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Charlie Kosei
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Japanese jazz musician best known for his contributions to the soundtracks of the Lupin III anime series. He also wrote and sang the English-language song Que Sera Sera in the PS2 videogame Katamari Damacy. (Stavro Arrgolus)

Played on 1 show:
05-26-12, #AOTA-120526
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Messages about the artist: "Charlie Kosei"

Mr.Moonz   Offline  -  Member  -  11-20-18 07:31 PM  -  6 years ago
Hi Charlie! My name is Rob and im a huge fan of your work. I first heard Roll you up several years ago in my twenties playing the original Katamari Damacy and while all the songs on that game were amazing your contribution to that experience is by far the stand out and one off the most beautiful put together pieces I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. I would play the game for hours hoping the song would play next until I found the music menu and Roll You Up became the soundtrack. I eventually lost my ps2 and thus my ability to hear what became one of my all time favorite songs ever(Top 3 easy) and would always sing it for years in my mind, shower, and in public, seemed like I was the only person who I knew who would have the opportunity to have their ears blessed by that masterpiece... Until YouTube. I found the song and have played it what seems to be a million times. I want to thank you for such a great job on what you love to do in the creation of music. I have a wonderful vision for this song that I would love to share with you. I hope this message finds you well. And I'm gonna also reach out via Facebook. But I found you here 1st via my Google search for the creator of this beautiful piece. Peace and Love! 
Mr.Moonz   Offline  -  Member  -  11-10-18 08:41 PM  -  6 years ago
Hi Charlie! My name is Rob and im a huge fan of your work. I first heard Roll you up several years ago in my twenties playing the original Katamari Damacy and while all the songs on that game were amazing your contribution to that experience is by far the stand out and one off the most beautiful put together pieces I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. I would play the game for hours hoping the song would play next until I found the music menu and Roll You Up became the soundtrack. I eventually lost my ps2 and thus my ability to hear what became one of my all time favorite songs ever(Top 3 easy) and would always sing it for years in my mind, shower, and in public, seemed like I was the only person who I knew who would have the opportunity to have their ears blessed by that masterpiece... Until YouTube. I found the song and have played it what seems to be a million times. I want to thank you for such a great job on what you love to do in the creation of music. I have a wonderful vision for this song that I would love to share with you. I hope this message finds you well. And I'm gonna also reach out via Facebook. But I found you here 1st via my Google search for the creator of this beautiful piece. Peace and Love! 
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