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Stavro Arrgolus's Blog

Topic: Editor's Blog - Happy Lazy Bastard Day!

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  07-05-21 03:27 PM  -  3 years ago

July 5, 2021 - 1530 EDT (UTC-5)

Happy "Lazy Bastard Monday" everyone!

When my relatives were alive 20 years ago, they would often ask me why I became such a curmudgeon - because I was old & bad tempered back then as well. I would often say that it was due to days like this. This, to me, is one of the many signs of the decline of the Republic and it continues to piss me off.

It was around the end of the century that I began noticing that lazy fucks were taking the day off AFTER a federal holiday if that holiday fell on a Sunday; this happens on a Friday if said holiday is on Saturday. As if they were entitled to a day off if a weekend had 'stolen' their holiday from them. At some point, the government began going along with this idiocy and simply shut everything down on days like that.
Did I miss a meeting or something? When did lazy fucks start getting away with this? Now I'll be the first to admit that as a retired guy, I'm sort of a professional lazy fuck that has been committing lazy fuckery since the end of the '80s. But I completely missed the point when whiny little bitches started demanding the day off before or after weekend holidays - as if every holiday had a "Christmas Eve" before it, and after it, a sort of "I can't go to work because I'm hung over" day. We don't have a name for that sort of day...until now.
Happy Lazy Bastard Monday, everyone!

Member Comments:

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  01-01-23 07:38 PM  -  2 years ago

There have been two of these "lazy bastard" holidays in the last week. One after Xmas and one tomorrow - "Fake New Year's Day." Lazy fucks are too hung over and they need an extra day to drag their fat asses out of the house. Entitled slugs...

These days make life more miserable for retired old farts like me who actually want to do things on Lazy Bastard Monday but can't because everything's closed so lazy fucks get the extra day off that they think they're entitled to. Fuck them and their ugly flip flops and cargo shorts as well.

Now where was I going with this? Oh, yes...since there will be another Lazy Bastard Day this week, I'm going to leave the banner & article up on the homepage for an extra day. Yeah, that was it.

Fuck Lazy Bastard Day.

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