Facts: |
Since it's a polka, (as much as a guy with a Casio can make it sound like one- I know...needlessly cynical) the singer sings in a strange Germanic or Eastern European sounding accent. ...Is this how Da Yoopers got started? (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Single play on Dr. Demento in '89, released on the audio tape appropriately titled- "Sheep, Lies and Audio Tape" in 1991. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
Web pages about this song: |
Song Lyrics: |
Have your bolts frozen up and gotten schtuck on your nuts? Are your hinges all rusted and brown? Do you sweat and perspire ven you change a flat tire 'Cause der lug nuts are schtuck all around? Vell, dont vorry, my friend, mit dis petroleum blend Your troubles vill all be drowned Yes, just vip out da WD-40 and hose dat sucker down
All you truckers and vaitresses here is a tip for those truck stop rendevous You might schmell like you've died but you just can't decide vot deodorant to use Vell, I've got a hairspray, perfume and cologne wrapped up in vun aerosol can Yes, just vip out da WD-40 for der perfect vun-night schtand
(Spoken:) Something is wrong with the bubble machine Somebody come over here; it seems to be stuck Good, Ollie, good I think that you got it dere Just give me da WD-40 Ah, look! Bubbles! More bubbles that you can count! This is wonderful! I love the bubbles and the vay they look! Thank ya so much, WD-40
You can silence a gate or enhance fishing bait mit dis handy dandy spray Fix der schving on your porch or devise a blowtorch and melt all your troubles avay It don't make a mess and it schmells like success ven it's at your fingertips Yes, just vip out da WD-40 and fetch me dose visegrips (Stavro Arrgolus) |
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