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(background music)
1st Announcer: Number 23, the shin. Number 24, Reginald Maudling’s shin. Number 25, the nipple. Number 26, Reginald Maudling’s elbow. (whispers) Number 27, the Spanish Inquisition
(explosion and sound of people crashing through door. Sound of people running)
Ximenez: Who said that?
2nd Announcer: What?
Ximenez: Don’t play games with me- our weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency and an almost fanatical ohhhhh…..aa. Ah, Cardinal Biggles!
Biggles: Here, here lord!
Ximenez: There is only one thing to do. We must torture him and obtain signed, two things to do. One torture, two obtain a signed confession, three nothing. There is no third thing. Is that clear? Biggles-
Biggles: Yes, Lord?
Ximenez: We have to extricate the truth from this unbeliever under pain of torture. Fetch ...the soft cushions!
Biggles: Here, lord.
Ximenez: Now, infidel! Confess!
2nd Announcer: I don’t know what you are talking about.
Ximenez: Ha, ha, alright! …Cardinal Biggles! Poke him with the soft cushions!… Confess! Confess! Confess!
Biggles: It doesn't seem to be hurting him, lord.
Ximenez: Have you got all the stuffing up one end?
Biggles: Yes, lord.
Ximenez: Ah! He must be made of stronger stuff! Cardinal Fang! get...THE COMFY CHAIR!
Fang: (terrified) The...Comfy Chair?
All of them: (one at a time obviously to each other) The comfy chair.....the comfy chair.....the comfy chair
1st Announcer: While they are all saying "Comfy Chair", here is question one of our special Sound Quiz. Question one. What famous person is this getting up in the morning?
(We here an alarm clock ring, someone getting out of bed, they walk around, go to the toilet, flush the toilet, brush their teeth, walk across carpet, pick up electric razor, shave, open & close front door)
1st Announcer: Yes, it was the film director Visconti. 5 points. An Italian film director is not sufficient.
(Stavro Arrgolus) |
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