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Song Details
Duration: 5:03 
Release Date: 2008  (DJ Particle) 
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This just in...

Midnight mayhem at Hogwarts!

Four known Death Eaters infiltrated the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, surrounded Dumbledore, and escaped after the crime...

I read the news today, oh boy
’Bout how the headmaster he got betrayed
Just can’t believe Snape’s quite that bad
Thought he was on the righteous path
Hey, he was on the Hogwarts staff

He blew his boss up with a wand
He’d made a vow to Malfoy and Lestrange
That's pronounced, "La-strawnge"

Vowed to cover Draco’s derriere
So he whacked old Dumbledore
Though nobody is really sure we’ll never see his face no more

They’ve made four films to date, oh boy
Though the books are great, I find the films okay
If I were smart I’d turn away
But I just have to look
Having read the books
I can’t believe… he’s… gone…

This just in... shortly past midnight last night, Hogwarts headmaster Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore was...

...was done in by Severus Snape, using the forbidden Avada Kedavra curse. More information as it comes in.

Well obviously there will be more information as it comes in. We can't very well dispense information before it comes in, can we?

Yes, of course Veronica, that's just something we say, isn't it, to sign off?

Oh for heaven's sake! Can't we think of something a bit more clever than that? I mean really!

Oh, good Lord Veronica, do you have to make an issue out of everything I say?

So this is my fault is it?

Woke up, got out of bed
Felt the scar across my head
Found my way downstairs where the floating cups
Had been conjured up and hit the Dursleys in the face (ha ha ha ha)

Found my wand and grabbed my broom
Felt my wizard life resume
But the whole thing just went up in smoke
I’m under my cloak and I just want to scream

Oh Veronica, it's not a question of fault. It's a question of propriety, of professionalism while we're working.

So, I'm not professional, is that it?

That's not what I said...

Just because I refuse to spout meaningless cliches to the point of madness...


that makes me a non-professional?

No no no...

I see what's going on here!

Oh, well why don't you enlighten us? You're the professional after all.

I most certainly will.

Yes, I expect you will.

What is that supposed to mean?
Hmm, I wonder what that could mean? Could it mean you're going to go on and on and on...

It made the news today, oh boy
Four thousand mourners packed in Hogwarts here
And though I was there to see him fall
Now Hagrid won’t let me look
I won’t really know what happened till I get to read the final book
I can’t believe… he’s… gone…

Dumbledore's lifetime accomplishments include induction as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot...

Uh, Veronica, I think that's "Why-zen-ga-moot."

No Martin, I looked it up.

Are you sure?

Oh quite.

Dumbledore was widely known as the only wizard ever truly feared by You Know Who.

It's Voldemort. Can't we just say his name? Would that be so awful?

I can't believe you!


I -- you are despicable!


I've never worked with such a lunatic!

Voldemort. Voldemort.

Stop it! Stop it! I hate you!


I can't work like this!

Current Rating 7.1 (5 votes)
Played on 4 shows:
03-15-12, #ISGD-12-1108-15-09, #BR-09-77
11-06-09, #BR-09-8905-03-09, #MMS-126
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