fm123's Blog
Topic: The lowest gasoline prices in the USA are found at:
Member Comments:
fiogf49gjkf0d My 'for the humor' conspiracy theory is that Dick Chenney had been working with his oil buddies to get the price of oil down for the election, so that short memory Americans will not remember that the price of gas tripled within this Bush administration. Now maybe he'll get them to boost back up after the new administration starts, so it, too, can be blamed.
fiogf49gjkf0d Thanks for that link, Terri. Normally during an election year that chart would be accurate. This year due to the current economic problems, it really hasn't been following those price swings.
I figure after January 20th, 2009 the gasoline prices will start going up rapidly. Until then, we have another 2 months of low prices to enjoy.