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Song Details
Duration: 2:25 
Release Date: 2004  (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Lyrics By: Russ Thomas (Stavro Arrgolus) 
Music By: Jones/Palin/Tomlinson (Stavro Arrgolus) 
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  • Parody of "The Lumberjack Song" by Monty Python (czwrefsteven)
  • Song Lyrics:
    I never wanted to be an oil man
    I wanted to be... the President!
    Leaping from crisis to crisis
    Air Force One, sound bytes, photo ops...squinting
    With my handlers by my side, we'd sing...sing

    Oh, I'm the President and I'm OK
    I bomb all night and I drill all day
    (He's the President and he's OK
    He bombs all night and he drills all day)

    I cut down trees, pollute the air
    and blow up things for fun
    I dress in cowboy clothing
    and sometimes as Top Gun
    (He cuts down trees, pollutes the air
    and blows up things for fun
    Dressed up in cowboy clothing
    and sometimes as Top Gun)

    Oh, I'm the President and I'm OK
    I bomb all night and I drill all day

    I cut down trees and taxes, too
    especially for my pals
    I'm really into marriage
    but just for guys and gals
    (He cuts down trees and taxes, too
    especially for his pals
    He's really into marriage
    but just for guys and gals)

    Oh, I'm the President and I'm OK
    I bomb all night and I drill all day

    I cut down trees, I cut down schools
    and leave no child behind
    What's eighty-seven billion?
    I'm sure the kids don't mind
    (He cuts down trees, he cuts down schools
    and leaves no child behind
    What's eighty-seven billion?
    He's sure the kids don't mind)

    Oh, I'm the President and I'm OK
    I bomb all night and I drill all day

    I cut down trees and evil-doers
    I serve a 'higher law'
    I wish I'd been elected
    just like my dear Papa
    (He cuts down trees and evil-doers
    He serves a 'higher law'
    He wishes he'd been elected
    just like his dear Papa)

    Oh, I'm the President and I'm OK
    I bomb all night and I drill all day
    (He's the President and he's OK
    He bombs all night and he drills all day)

    I'm the President and I'm okayyyyyyy.....

    ©1969 Kay-Gee-Bee Music Ltd.
    (Stavro Arrgolus)
    Current Rating 7.9 (6 votes)
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