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Song Details
Rank this week: 10 (↓10)
Duration: 1:09 
Release Date: 1966  (Tim P. Ryan) 
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Song Lyrics:
Hey, there are a lot of Californians here, are there not?
Are you familiar with where I live near Los Angeles, Van Nuys?
Well, do you happen to know how Van Nuys got its name?
Oh, I should tell you. It's a great historical sidelight.
In the early days of the pioneers, hundreds of years ago, when they first came in the covered wagons from the east to the west, they went all the way across and they got to the top of the Santa Monica mountains. And they looked down and they saw the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean, and they saw this vast expanse of green valley in front of them. And then, the assistant chief pioneer turned to the chief pioneer, and he said, "Oh, chief pioneer, what do you think of this beautiful vast expanse of gorgeous green valley?" And the chief pioneer said, "Ve[ry] nice!"
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