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Song Lyrics:
I got a gal with just one eye
No depth of field but sweet as pie
And I just don’t careo
If her vision is in stereo
To me she’ll always be the tops
My sweet little cyclops

She’s the one-eye, one-eye, one-eye, one-eye
She’s the one-eye, one I love

Now you might wonder what she’s thinkin’
‘Cause it looks like she is winkin’
In arguments I yell and cry
But she just can’t see the other side
It’s worse than it looks, says her mother
‘Cause she’s blind in one, blond in the other

She’s the one-eye, one-eye, one-eye, one-eye
She’s the one-eye, one I love

Now how it happened, she just won’t spill
Was it scissor sprint or William Tell?
Well the eye got put out and was never found
Gone to take a look around
My Columbo cutie, Popeye punkin’
Sammy Junior, Sandy Duncan

She's the one-eye, one-eye, one-eye, one-eye
She's the one-eye, one I love
(Marcus Tee)
Current Rating 9.9 (2 votes)
Played on 4 shows:
08-13-13, #BWR-13-08-1311-05-06, #MMS-52
11-24-07, #MMS-10006-11-06, #MMS-31
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Messages about the song: "The One I Love"
  Online  -   -  05-02-07 05:37 PM  -  17 years ago
Please post the chords and lyrics for "the one I love" by Heywood Banks
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