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Manic Mondays, Episode 349, February 17, 2014
Topic: Frosty, Crusty, Cat (Happy VD)

Like another blast of Arctic air up yer skirt, Devo Spice is BACK with another episode that's sure to bathe your cold-hearted Monday in warm comedy flatulence! We go all icy and build a snowman, get icky with your fave Olympic 'Caster's grody eyeballs, and sticky with a gooey love song for Valentine's Day! Notice how I just added letters to each of my adjectives and created the perfect sequels? Lesson over.

This show has 1 part:

Part 1
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Let's Build a Snowman  [first known play]Cannibal! The Musical
Bobby Costas Eyes  [first known play]Todd Chappelle
What's It About? (It's About Love)TV's Kyle


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