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Jonas Brothers's Blog

Topic: Jonas Brothers LIVE web chat!

Jonas Brothers   Offline  -  Member  -  08-31-08 05:21 PM  -  15 years ago
Questions are asked everytime! One was "Joe why are you so..... cute?"
and Joe answers "I ask myself that everyday" and they laugh

Now comes The Nick Jonas Show Part l: Nick Jonas says "Hi and welcome to the Nick Jonas show today were gonna talk about anger with Teddy and Mickey and please welcome our special guest Joe Jonas!!
(Joe hit Nick in the head with a fake basball bat over and over again)
and nick says "Dude why did you hit me?? Joe says "I never get angry!
Joe says to the camera "TURN IT OFF (growls)!!!"

Then a question is asked on KNOW THE JOE BRO'S!!! it says: what electronical device could you never live without??? Kevin says "Well I go everywhere with my blackberry phone so I'll have to say my.. Blackberry phone!" and Joe says "Does it have to be wireless?" Kevin says "Yes"
and Joe says "oh man cause I was Gonna say a toaster!!!"

Please read the note attached BELOW PLEASE!!

NOTE: Lines from the Nick Jonas Show part ll will be in another BLOG!!! MADE BY JONAS BROTHERS

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