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Ritchie Balance
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Played on 3 shows:
10-30-19, #MMS-23510-21-12, #MMS-157
10-21-13, #MMS-176
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Messages about the artist: "Ritchie Balance"

titman   Offline  -  Member  -  07-13-05 06:53 PM  -  19 years ago
Does anyone out there know of a song parody of Rock & Roll Heaven by the Righteous Bros.? It came out when Mama Cass died. The band called themselves the "Self-Righteous Bros." The lyrics went like this..."She ate her own kind of sandwich, she used her own kind of bread, she sat her own kind of table and now, she's her own kind of dead. Theres Janis and Otis, Ritchie Valens he's dead too. There's Martin, John and Bobby. And the late, great Lash Larue...". Truly a lost demented classic. Any help?
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