MarlinsGirl's Blog
Topic: My Updated Monty Python Collection
Member Comments:
fiogf49gjkf0d You can see from that how 'space crazy' people who didn't even have a space program were in those days. Not any more.
I've a sneaking suspicion that if the guy we sent to the moon with Neil Armstrong was named "DeShawn" or "Tyrone" and not "Buzz", we'd still have a manned space program.
"Let the Russians do it" (or worse, the Chinese) just isn't good enough for me.
--- peterpuck9:
Superimposed caption on the screen: 'THE BUZZ ALDRIN SHOW STARRING BUZZ ALDRIN WITH...
fiogf49gjkf0d Superimposed caption on the screen: 'THE BUZZ ALDRIN SHOW STARRING BUZZ ALDRIN WITH... (CREDITS)' Cut to Gumbys as at start of show.)
Gumbys: And now for something completely different. (jump cut to female Gumbys; then back to original shot) Oh that was fun. And now (CAPTION: 'THE END') The end, The end! The end! The end!
--- Stavro Arrgolus:
The BBC would like to apologize to the police about the character of Police Constable Pan Am. He was not meant to represent the average police officer. Similarly, the reference to Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut, was the product of a disordered mind and should not be construed as having any other significance.
fiogf49gjkf0d Nope. All the cameras I still have are the kind they don't make film for anymore. Can't do swimming costumes; no candid photography. Knowhatimean, nudge nudge.
Lots of hospital visits this month, so I think I'll get one on the way home from one of them while I'm in the city. Just for insurance purposes. Nothing worth taking pictures of around here now. When the roof caves in this winter from all the snow and the unseen snow damage from last winter, I'm going to need a few shots of that, I expect. Just before I move into a hole in the ground covered by a sheet of tarpaulin.
--- peterpuck9:
Not even a cell phone with a camera on it?
fiogf49gjkf0d Not even a cell phone with a camera on it?
--- Stavro Arrgolus:
If I had a digital camera (read: "If I wasn't too lazy to get off my ass and go out and buy one"), I'd show the copy of "The Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty Python Songbook" I have.
fiogf49gjkf0d The BBC would like to apologize to the police about the character of Police Constable Pan Am. He was not meant to represent the average police officer. Similarly, the reference to Buzz Aldrin, the astronaut, was the product of a disordered mind and should not be construed as having any other significance.
If I had a digital camera (read: "If I wasn't too lazy to get off my ass and go out and buy one"), I'd show the copy of "The Fairly Incomplete and Rather Badly Illustrated Monty Python Songbook" I have.
fiogf49gjkf0d What's all this then? I'm charging you with illegal possession of whatever is in that picture and heresy.
F'tang. F'tang. Right. (makes plane noise again) Lunar module calling Buzz Aldrin. Come in. Raindrops keep falling on my head... but that doesn't mean that my...
fiogf49gjkf0d I see somebody's been down to the shops. These days teh internets can snag these things and it'll all be done for you leaving the whole day open for playing snooker.