2:51 [edit]
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I have read two speculations about the source of the song. One is that it was put together as a morning talk-show song. Another was that it was a rejected promotion CD, given to a radio station. (Jacqke) [edit] |
This song was a regular staple on the show "Music with Moscowitz", run by "Mad Man Moscowitz" on various Puget Sound radio stations in the early to mid nineties. Moscowitz, aka Robert Baron, passed away in 1996, ending his show, but there is an active Yahoo group who talk about the music he played, a wealth of novelty music information.
As best I recall, Music with Moscowitz ran in two halves, the first dedicated to nostalgic music, the second, labeled the "Funny Farm", (for the often played "They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!"), played novelty music. (Jacqke) [edit] |
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Duelling Dorks (Jacqke) [edit] |
Song Lyrics: |
[To the tune of Dueling Banjos...]
I'm a real big dork And so am I I'm a bigger dork Oh no, you're not
[talking] Oh Yeah? Yeah, my eye! Well there's only one way to solve this How's that? I challenge you to a duel You mean... Yes! Dueling Dorks
When I play poker I throw away aces Well I buy cheese whiz by the cases I buy new loafers and ask for laces When I park my car I take two spaces
I like to suck the ink from pens If one is smart then I'm a ten My hobby's collecting Tupperware I never change my underwear
I signal left and always turn right I forget to turn on my headlights I always drive slow in the tube And all my friends say I'm a boob
We're the Dueling Dorks Yes the Dueling Dorks The Dueling Dorks The Dueling Dorks
I got holes in all my dress up socks And my closest friend is my pet rock When it comes to wine I like mine new Vintage ain't good 'nough for you
[talking] You know, We got a lot in common, really Yeah, guys like us ought to stick together We ought, we ought to start like an organization for dorks Yeah but you really think anyone would remember how to get to the meeting place Well I don't know, what you asking me for? [Both talking at once] I don't even know where the meeting place is 'jeese. Get off my face. Awe come on
Look at me I'm a flaming fool I like the way you talk and drool I just realized my fly is down You're the biggest dork in town
Maybe I should market this Certainly, how could we miss I'll open up a dork boutique With pros like us, it'll take a week
Do you think the world is ready for A dork bee-oo-tique and maybe more The Dueling Dorks The Dueling Dorks
[talking] Wow! Oh boy! That was like the hardest thing I've ever done my whole life I thought it was a lot of fun, myself Have you got a handkerchief, I got a booger in my nose here No I don't, but ah, I think I could find a piece of toilet paper for you I think I'll just use my sleeve Oh you're, you're a dork No, you're a dork No, you're, you're a dork Oh yeah? Uh huh. Oh yeah? Hey, we're both dorks, ain't we Oh yeah? That's right! I'm leaving All right. Then you get outta here then Oh yeah? Yeah! Oh yeah? Uh huh! Goodbye! Goodbye!...Dork! (Jacqke) [edit] |
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fiogf49gjkf0d how do i get the entire song
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