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Song Details
Duration: 3:34 
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Song Lyrics:

Oh lawn chair I love to sit in you
And nothing is cuter than a baby seal sitting in a lawn chair
With a kitten,
Lawn chair I love you,
You give me good dreams when I go to sleep

Lawn chair you're made of aluminum and plastic
Weather resistant
And lawn chair you are so comfortable to sit in
You keep my feet off the ground

Lawn chair you're like an old friend
You listen to my ramblings when I get drunk
You never complain about my weight
Or all those times I left you out in the rain

Oh lawn chair I wrote this song about you
Because I want to marry you
But marrying lawn chairs is illegal
In the state of Louisiana
So I guess we'll have to move
And maybe we'll go to some far off Utopian society
Where everyone can marry their lawn chair
And the lawns are always green
And together we'll be happy
Just you and me

Oh lawn chair, lawn chair, I love you.

© A Soup Named Stew

(Dave AuJus)
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