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KaiteKins's Blog

Topic: Jonas Brothers

KaiteKins   Offline  -  Member  -  10-11-08 08:27 AM  -  15 years ago
I am not Jonas Brothers on the mad music archive!!!! If you think I am you are soooooooooooo crazy. I am Katelin not RACHEL!!!!! Rachel is Jonas Brothers. I love them so much!!!!!!! I have about 10 posters so far. As you may tell from my avatar Nick Jonas is my fave! So Now you know I am Katelin and Jonas Brothers, Demented cookie, Criss Angel, and Really Random. They are all RACHEL

Member Comments:

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-20-08 01:47 AM  -  15 years ago
(Sketch continues from the Lifeboat Sketch. We still hear the shouts. Close up on a pepperpot (Gladys) holding the net curtain discreetly ajar.)

Enid (Eric Idle): Who's that shouting?

(Pull out to reveal a sitting room full of high-powered eavesdropping equipment, i.e. an enormous telescope on wheels with a controller's chair attached to it, several subsidiary telescopes pointing out of the window, radar scanners going round and round, two computers with flashing lights, large and complex tape and video recorders, several TV monitors, oscilloscopes, aerials, etc. All these have been squeezed in amongst the furniture of two retired middle-class old ladies. Enid, a dear old lady with a bun, sits at the control seat of an impressive-looking console, pressing buttons. She also has some knitting.)

Gladys (John Cleese): It's a man outside Number 24.

Enid: Try it on the five inch, Gladys.

Gladys: (looking at the array of telescopes) I can't. I've got that fixed on the Baileys at Number 13. Their new lodger moves in today.

Enid: All right, hold 13 on the five-inch and transfer the Cartwrights to the digital scanner.
peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-20-08 01:32 AM  -  15 years ago
Second Lifeboatman: Oooh, it's a wild night up top.

Third Lifeboatman: Your turn on deck soon, Charlie.

First Lifeboatman: It's not a lifeboat, Frank.

Third Lifeboatrman: What?

Second Lifeboatman: What do you mean?

First Lifeboatman: It's not a lifeboat. It's this lady's house.

(The two lifeboatmen look at each other, then turn and open the door. Sound of wind and rain as usual. They peer out. Cut to the back door - the two lifeboatmen are peering out. They shout.)

Second and Third Lifeboatmen: Captain! Captain! Ahoy there! Ahoy there! Captain!!

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-19-08 12:21 PM  -  15 years ago
(The First Lifeboatman puts on his sou 'wester, goes over to the back door and opens it, He peers out. Sound of wind and lashing rain. Cut to the back door at the side of a suburban home, the lifeboatman looking out over the lawns, flowers and windless, rainless calm across to similar neat suburban houses. The noise cuts. The lifeboatman withdraws his head from the door. Sound of wind and rain again which cease abruptly as he withdraws his head and shuts the door.)

First Lifeboatman: You're right. This isn't a lifeboat at all.

Mrs Neves: No, I wouldn't live here if it was,

First Lifeboatman: Do you mind if I sit down for a minute and collect my wits?

Mrs Neves: No, you do that, I'll make you a nice cup of tea.

First Lifeboatman: Thanks very much.

(The door flies open. More sound of wind and rain. Two other rain-soaked lifeboatmen appear.)
peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-19-08 02:15 AM  -  15 years ago
(Cut to an ordinary kitchen. A Mrs Pinnet type lady with long apron and headscarf is stuffing a chicken with various unlikely objects. The door opens. Sound of rain, wind and storm outside. A liftboatman enters, soaked to the skin. He shuts the door.)

First Lifeboatman: (taking off his sou 'wester and shaking the water off it) Oh it's terrible up on deck.

Mrs Neves: Up on deck?

First Lifeboatman: Yes on deck. It's diabolical weather.

Mrs Neves: What deck, dear?

First Lifeboatman: The deck, The deck of the lifeboat.

Mrs Neves: This isn't a lifeboat, dear. This is 24, Parker Street.

First Lifeboatman: This is the Newhaven Lifeboat.

Mrs Neves: No it's not, dear.

Stavro Arrgolus:

(Cut back to the street)

Bert: Now you see he's putting a peg down there because I'm quite a way up now and if I come unstuck here I go down quite a long way.

Interviewer: Such quiet courage is typical of the way these brave chaps shrug off danger. Like it or not, you've got to admire the skill that goes into it.

(By the miracle of stop action, they all 'fall off' the road, back down the pavement. Passers-by, also in stop action, walk by normally, ignoring the fall.)

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-15-08 08:51 AM  -  15 years ago
Lemon curry?

(Cut back to the street)

Bert: Now you see he's putting a peg down there because I'm quite a way up now and if I come unstuck here I go down quite a long way.

Interviewer: Such quiet courage is typical of the way these brave chaps shrug off danger. Like it or not, you've got to admire the skill that goes into it.

(By the miracle of stop action, they all 'fall off' the road, back down the pavement. Passers-by, also in stop action, walk by normally, ignoring the fall.)

peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-15-08 06:15 AM  -  15 years ago
Lemon curry?

Stavro Arrgolus:
Start again!


Number 19-The Nose

Stavro Arrgolus:
No, in 1947.

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-15-08 12:10 AM  -  15 years ago
Start again!


Number 19-The Nose

Stavro Arrgolus:
No, in 1947.

Not 23 year ago?

Stavro Arrgolus:
She's 12 if I remember correctly, so it wasn't in 1952.

Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-14-08 11:51 PM  -  15 years ago

Number 19-The Nose

Stavro Arrgolus:
No, in 1947.

Not 23 year ago?

Stavro Arrgolus:
She's 12 if I remember correctly, so it wasn't in 1952.

Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-14-08 11:44 PM  -  15 years ago
No, in 1947.

Not 23 year ago?

Stavro Arrgolus:
She's 12 if I remember correctly, so it wasn't in 1952.

Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-14-08 11:42 PM  -  15 years ago
Not 23 year ago?

Stavro Arrgolus:
She's 12 if I remember correctly, so it wasn't in 1952.

Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-14-08 11:38 PM  -  15 years ago
She's 12 if I remember correctly, so it wasn't in 1952.

Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

Stavro Arrgolus:
It's been tried. The issue came up when the voting for the MMDT20 was questioned and a fix was made, but non-activated accounts can still blog and do other things.

Bob Guest:
Perhaps Wayne should program something that restricts activity of accounts not yet activated.
peterpuck9   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-14-08 11:31 PM  -  15 years ago
Never mind that. Didn't she contradict herself? And when did she start not contradicting herself?

Stavro Arrgolus:
It's been tried. The issue came up when the voting for the MMDT20 was questioned and a fix was made, but non-activated accounts can still blog and do other things.

Bob Guest:
Perhaps Wayne should program something that restricts activity of accounts not yet activated.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  10-14-08 10:45 PM  -  15 years ago
It's been tried. The issue came up when the voting for the MMDT20 was questioned and a fix was made, but non-activated accounts can still blog and do other things.

Bob Guest:
Perhaps Wayne should program something that restricts activity of accounts not yet activated.
Bob Guest   Offline  -  Artist  -  10-14-08 10:10 PM  -  15 years ago
Perhaps Wayne should program something that restricts activity of accounts not yet activated.

Girls - You need to activate your account and pick a name...

grapevine-girl   Offline  -  Participant  -  10-14-08 05:12 PM  -  15 years ago
Girls - You need to activate your account and pick a name...

I am not Jonas Brothers on the mad music archive!!!! If you think I am you are soooooooooooo crazy. I am Katelin not RACHEL!!!!! Rachel is Jonas Brothers. I love them so much!!!!!!! I have about 10 posters so far. As you may tell from my avatar Nick Jonas is my fave! So Now you know I am Katelin and Jonas Brothers, Demented cookie, Criss Angel, and Really Random. They are all RACHEL

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