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Topic: Explicit versus Censored lyrics

Plastic Bastards   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-29-18 12:21 PM  -  6 years ago

To omit or not to omit.

Many of our songs have some not so safe words. It is always a tough call when writing a song to decide if we should substitute a foul word for something more congenial.  And sometimes we do, mostly because it has a humorous effect of expecting one word and getting another. But a lot of the times we go with the need for freedom of expression, or, as my mother would say "freedom to be a foul mouthed jerk". 

Sometimes this has prevented some of our music from being played in the past, although things have lightened up a bit with new ways in which shows are delivered besides being broadcast on the airwaves. Even given this new relaxing of what is acceptable, there are some shows that like to keep things family safe, and rightfully so. I mean, when introducing little ones to the wonderful world of zany music, to you really want to taint the moment spending time trying to tactfully explain colorful language. No, I think not. You just want them to laugh, have a good time, develop a good sense of humor and not grow up to be a 'foul mouthed jerk'. (sorry mom)

In light of this concept, we (The Plastic Bastards) usually have 2 versions of any of our 'explicit' songs. One in it's original intent, and one that is censored of foul language. All the explicit songs we put up here (and are marked accordingly) and any of the censored songs are available upon request. So if you would like to play any of our songs, but want to keep a family friendly atmosphere, just drop us a line and we will send you a censored version. If there is no censored version, we will make one for you.

Now, some of our songs, well, just the subject matter itself may be unsuitable for family time. Even thought there might not be any foul language in them. This is something we will NOT censor. Doing this would change the reason and intent of the song. So that is just a no-go. 

I would like to hear comments from other artist and radio/podcast show runners in this community about their thought on the matter of censoring their works or shows. I would like to know, if, as artists, do you accommodate both views by making an explicit and censored version of your works. What are your views on this matter? And I would also like to know, from all the people who run their own radio/podcast shows, is this something that you would like more recording artists to do. And what are your views on the subject?


Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Member Comments:

Plastic Bastards   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-29-18 03:55 PM  -  6 years ago

Stavro Arrgolus,  I agree with the white hot rage, and I also come from a time of repression. And as well I am a fan of RHPS, (I am in a few books on the subject and one documentary, plus TV appearance in the 1990's for the world TV premier) so I have a somewhat lax view on what should be omitted. But also, as stated in my post, understand the need for such things from other points of view. Than you for weighing in on this. I look forward to others views as well.

As a site administrator, the nanny switch seems to be a very good compromise between the opposition to, and flexible need, for  censorship. Leaving it in the hands of the viewer. (this is always how everything should be, nothing pisses me off more than a bunch of tightass bastards trying to get a show off the tv or radio because it offends them or will be bad for the kids.... well, they change the damn channel and let me watch what I want)

I am also glad that you brought up the fact that I can post a 'clean' version of songs by making another song page for it. I shall start doing that with our songs that need it.

I don't know if it is possible with the way the site is designed, but maybe it might be possible and less confusing, if on the song page, there was and option for posting 2 versions of the song file (one clean and the other NSFW).

Again, I really like what you had to say here and I think I would like to go out drinking with you while yelling at Nazis and Tipper Gore. 

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-29-18 03:29 PM  -  6 years ago

"It's all a matter of perception, really."

I always look forward to waking up in the afternoon and seeing what gets posted on the site while I snoozed away the morning. (read: "I just woke up & this post will take quite a while & is subject to adjustment")

Unless Captain Wayne, who owns the site, wants to weigh in on this yet again, I believe I should address this (again) as site admin, editor and show runner of the site's flagship show, "The Mad Music Hour (Podcast, Show or Special)". There are four types of show because flexibility is key...oh, wait - I just nailed down the answer to the whole issue, didn't I?

At the end of the last decade during site upgrades and more recently, when the big list of words censored on the site was given an admin page & made a separate function, then a certain old editor was given access to it, Wayne and I worked out the policy for censorship.

It turned out that our perspective on the subject was all but identical. We're both against the censorship of any artist's works, but we understand all the reasons why shows want to censor content or said content should be made "family friendly" on the site itself. So a "nanny switch" was created on everyone's account page so those who join the site can choose for themselves whether they wanted what they see on the site was SFW or not. This seems to have been successful in sorting this matter out - or so we thought.

To clear this up, here are the rules about song page censorship as far as making shows or adding content are concerned:

If you have a song you want an original and a family friendly version of so it can be played on "clean" shows, you should have a separate song page for each with two mp3s to allow certain shows to use the 'clean' version of. The reason for this is both unfortunate and frustrating. I've found that certain individuals replace a song page's original mp3 with their censored version for their own lazy convenience - in case they want to use that version in another show. I consider this site vandalism and will personally suspend the first assclown I catch doing it.

I get kind of crazy when this subject comes up. As some of you know, I grew up in what you would think of as 'the old days' when kids were told to shut the hell up and conform or we'd receive the ever popular (at the time) "smack in the mouth". Naturally, iconoclastic bastards like myself resented this treatment and chose to rebel against it. So even in my old age now, I despise censorship with a white-hot rage usually reserved for child molesters and Nazi war criminals. You need only listen to my shows to confirm this little nugget of info.

So let's quickly review: Both the site owner (who's famously a fan of RHPS [as am I]) and its editor oppose, but understand the need for censorship on certain streaming shows on the site. Add a separate 'clean' page with a censored mp3 if you want family friendly shows to play the song - and not vandalize the site; it'd be greatly appreciated.

And that's all that springs into my "just got out of bed" brain at the moment.

+1 internets to everyone who made the time to read through this whole not so little diatribe of mine.

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