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Duration: 2:34 
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Ladies and gentlemen. Where is bimbo number 5?

Are you ready for the Bill-enium?


One, two, three, four, six
Everybody in the car, let's go have sex,
To the hotel around the corner,
The girls want to do the president,
But I really don't wan-na
Get caught like I did last year
I'll find a new girl with a great big rear,
I had Monica, and Jennifer, Paula, and Kathleen
And maybe five other girls in be-tween
But I like to try a new piece of pork
When old pumpkin legs is in New York
If she's alive I will try to jump her,
Then I will dump her.

a little bit of Monica, ohh no more
a little bit of Jennifer, out the door
a little bit of Paula, on the bed
a little bit of Hillary, now I'm dead!

Bimbo number five!

Pull your pants down,
And toss it on the ground,
Now bark like a hound,
And I'll make a doggy sound,
I'll chase you,
And you chase me,
And if I get caught,
Will you spank my fanny please?
Clap your hands once,
Here's a big surprise,
Everyone was wrong,
It points to the right!

Monica's gone away
Maybe Miss America would come and play
A little bit of Brittany would be nice
A little bit of Hillary I'm on ice

Bimbo number 5!

Booty Call!

Hey baby!
Have you ever been involved in a forty billion dollar investigation?
As a matter of fact my condoms do have the presidential seal on them
Hey, want to see the Eagle's beak get real big
(ha ha ha ha ha)

Note to myself
Nail her later

A little bit of Monica, ohhh no more,
A little bit of Jennifer, out the door,
Jennifer Lopez, in my bed,
A little bit of Hillary, now I'm dead!


Oh I do love New York!
Won't you please elect my wife?
Ya know, get her out of the house,
'cos yeah I got yard work to do, yeah that's right
Yard Work

Oh, excuse me? Bimbo number Six?
Current Rating 9.5 (5 votes)
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Messages about the song: "Bimbo Number Five"
P_Gunn   Offline  -  Member  -  08-25-14 04:45 PM  -  10 years ago
I'm having a hard time reconciling who the actual artist for this song is/was. Some sources, including the "Not Al" page attribute it to The Woody Show, while some others (including the Wikipedia page for Mambo No. 5) credit it to another radio station group out of NY that would have, at the supposed time, gone by the "name" of the Z100 Morning Zoo.

From what I've been able to find, The Woody Show didn't come into existence until January 2006 on KITS, and the Wikipedia page for their previous station, WKQX, does not mention any of them by name, grouping, or show, leading one to surmise that they were of no real consequence there. Given that nothing else I've read about them suggests that they were ever into making parody songs, I find it difficult to believe that they made this song, especially more than 5 years after the original material (song and scandal) was a big deal.

To the contrary, the name credited in the Wiki page for Mambo #5 was, and still is, part of the morning show on WHTZ, starting the "Zoo" format in early 1996, and they have a reputation for making parody songs, however, I can't find any info on the name credited for the Bill Clinton voice.

Of course, I can't explain why the song didn't appear on the show until *just before* The Woody Show officially took to the airwaves, and not closer to the time that the song logically should have come out.
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  06-25-09 09:25 AM  -  15 years ago
All history now moved here.

DJ Particle:
Nope, no difference.

Tim P. Ryan:
Is there a difference between this song and the next song
Bimbo Number Five? (30765)
I fixed the playlist to point to the other song.

DJ Particle:
Artist name "The Woody Show" according to the "Not Al Page"
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  06-24-09 02:20 PM  -  15 years ago
Is there a difference between this song and the next song
Bimbo Number Five? (30765)
I fixed the playlist to point to the other song.

DJ Particle:
Artist name "The Woody Show" according to the "Not Al Page"
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