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Parody of "Getting Better" by the Beatles (Dave AuJus) |
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I'm getting fatter all the time. I used to be size 32 and I never gave. My jeans used to fit, I looked cool. Now I'm not the same. Put on a few pounds, my shape's getting round. And lately I can't see my shoes.
I hate to admit, but I'm getting fatter, fatter, A little fatter all the time. I can't lose no weight. Yes, I admit I'm getting fatter, fatter, I'm getting fatter.
I love to dine. That meat's pretty cruel to my waistline. I'm driving a steak through my heart Eating things that I love. Man, I was lean but I dug french cuisine. Now I'm big as the Michelin Man.
I admit I'm getting fatter, fatter, I'm getting fatter all the time. I can't skip desert. Now, I don't dare get on a ladder. Fatter, I'm getting fatter.
It ain't no crime getting so much fatter all the time. I'm getting fatter all the time. Fatter, fatter, fatter.
I'm getting fatter all the time. Fatter, fatter, fatter. Getting so much fatter all the time.
(Dave AuJus) |
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