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Song Details
Father Flog 
By: Karl Brown
Play Song (Creative Commons License):
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Duration: 3:01 
Release Date: 12/22/2007  (karlap) 
Lyrics By: Karl Brown (karlap) 
Music By: Karl Brown (karlap) 
Produced By: Karl Brown (karlap) 
Released By: unreleased (karlap) 
Published By:
Licensing: CC 
  • The song is about the companion of Santa Claus, known in France as Le Pére Fouettard, who whips naughty little children on Christmas. (karlap)
  • Submitted to Mad Music Archive 2007 Christmas song contest. (karlap)
  • Song Lyrics:
    You have heard of Father Christmas
    Also known as Santa Claus
    You might not know his companion
    Who will give you cause to pause
    I swear to you the sight of him
    Will set your eyes agog
    This companion of Father Christmas
    His name is Father Flog

    Father Flog, Father Flog
    Whips all the naughty little children on Christmas
    Father Flog, Father Flog
    Companion of Santa Claus

    He will creep right past your stocking
    He don't mess around with coal
    He will find you in your little bed
    And beat the devil out of your soul

    Father Flog, Father Flog
    The French call him Pére Fouettard
    In France little children sing of him
    In La Légende de Saint Nicolas

    There was an evil butcher
    Who lured three children into his den
    He killed them then he chopped them up
    And stuffed them into a salting bin

    Seven years later Santa dropped in
    And asked the butcher to serve him the salted meat
    Then Santa reconstituted the kids
    And told them Let this be my treat

    The butcher ran but Santa caught him
    And made him repent before God
    And they've been best buddies ever since
    Although it seems a little odd

    Now they travel the world each Christmas
    To nations great and small
    He only whips the bad little children
    And he doesn't harm the good ones at all

    Father Flog, Father Flog
    Whips all the naughty little children on Christmas
    Father Flog, Father Flog
    Companion of Santa Claus

    See all the naughty little children
    Guilty of wickedness and sin
    You can hear the naughty children screaming
    As the lash rips into their skin, OUCH!

    Father Flog, Father Flog
    Whips all the naughty little children on Christmas
    Pére Fouettard, Pére Fouettard
    Compagnon du Pére Noël!

    Current Rating 9.0 (1 vote)
    Messages about the song: "Father Flog"
    karlap   Offline  -  Artist  -  12-29-07 01:52 PM  -  16 years ago
    Father Flog is now availabe on The FUmP Sideshow or here:
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