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Song Details
Duration: 3:58 
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Song Lyrics:

When I go down to the zoo
There's only one thing I want to view
And I hope you'll come with me too
When we go and see the monkeys.

I think monkeys are so keen
I've never met one that was mean
I go as one every Halloween
Feeling furry and feeling funky.

Monkeys are cool and we really love them
Sometimes I wish I was one of them
Hanging with my friends, swinging from a vine
Just eating some bananas, yea that sounds fine
Wouldn't need a jacket, got lots of hair
I'd have a prehensile tail; oh it's just not fair
Man, I really love monkeys

Monkeys live up in the trees
Monkeys tend to have lots of fleas
Monkeys carry some strange disease
So you better keep that in mind

Monkeys don't go to the mall
Monkeys don't play basketball
That's cause monkey's aren't very tall
But I'll think they do just fine

Monkeys like to fling their feces
Monkeys like eating Reece's pieces
Every genus and every species
Just seem so great to me.

I could sing about them all day long
But I think it's time to end this song
I still like monkeys, don't get me wrong
I just got some place to be

© A Soup Named Stew

(Dave AuJus)
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