss about release dates makes me think there's becoming too much focus in them. Especially with only YYYY in the table above. As you can see, I've added both releases and they both can only read 2010 on this page. Defeats the purpose a bit when only the song pages have complete dates. We can sort this out better when the new site's album page has full dates.

Maybe there should be more focus on 'what constitutes dementia and what doesn't'. There should be a thread somewhere with the big list of all the elements that justifies a song or bit being in the archive. And there are a lot of them.
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  05-22-10 01:02 PM  -  14 years ago
The new site should also be much better at passing available data through to new entries. Such as, when an album is entered, the release date (in mm/dd/yyyy) should be able to used to populate null entries in the song pages.
As I pointed out before, one of Wayne's Parrot-Bots should be able to take the RSS feed from The Fump and populate the data for new releases from them instead of new, duplicate data entry. Likewise, song duration should be able to be determined from the length of the mp3.

Stavro Arrgolus:
All this fuss about release dates makes me think there's becoming too much focus in them. Especially with only YYYY in the table above. As you can see, I've added both releases and they both can only read 2010 on this page. Defeats the purpose a bit when only the song pages have complete dates. We can sort this out better when the new site's album page has full dates.
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