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Song Details
Hyperspace Cryogenic Insomnia Blues 
By: Tom Smith
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Duration: 4:13 
Release Date: 2007  (DJ Particle) 
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Licensing: CC 
Song Lyrics:
Here I am in hypersleep
Awaiting my awakening
I'm travelling near the speed of light
To our new colony
Except I'm trying to figure out
How come I'm still awake when they
Assured me I would be unconscious
Oh well, must be me
Maybe I should think about
My S.O. in the next tube over,
How we're gonna celebrate
The day we finally land
Well, actually, that night or maybe
Later 'cause we'll be unpacking
I'll think about that later,
When I can move my hand

Wish I had a bedtime story
I could read to make me sleep
One of the Harry Potter books
Or maybe Dr. Suess
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like them Sam I am
I do not like them with a goat
Or a majestic moose

Mind you a moose once bit my sister
How horrible she was attacked,
Moose bites can be pretty nasty
Those responsible have been sacked.

Hey there, NASA, have you heard the news?
I'm awake in my deep freeze, thinkin' bout a stupid moose,
I've got the hyperspace cryogenic insomnia blues.

Hum hum hum hum hm hum hum hum,
Hum hm hum hum hummmm hm hum,
Menahmenah dee dee de dee dee
Menahmenah dee dee de dee
Menahmenah dee dee de dee dee

It's a small world after all,
That's why we left that mudball,
Hypersleeping in free fall
To a new world after all.

Menahmenah dee dee de dee dee
Menahmenah dee dee de dee

Wish I had some NyQuil here
Or maybe just a keg of beer
Or my S.O. in something sheer
Or Salma Hayek, what a rear

Baby got back,
baby got back....

I'm back to the future again,
I hope I'll sleep but I don't know when,
Of course if I wake up too soon
It's cause we hit some alien moon
I'm crashed in the spaceship again.

Menahmenah dee dee de dee dee
Menahmenah dee dee de dee

Oh good, I see a status light
To tell me where we are in flight
We're two weeks out of Terran orbit
Ten years left to go....

Lesser men would go insane,
But I'm the one who runs this brain
Don't have to work and not in pain,
I'll be just fine, I know.

Please God, I beg you, let me die,
The solitude is more than I
Can handle for ten minutes
Let alone a whole decade

There's no one there to set me free,
And worse than this captivity
My sweetie's sleeping next to me
And we cannot get laid.

I need you, more than anyone darlin',
But right now I can't even weep,
So suck it up, buttercup, go back to sleep.

Menahmenah dee dee de dee dee
Menahmenah dee dee de dee
Current Rating 9.5 (2 votes)
Played on 4 shows:
07-18-08, #BR-08-2511-06-07, #KMCC-4-05
02-29-08, #BR-08-0809-22-07, #ROTP_161
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