Facts: |
This bit, originally made for the Drury Lane concert is repeated in this New York performance. This sort of thing was the motivation to make this album a U.S. only release. The companies involved believed the British public wouldn't buy a record that was, in many ways, identical to the Drury Lane album. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
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Michael Palin: Hello, good evening and welcome to the Abraham Beam Institute of Advanced Finance...where we are about to witness "All-in Wrestling" brought to you tonight by the makers of Scum, the first ever combined salad dressing and foot ointment, Baldie Gel, the magnificent new hair dressing that leaves your head so clean you can eat off it, and Ano-Gum, the gum that keeps those other cheeks fresh all week long. Introducing tonight, for your delight, in the red corner, all the way from Reigate in Cuba, Colin Bomber Harris (crowd cheer) and on my right in the red corner, all the way from Reigate in Cuba, Colin Bomber Harris (short pause, then crowd cheer).
John Cleese: Well, good evening, now, this is the first time that Colin Bomber Harris has met himself. A few formalities with the referee, any moment now, we'll be ready for the start of round one. (bell) And there goes the bell. Colin moves out into the center of the ring. Moving round, looking for an opening. He's going for the hand-hold...He's got it. And already Colin is working on that weak left knee of his. Flying Welshman...and into the Philadelphia Half-Lotus, and Colin has bitten his own left foot there, and the referee saw that, and he's giving Colin a public warning and Colin did not like that one little bit. He's looking pretty mad now. There's the famous Overhead Double Nostril there. How's he going to get out of this? Oh, now a side-kick. And, into the... Boston Longestein there, or is it a Crayfish? Yes, no, it's the Boston Crayfish. And he should be able to keep one of those shoulders off the floor, and a lovely move there, and he's caught himself by surprise, and that's it! The first fall to Colin Bomber Harris! Caught himself there... The Strawberry Whip, a Vanilla Whip, and a Chocolate Whip. Three, three whips in a row, and there it is! The famous Over Right Shoulder Gerry Ford, and now he is in real trouble. This is one that he got from the President... Oh, he's just lucky there. Lucky there to have made the ropes I think, because... Oh, and he caught himself by surprise there with a Double Eydie Gormé. He should be able to twist out of this. And he does. He's looking pretty groggy now. There's a forearm smash, I think he caught himself there! And a third! A third and Colin Bomber Harris has knocked himself out and so he is the winner! And he goes on to Wolverhampton next Thursday to meet himself in the final. (Stavro Arrgolus) |
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