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Luke & Carrie's Bad Rapport, Episode 053, November 22, 2011

It’s time to get things started for the most sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Muppetational, this is what we call the BAD RAPPORT MUPPETS SPECIAL, done in commemoration of the new full length feature film “The Muppets” written by and starring Jason Segel. In this extra-long PG-Rated episode, we cover the entire history of Jim Henson’s Muppets from 1955 all the way through to 2011 with the current Muppet Studios productions being done at Disney, as well as what’s happening over at The Jim Henson Company. Along the way, we have over 90 minutes of Muppet music & comedy to tickle your funny bone on our nostalgia trip, along with a couple of tribute songs by Tom Smith and yours truly the great Luke Ski. Before we get to that, Carrie and I do a truncated version of our regular podcast with reports on Halloween, ContraFlow, and WindyCon, another News of the Stupid report, Luke talks about entering a bizarre art contest, and Carrie tells of her & Josh watching a pre-natal puppet show. However if you’re just interested in the Muppets content, skip ahead to the 55 minute mark of the podcast, that’s when the Special starts. Hope you all enjoy the show, be sure to go see “The Muppets” in theatres, and for the record the big purple witch in the 1971 Muppet special “The Frog Prince” was named Taminella. (Cue Zoot’s final sax note.)

This show has 1 part:

Part 1
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Muppet Show Theme SongOK Go and The Muppets
If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked a Cake  [only known play]Sesame Street
Far & Near  [only known play]Grover
The Christmas Pagent  [only known play]The Muppets
Happy FeetKermit the Frog
Fozzy on Roller Skates  [only known play]Fozzy Bear
When the Whippoorwill is Singing in the Forest  [only known play]Rowlf the Dog
Pigs in Space: Electrifying Course Correction  [first known play]The Muppets
Banana Boat Song (Day-O)  [first known play]Harry Belefonte & The Muppets
Barbeque  [only known play]Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas (The Muppets)
I Hope that Something Better Comes Along  [first known play]Rowlf & Kermit
Christmas is Coming  [first known play]Miss Piggy & The Muppets
Skeksis BackThe great Luke Ski
Convincing John  [only known play]The Muppets
I'm Gonna Always Love You  [only known play]The Muppet Babies
Camilla  [only known play]Baby Gonzo
The Grouch Anthem  [only known play]Oscar the Grouch
Jingle Bell Rock  [only known play]The Muppets
Chattanooga Choo-Choo  [only known play]The Muppets
A Boy And His Frog (live at MarCon 2005)Tom Smith
Cabin Feaver  [only known play]The Muppets
-The Muppets
Mine!  [only known play]Mandy Patinkin & The Muppets
I'm Going to Go Back There Someday  [only known play]Gonzo
Who Let The Frog OutThe great Luke Ski
Santa Baby (w/intro)   [only known play]Miss Piggy & The Muppets
Bohemian RhapsodyThe Muppets
I Can't Believe I'm Hosting SNL  [only known play]Jason Segal & The Muppets
This Frog  [first known play]Kermit the Frog


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